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The fabric inspection is done by both the fabric maker and the garment maker.

During the fabric inspection, the fabric web is checked for fabric defects and an inspection report is

After substance control, substances are classified according to the quality level of the substance.

In the fabric inspection, the roll of fabric is opened, passed through a fabric inspection machine with a
light under the fabric, and the fabric inspector visually inspects the fabric.

When checking the fabric, mark the defect with chalk or put a sticker on the defect.

AI has simplified and made our lives easier.

The goal is to achieve the best experience with the right balance.

The demand for items such as fitness trackers and wearable technology, smart fabrics and smart clothing
will emerge.

The growing demand for high quality products, the textile industry is using automation.

AI to reduce labor and manufacturing costs and deliver items according to customer requirements

Fabric pattern inspected by smart AI models.

Artificial Neutral Network (ANN) are used to make easier to trace spots of fabric pattern like weaving and

Cognex ViDi is an example of AI technology that can automatically inspect fabric samples, invented by
Cognex Corp, for example.

Artificial neural networks (ANNs) with fault tolerance and learning capabilities can be used to detect
fabric defects.

The output of the processed imagIe is used as an input to an artificial neural network (ANN) that uses a
backpropagation algorithm to calculate the weighting factor and produces the desired classification of
defects as output.

It is mainly for pattern recognition and classifications.

It is highly accurate for woven fabrics.

It is mainly relies on human experience in judging fabric hand.

It is more accurate and easy to inspect the fabric.

It is very fast and in detail method.

AI can perform this task at a faster rate, with much higher accuracy and without fatigue.

It reduces cost labor, more accurate and works at faster rate.

It uses backpropagating algorithm.

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