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Ch: Cognitive
CH: Name Topic Sub Topic Item Item+ Marks SLOs Selected for model paper Items (Biology)
No Level

Introduction to
Branches of Biology MCQ 1+1 Knowledge •Define biology its major divisions i.e. botany, zoology and microbiology.
Introduction Biology
1 to biology
Level of biological •Describe the level of organization of life (organelles, cells, tissues, organs
Level 5: Tissues RRQ 1+4 Understanding
organization and organ systems and individuals).
•Describe the steps involved in biological method i.e. recognition of a
biological problem, observation and identification, building up hypotheses,
Solving Biological method Deductions MCQ 1+1 Understanding
drawing deductions, devising experiments and inferring results (malaria as
2 Biological
an example).
Examples of Data organization
ERQ 1+4 Understanding • Justify mathematics as an integral part of the scientific process.
biological method and data analysis

Classification of Principles of • Explain the aims and principles of classification, keeping in view its
MCQ 1+1 Understanding
organisms classification historical background.
Biodiversity Five kingdom
3 characteristics of RRQ 1+4 Understanding • Describe the diagnostic characteristics of the five kingdoms
five kingdoms
Conservation of Conservation of
ERQ 1+3 Knowledge • Define the concept of conservation.
biodiversity biodiversity

Cellular structure • Identify the structure and describe, in general terms, the functions of the
and functions components of plant and animal cell.
Passage of
MCQ 2+2 • Compare passive transport of matter by diffusion and osmosis with active
Cells and Application
4 molecules into Diffusion transport (e.g. Diffusion of glucose from intestine to villus epithelium and
Tissues active transport of Sodium ions from nerve cell to outside.)
and out of cells
Electron Understanding • Explain the concepts of light microscopy and electron microscopy
Microscopy RRQ 2+8
microscopy + Knowledge • Define turgor and describe its importance.
Osmosis Turgor

Animal tissues Animal tissues ERQ 1+4 Understanding • Describe major animal tissues.

Events of
Cell cycle
interphase Understanding
• Describe the sub-phases of Interphase of Cell Cycle.
MCQ 2+2 +
Apoptosis and
Apoptosis and • Describe Necrosis and Apoptosis.
Differences Differences
Cell Cycle between between
5 • Describe the differences in the structure and function of prokaryotic and
prokaryotic and prokaryotic and
Application+ eukaryotic cell
eukaryotic cell eukaryotic cell RRQ 2+8
Knowledge • Enlist the events through which Mitotic Apparatus is formed in prophase in
animal and plant cells.
Karyokinesis Prophase

• Define Cell Cycle and describe its main phases i.e. Interphase and
Cell cycle Cell cycle ERQ 1+3 Knowledge

Mechanism of Lock and Key

MCQ 1+1 Understanding • Describe the action of enzyme through Lock-n-Key Model.
enzyme action model

Enzymes Characteristics of Specificity of

6 RRQ 1+4 Understanding • Describe the specificity of different enzymes for different substrates.
enzyme enzyme

Characteristics of Characteristics of
ERQ 1+3 Application • Categorize enzymes as intra and extracellular
enzyme enzyme
Importance of
Bio- Importance of • Describe the importance of Oxidation-Reduction reactions for the flow of
oxidation- Understating+
7 Energetics oxidation-reduction MCQ 2+2 energy through living systems.
reduction Understanding
reactions • Explain the concept of limiting factors in photosynthesis.
The concept of The concept of
limiting factors in limiting factors in
photosynthesis photosynthesis
Comparison Comparison
between between
RRQ 1+4 Application • Compare respiration and photosynthesis.
Photosynthesis Photosynthesis and
and respiration respiration
ATP as the
ATP as the energy
energy currency ERQ 1+4 Understanding • Describe the synthesis and breaking of ATP through ATP-ADP cycle.
currency of cells
of cells

Minerals Role of calcium MCQ 1+1 Application • Categorize minerals nutrients into macronutrients and micronutrients.

Nutrition Components of • Describe the deficiency symptoms of Vitamins A, C and D and of Calcium
8 Vitamin D RRQ 1+4 Understanding
human food and Iron.

• State the signs and symptoms, causes, treatments and preventions of the
Disorder of Gut Diarrhea ERQ 1+3 Understanding
disorders of gut i.e. diarrhea, constipation, and ulcer.

Transportation of Transportation of
MCQ 1+1 Understanding • Describe the pathway of water and food in stem.
water water

Transport in
Human Beings
Transport Knowledge+ • List the functions of the components of blood.
9 RRQ 2+8
Understanding • Describe the external and internal structure of human heart.
Human heart Arteries

Cardiovascular Atherosclerosis and

ERQ 1+4 Application • Differentiate between Atherosclerosis and Arteriosclerosis.
Disorder Arteriosclerosis

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