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Kuanyshkali Nurai

Text “Why should we learn English?”

There are approximately 3000 languages in the world.But many people think that it’s
necessary to learn English.We have selected 5 main reasons why:The most important
reason that English is the official language in more than 40 countries.Approximately 400
million people speak English as a native language.There are 5 English speaking countries
in the world.The UK,USA,Canada,Australia and New Zeland.People who were born and
live in these countries are native English speakers.

The second reason nowadays we see attendency many countries borrow some words from
the English language.For example:internet,football,computer and other.They change
pronounsations to make them easier and to remember in their native language.Every
language has some borrowed words from English.It means that English is the popular and
powerful language in the world.

The third reason the English will help you in your future career.If you want to become
successful,you must speak English well.There are many foreign companies in our
country.These companies conduct negotiations with their international partners,mostly in
English.Therefore they hire employers who can speak English fluently.And they fire those
who don’t speak English.Also if you want to set up your own business,knowledge of English
will be very useful.

Forth reason English will give you an opportunity to enter the most prestigious universities
in the world.The best university in the world Previte education,only in the English
language.When you study abroad,you receive high quality education,you improve your
English,you make friends from all of the world.These friends will be very useful
connections in future.If you might decide to participate in international conference during
your studying and the English will probably be the main language of the conference.

If you want to become an educated person,you should learn English fluently.English is one
of the useful skills nowadays.Everyone respects people who speaks English well.English is
the key of everything and it gives you many opportunities.

First problem,despite the popularity of the English language,some countries think that
English is dangerous.There are some countries where there are 2 official languages:English
and local language.In these countries young people prefer to use English more often and
they slowly forget their native language.The government thinks that the native language
will disappear because of English.

The second problem,some European countries are not happy with the fact that the English
is the international language.France wants French to be international language.Germany
German,Italy Italian.Spain Spanish.This situation let to many arguments among European
contries.They wanted to solve this problem and decided to create their an art official
language.It’s called asperanto.Asperanto is the mix of English,French,German,Spanish and
Italian.They wanted to make it international language.But this attend failed.Unfortunately,
very few people speak aspearanto and English still holds its state of international language

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