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1. PROSE- ordinary language that follows regular grammatical conventions and does not
contain a formal metrical structure.
Examples of prose are: conversation, textbooks, lectures, novels, short stories, fairy tales,
newspaper articles, and essays. An example work of Prose is Cinderella.

2. PROSE DRAMA- form of writing that focuses on a natural flow of speech to describe an
exciting or unexpected series of events. This type of writing does not follow a metrical
Examples of Prose Drama are Comedy, Tradegy, Melodrama, Farce, and History.

3. PROSE FICTION- an imaginary story, usually written down, that someone tells in everyday,
natural language. The opposite of nonfiction and poetry, it lets people leave reality, exploring
characters and events that typically are limited only by the scope of the writer’s imagination. It
generally uses a variety of techniques such as narrative and has a wide range in terms of length.
Examples of Prose Fiction are Historical Fiction Novel, and History Textbooks.

4. PROSE ALLEGORY- characters and events refer to more levels of meaning than the literal one
Examples of Prose Allegory are fable, parable and apalogue. One example work of Prose
Allegory is Animal Farm, by George Orwell.

5. PROSE ROMANCE- is a fictional narrative in prose or verse that represents a chivalric theme
or relates improbable adventures of idealised characters in some remote or enchanted setting.
It typically deploys monodimensional or static characters who are sharply discriminated as
heroes or villains, masters or victims. The protagonist is often solitary and isolated from a social
context, the plot emphasises adventure, and is often cast in the form of a quest for an ideal or
the pursuit of an enemy.
Examples of Prose Romance are Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.
6. TALE OF ADVENTURE- comparatively simple narrative, either fictitious or true, written or
recounted orally in prose or in verse, it can be marvelous, or even supernatural. An example for
this is The Indiana Jones Series of films.

7. NOVEL- fictitious prose narrative of book length, typically representing character and action
with some degree of realism. An example work for this is the Florante at Laura, Dekada '70 at
Mga ibong Mandaragit.

8. NOVELETTE- any short, fictional work of prose narrative. Novelettes have a lower number of
words than a novel or novella, but a higher word count than other forms of prose fiction like
short stories or microfiction. An example of Novelette is The Fall of the House of Usher by Edgar
Allan Poe.

9. SHORT STORY- brief work of fiction, usually written in prose and running 1,600 to 20,000
words in length. The literary roots of the short story can be found in oral storytelling traditions,
such as anecdotes, fables, fairy tales, and parables. An example of short story in the Philippines
is the All over the world by Vicente Rivera.

10. BIOGRAPHY- simply the story of a real person’s life. It could be about a person who is still
alive, someone who lived centuries ago, someone who is globally famous, an unsung hero
forgotten by history, or even a unique group of people. Example of Biography is The First
Filipino by León Maria Guerrero III.

11. AUTOBIOGRAPHY- its works can take many forms, from the intimate writings made during
life that were not necessarily intended for publication (including letters, diaries, journals,
memoirs, and reminiscences) to a formal book-length autobiography. Its examples are
Biography of Nick Joaquin, The Biography of Jose P. Rizal, The Biography of Andres Bonifacio.

12. JOURNALS- an account of day-to-day events or a record of experiences, ideas, or reflections

kept regularly for private use that is similar to, but sometimes less personal than, a diary. An
example of Journal is My Food Log, it is the food journal of an aspiring low-carb, fast-food
13. DIARY- form of autobiographical writing, a regularly kept record of the diarist's activities
and reflections. Written primarily for the writer's use alone, the diary has a frankness that is
unlike writing done for publication. An examples of Diary's are, Angelica Carballo Pago, Diary of
Ferdinand Marcos, Diary of Calvin Jackson etc.,



