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Professor: Laika M. Richards

Cellphone: 6921-7030
ESP English 140 B Reading & Composition
Topic: Reading: Where´s my Robot
Name: noemi reyes calvo,Carolina Mojica

TASK #1. Vocabulary Building.

I. Fill in the blanks in the sentences below with one of these words from the reading.
Recharge interior viewers gourmet
Predict housekeeper all-purpose assemble

1. A: Are you and your girlfriend going to a ____gourmet ________ restaurant for your
B: No, we´re going to a pizza place. I like pizza better than fancy food.
2. Some people use crystal balls and others use playing cards to try to ______predict______
the future.
3. My cell phone doesn´t work. I forgot to ______recharge__________ the battery.
4. This paint is for the _____interior______________ of the house, not for the outside.
5. I wish we had a _____housekeeper________ to clean up our apartment.
6. A: I bought this toy for my nephew, but it is really difficult to ___assemble____________.
B: I´m sure you could put it together if you read the directions.
7. More ________viewers_________________ watch television on Sunday night than on any
other night.
8. This ________allpurpose__________ cleaning product should clean everything, but it doesn
´t clean anything!

TASK #2. Main Idea.

I. Identify the main ideas of the reading. Put a checkmark ( ) if the statement states
a main idea. Put G if it is too general. Put S if it is too specific.
Paragraph 1
___S_ _ (A) Many predictions about the future do not come true.
____√ ___ (B) Household robots such as the one in The Jetsons are still not available.
___S____ (C) George Jetson went to work in a rocket.

Paragraph 4
____S___ (A) Robots do not always do a good job.
____G___ (B) The batteries on robot housecleaners don´t last very long.
____√ ___ (C) Although housecleaning robots have been built, they are not very popular with

Paragraph 6
___S____ (A) It will be many years before robots can cook gourmet meals.
___S____ (B) A good all-purpose robot will not be available in the near future.
___√ ____ (C) Cartoons are not good predictions of the future.

The Whole Reading

___√ ____ (A) Robots are useful tools today, and they will be even more useful is the future.
___G____ (B) Entertainment robots and industrial robots are in common use today.
____S___ (C) Although robots have been successful in some fields, household robots are still
not in general use.

TASK #3. Writing and Discussion Questions.

I. Work with a partner or individually to answer these questions.

1. Imagine that you can buy a robot which can do only one task. What kind of robot would
you buy? Explain.

2. Using the Internet, visit several sites that discuss robots. Try to find some basic information
about two types of robots. Write several sentences about the robots that you choose. Try to
find pictures of the robots. Share the information that you learn with the class.
3. One day, robots might take care of very old or sick people. What are other ways that robots
can help people?

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