MYTH Preytag’s The story is all The water was The figurative
The Story of Pyramid about how the the kingdom of language used is
Creation world was made the goddess the metaphor,
(Visayan by the Maguayan, and more on the
Version) splattered body the sky was characters in the
of the ruled by the story were
characters in the great god, compared to a
story. Kaptan. thing wherein it
Maguayan had a represents their
daughter called personalities.
Lidagat, the sea,
and Kaptan had
a son known as
Lihangin, the
had a body of
rock and was
strong and
form of gold and
was always
made of copper
and was always
weam and timid.
made of pure
silver and was
sweet and
When all of
them were
struck by
The first struck
the copper
Libulan and
melted him into
a ball. The
second struck
the golden
Liadlao and he
too was melted.
The third bolt
Likalibutan and
his rocky body
broke into many
pieces and fell
into the sea. So
huge was he
that parts of his
body stuck out
above the water
and became
what is known
as land.
LEGEND Preytag’s The story is all The A figurative
The Legend of Pyramid about a kid who characteristic of language used in
the Pineapple has been spoiled the story the story is a
because she is specifically Hyperbole in the
just an only about the main figure of speech
child. She keeps lead which is when Pina’s
on being lazy Pina, she is a kid mother talk
and disobedient with a about Pina to
towards her personalities of have thousands
mother until her being lazy and of eyes which
mother got ill disobedient. shown an
but she still kept One day Pina exaggeration
on being lazy grown thousand situation.
and disobeying eyes. Her
her mother’s mother on the
order to her. other hand is a
Until her mother lovely mother to
talk ill about her child, she’s
Pina to have a the one who
lot of eyes curse Pina to
because of her have thousands
laziness until eyes.
Pina got
thousand of
eyes. And Pina
generous to
others unlike
what she used
to be.
FOLKTALES Fichtean The story is all Monkey is the The figurative
THE MONKEY Structure about a monkey greedy characterlanguage used in
AND THE and a turtle the Turtle on the
this story was
TURTLE wherein the other hand is personification
(ILOCANO) turtle who is the more because the
weak and slow patient and human is just
win over the hard-working the only one
monkey who is one. who can speak
more cunning not these
and stronger. animals in the
EPIC Preytag’s He was an ALIGUYON is the The used
THE STORY OF Pyramid intelligent, eager handsomest, the figurative
ALIGUYON young man who bravest, the language is
wanted to learn strongest and Hyperbole
many things, the most wherein the
and indeed, he industrious in characters
learned many their tribe. possess an
useful things, Bugan is the exaggerated
from the stories most beautiful physical
and teachings of woman. appearance.
his father. He
learned how to
fight well and
chant a few
magic spells.
Even as a child,
he was a leader,
for the other
children of his
village looked up
to him with awe.


1. A
2. B
3. B
4. A
5. A
6. A
7. A
8. B
9. B
10. A
11. A
12. A


Literature is what we always use in our everyday lives, we use it in school, and in any work that
include arts. But some didn’t know that what we are doing or using everyday is called literature,
we write, we constructs a text to form a creative informations but some just knew it as writing
or forming text to deliver messages. In literature, we express what we want to conveys to
others, it’s not just a simple writing or construction of information but it consists of emotion
and passion where it’ll come out creatively so the audience that will read it will be interested in
our works. So here is the questions,
What’s actually a literature? How does it apply to our lives?
Literature is any collection of written work, but it is also used more narrowly for writings
specifically considered to be an art form, especially prose fiction, drama, and poetry. In recent
centuries, the definition has expanded to include oral literature, much of which has been
transcribed. Literature is a method of recording, preserving, and transmitting knowledge and
entertainment, and can also have a social, psychological, spiritual, or political role.
It applies in our lives in a way where It varies a different kind of information to be tell, without
applying literature, our lives for sure isn’t as wonderful as what we have right now, our ability in
literature wouldn’t be developed and it would be a big waste if ever literature didn’t happen to
be developed by our ancestors. Literature is also a way for each of us to be known, we know
how many country’s in this planet Earth, by having our own literature, we can be known by
foreign by who we are today as a country with full of creative story to be tell to the world.

In conclusion, we should all be reminded how much literature contributed to our lives, we
should always looks to our origins, who made literature for us to be known by others. But not
just by others but our own self also, without our ancestors who found literature, we might be
unknown to what can be a way for our lives to be a colorful as what we have right now. Protect
and secure our literature because we, as an individual, can be literate in our own.


The prose language is more aesthetic than the Poetic language, as far as I know, Poetic
constructed with its length that should be followed when writing. Even if the Poetic language
consist of a very endearing thoughts because of it’s format but the Prose Language is more
endearing and productive on its own. Aside from its free verse where people usually find it
more easy to absorb but Prose is more on a language where we use it in our daily lives, we are
more on practiced on doing it other than the Poetic Language where it just used in some
situations for example if you are a song writer or a poet, but in Prose Language, we are more on
comfortable on using it because as what I said, we used it in our daily lives.
The Pre-Spanish Literature had a big contribution when it comes on making our literature more
known to our country because they are the one who published our ancestors works despite of
removing our ancestors made alphabet because of how its look.
There’s a lot of literature in our country before they arrive, majority of them were orals but
when the Spanish arrive, they improve our country’s capability when it comes to literature
wherein they made our ancestors work be known and let it focus our Literature. Legend,
folktales, epic, and myths were still enjoyed to this era because of how it patronize before.

The legend is just an imaginary, and unbelievable story that we can conclude as something
more favorable for the kids because at their age, they are believing all the things they read
especially that it’s in a book. Legend is actually fun to read because of the twist of the story at
the end, it’s more on captivating despite of the unbelievable outcome of the story. Folktales,
it’s more on improving our perspective as a person because of the story flows. Epic is more on
powers where it’s give an excitement for the readers, though we know that too much
characteristic for a character is not really existing but it still gives us the vibes of reading some
epic to hype our moods. Lastly the myths, more on God or creation, wherein we will believe
that those creation might be true because how things around us were like that and because of
the myths, we believe that we created by God with all His love for us.

In conclusion, the Legend, Epic, Myth and Folktales should still matter in our generation
because without it our Literature isn’t colorful as it is, without believing in any thing in the past
won’t make us someone with dignity and passion for the things that we’ll do. So we still should
patronize these works because our ancestors truly gave all their heart to give us a wonderful
inheritance that we, Filiipino’s, only us will be benefit of it.


Elements of Fiction in the Story

It started when Alfredo's having a dilemma on his mind about Julia Salas coming to his way and
couldn't deny the fact that he already felt attracted towards her despite of having Esperanza as
his fiance. He didn't know that meeting Julia would turned him into a different person. And
questions appears continuously.


Alfredo Salazar
Julia Salas
Don Julian
Judge Del Valle
Doña Adela
Brigada Samuy
Don Julian's House
Don Julian's House in Tanda
Calle Real
Calle Luz in Sta. Cruz
Judge Del Valle's House
Our Lady of Sorrow of Church
Holy Week
Alfredo Salazar has been engage with Esperanza for four years, when they do the neighboring
to the house of Judge Del Valle, he met Julia Salas and grow a feeling towards her when him
and Don Julian continue neighboring.
Despite of his feeling for Julia Salas, he still manage to marry Esperanza because he's afraid
what might society think about him. But when Esperanza confronted him, their relationship
ended. After 8 years, he met Julia Salas and see how things have change to his beloved Julia
Salas, and that was the time he admit that everything's over.
Even though Alfredo's already engaged to Esperanza, he still fall in love with another woman
named Julia Salas.
The conflict of the story is when Alfredo's not yet ready for a commitment with Esperanza
despite of being in a relationship with her for many years.
Internal Conflict- Alfredo struggles against society because, especially during the time of the
story, he was afraid of the reaction of people around him. People often pay heavy attention to
the community they relate to.
Following the procession for The Daughter of Sorrows, Alfredo picked up Julia. He
congratulated Alfredo once Julia learned about his wedding at that time.
Alfredo and Esperanza got married and after 8 years he went to find Julia Salas, when they met,
he found out that Julia is not the Julia he met before.
After 8 years Alfred went to the hometown of Julia Salazar hoping that he could continue the
moments he was with Julia, when he learned that Julia's still unmarried he thought that she's
just faithful to him but when they met, Julia was surprised of his appearance but then Alfredo
saw how Julia changed. From the way she look at him, things have been change and that's the
time when Alfredo admitted that everything's over. The light of the dead stars he's been seeing

Answer: There’s a lot of creation myth that was created in our country which were from
different provinces in the Philippines. All of the creation myth were just only conveys a
conclusion of how the world was made through different Filipino beliefs about how the world
was made. Those myths present the Philippines treasure where the world came from them, and
it also reflect the Filipino’s superstitious belief in which more of the myth was taken.
Answer: The moral of the creation is everything that we have now have its origin that we
should cherish, even though different creations were made but we should be reminded that
having those creations, we could live with beliefs and directions in life. And also the creation
just shown how the God gave us the reason to live, even though those creation weren’t the one
in the Bible, but God was still part of it why it was made for us to believe something that we will
treasure in our life.
Answer: As Filipinos, we revere all of the myths and tales about our ancestors, heroes, and
origins. We have a passion for everything of this nature. Giving significance and meaning to all
our forebears or heroes have done for us is something we can do on our own. Without them,
we would not be celebrating our freedom. It demonstrates who we are today and how we are
perceived in this nation.

Before the Spanish Literature the Philippines already have its own
Literature wherein this period is known as Oral Literature in the Philippines. To
what have I recalled, our literature before is more on cultural tradition rather
than art because they based their stories, myths, bugtungan, fable, and salawikain
from food that they eat, gathering, farming, house and I think anything random to
our lives now but important for them. Whenever I hear “Oral Literature” In my
head I imagine all the rebelde that wants freedom from the foreign countries who
wants to colonize our bayang sinilangan like, Spain, American,and Japanese.

Bugtong bugtong is my most favorite of all in the Filipino literature, when I

was in grade 2 my classmates love to have a game and guess what is that bugtong
and we’ll play. It’s really a fun lesson to learn. Also the Alamat. I’m really fond of
reading those stories, I even remember when our teacher ask us to buy our own
textbook for us to have our own Alamat book, then when I was a kid I pity those
characters who was cursed and turned into cashew, pineapple and those giants
who threw mud with each other until it turned out as the bulubundukin of bohol.
I believed in those stories too and the Alamat book is still existing. When it comes
to folk songs, I’m not really a big fan of it but yes it is the first song that I have
ever learned in my life like, sitsiritsit, bahay kubo, etc. There was those times that
we have to dance with those folk songs and I’m like, NO. I mean,the beat is so fast
and lively and I’m not that kind of person who dances lively.

Pre colonial Literature is the most fascinating and amazing period in the
history. I mean I think it’s where the art begun. I said this statement “pre-colonial
literature is more on cultural tradition rather than art because they based their
stories” but I think it’s art.

Baybayin is one of the precolonial writing systems used by early Filipinos. The term “baybayin”
comes from the Tagalog root word baybay, which means “to spell.”

For many years the script was incorrectly referred to as “alibata,” based on the arrangement of
another alphabet system – Arabic, in which the first letters are called alif, ba, and ta.

When the Spaniards arrived in the Philippine archipelago, they observed that most of the
natives, not just the elite, could read and write. The script was used not only to record but also
to write poetry, incantations, and letters.

The “Doctrina” embodies the meeting of cultures, worldviews, technologies, and languages.
This catechism, printed in both Romanized and local Baybayin scripts, was shaped not only by
missionaries—some of whom had experience interacting with indigenous populations in Mexico
prior to arrival in Manila and also extensive dealings with Chinese—but also by local
interpreters, teachers and craftsmen. In this sense, the “Doctrina” was both local and global.
The work reminds us of the deep ties that bind the Philippines and the Americas. To celebrate
this history, the Embassy of the Philippines and Principalia Sa Bulalacao held a viewing of the
“Doctrina” on October 28 at the Library of Congress.


The second book printed in the Philippines was written by Fr. Blancas de San Jose in 1602, and
printed at the UST Printing Press with the help of Juan de Vera, a Chinese mestizo. It contains
the biographies of saints, novenas, and questions and answers on religion.
It was the first typographic book printed in 1604.
This is a Biblical story printed in the Philippines and translated to Tagalog from Greek by Fr.
Antonio de Borja.
It is believed to be the first Tagalog novel published in the Philippines even if it is only a
translation. The printed translation has only 556 pages. The Ilocano translation in poetry was
done by Fr. Agustin Mejia.
This is the book about the life and sufferings of Jesus Christ. It is read only during Lent. There
were 4 versions of this in Tagalog and each version is according to the name of the writer.
These are the Pilapil version (by Mariano Pilapil of Bulacan, 1814), the de Belen version (by
Gaspar Aquino de Belen of Bat. In 1704), the de la Merced (by Aniceto de la Merced of
Norzagaray, Bulacan in 1856) and the de Guia version (by Luis de Guia in 1750).Critics not agree
whether it is the Pilapil or the de la Merced version which is the most popular.
A book by Modesto de Castro, the so called Father of Classic Prose in Tagalog. These are letters
between two sisters Urbana at Felisa and have influenced greatly the behavior of people in
society because the letters dealt with good behavior.
A collection of songs praising the Virgin Mary. Fr. Mariano Sevilla, a Filipino priest, wrote this in
1865 and it was popular especially during the Maytime “Flores de Mayo” festival.

Ang Mga Dalit kay Maria (Psalms for Mary).

A collection of songs praising the Virgin Mary. Fr. Mariano Sevilla, a Filipino priest, wrote this in
1865 and it was popular especially during the Maytime “Flores de Mayo” festival.


1. Fiction – literature in the form of prose, especially short stories and novels, that
describes imaginary events and people.
2. Nonfiction – prose writing that is based on facts, real events, and real people, such as
biography or history.
3. Manuscript – a book, document, or piece of music written by hand rather than typed or
4. Poem – a piece of writing in which the words are chosen for their beauty and sound and
are carefully arranged, often in short lines which rhyme.
5. Songs – a musical composition with at least one melody, a vocal line, and words, usually
following one of several culturally specific repetitive structures .
6. Novels – piece of long narrative in literary prose. Narrative prose is meant to entertain
and tell a story. It is a description of a chain of events which includes a cast of
characters, a setting, and an ending.
7. Memoirs – a historical account or biography written from personal knowledge or special

TAGALOG FOLKSONGS (Bahay Kubo, Leron-Leron sinta, Magtanim ay di biro, Paru-parung bukid
at Sitsiritsit Alibangbang)


SENAKULO- The Senakulo (or cenaculo) is the staged re-enactment of Christ’s passion and
death. It is also known as pasyon y muerte, passion play (Rizal, Bulacan, Bataan, and

Pampanga); centurion or hudyuhan (Laguna); tanggal (Bicol region); and pamalandong (Leyte).
The performance of the Senakulo is traced to the late 17th and early 18th centuries when the
first Pasyon text was written.
ZARZUELA- empowers the appreciation of Filipino culture and values, and is packaged in a
comical and musical style are what define the zarzuela. The zarzuela is a beautiful art form of
lyric theater drama incorporated with singing, dancing and dialogue. It is comical in nature.

TIBAG- the word tibag means to excavate. This ritual was brought here by the Spaniard to
remind the people about the search of St. Helena for the Cross on which Jesus died.
LAGAYLAY- this is a special occasion for the Pilareños of Sorsogon during Maytime to get
together. As early as April, the participating ladies are chosen and sometimes, mothers

volunteer their girls in order to fulfill a vow made during an illness or for a favor received. In
some parts of Bicol, a different presentation is made but the objective is the same – praise,
respect and offering of love to the Blessed Cross by St. Helen on the mound she had dug in.

PANUNULUYAN- this is presented before 12:00 on Christmas Eve. This is a presentation of the
search of the Virgin Mary and St. Joseph for an inn wherein to deliver the baby Jesus.

SALUBONG- an Easter play that dramatizes the meeting of the Risen Christ and his Mother. It is
still presented in many Philippine towns.

CARILLIO- this is a form of dramatic entertainment performed on a moonless night during a

town fiesta or on dark nights after a harvest.
SAINETE- this was a short musical comedy popular during the 18 th century. They were
exaggerated comedies shown between acts of long plays and were mostly performed by
characters from the lower classes. Themes were taken from everyday life scenarios.
MORO-MORO- This is performed during town fiestas to entertain the people and to remind
them of their Christian religion. The plot is usually the same that of a Christian princess or a
nobleman’s daughter who is captured by the Mohammedans. The father organizes a rescue
party where fighting between the Moros and the Christians ensue.

KARAGATAN- This is a poetic vehicle of a socio-religious nature celebrated during the death of
a person. In this contest, more or less formal, a ritual is performed based on a legend about a

princess who dropped her ring into the middle of the sea and who offered here hand in
marriage to anyone who can retrieve it.

DUPLO- This is a poetic joust in speaking and reasoning. The roles are taken from the Bible and
from proverbs and saying. It is usually played during wakes for the dead.
BALAGTASAN- This is a poetic joust or a contest of skills in debate on a particular topic or issue.
This is replaced the DUPLO and is held to honor Francisco “Balagtas” Baltazar.

DUNG-AW- This is a chant in free verse by a bereaved person or his representative beside the
corpse of the dead. No definite meter or rhyming scheme is used. The person chanting it freely

recites in poetic rhythm according to his feelings, emotions and thoughts. It is personalized and
usually deals with the life, sufferings and sacrifices of the dead and includes apologies for his

• is the Tagalog word for song while the Spanish word 'corrido' means "a metrical story.
• It follows the pattern of rhyming stanzas established in the Philippine epic Pasyon.
• type of Filipino poem, consisting of 12-syllable quatrains.
Example: Florante at Laura
• the generic name for Philippine romances.
• refers to metrical romances in octosyllabic (8 syllables) verse called ‘hakira’ while the awit is
in dodecasyllabic (12 syllables) verse called ‘plosa.’
• same term used for the romances in Ilongo, Cebuano, and Bicol. It is called ‘kuriru’ (a
corruption of korido) in Pampango; ‘biag’ (life) or ‘pinagbiag’ in Ilocano; and ‘impanbilay’ in
Example: Ibong Adarna
Prepared by: Johanne Lee O. Rey
Instructor: Mrs. Ma. Corazon M. Anareta
1A- Bachelor of Elementary Education
Prepared by: Johanne Lee O. Rey
Instructor: Mrs. Ma. Corazon M. Anareta
1A- Bachelor of Elementary Education

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