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Навчально-науковий інститут міжнародних відносин і соціальних наук

Кафедра іноземної філології та перекладу

Наукове есе
з дисципліни “Основи міжкультурної комунікації”
на тему: “Вербальне вирішення проблем”

Виконала: студентка групи С-9-19-

спеціальності 035 “Філологія” Шафран
Олександра Олександрівна
Керівник: к.філол.н., Требик О.С.
Dialogue and monologue are important characteristics of the verbal means of
communication, in particular speaking. Monologic speech is when one person speaks
and the others listen and perceive their message. Dialogue is speech between two or
more interlocutors who change roles.
The monologue seems to predict the reactions of the interlocutor. Statements here are
more detailed, words are chosen more consciously and sentences are built, facial
expressions and gestures play a certain role. During the monologue there is inequality
in the exchange of information. It is dominated by one, for example, a manager. It is
also a source of information, asks questions, monitors and evaluates
answers.However, such interaction involves only a superficial, partial understanding
and acceptance of another participant in communication. Dialogue is sometimes
(even by management specialists) called a special, higher form of human
communication. During the dialogue there is an exchange of views, more attention is
paid to another's word, the positions of the interlocutors are equal. Statements are
used more concisely, and gestures are less. In order to take a step towards dialogue,
the manager must proceed from this postulate - not to defend their views, but to find a
way to jointly consider the problem.Language and speech are closely related. There is
no speech without language and there is no language without speech. Language is a
means or instrument of communication between people, and speech is an act of
human use of language for communication. Linguists study language as a sign system
used for communication, and psychologists - language acts related to human behavior
.Language is a universal means of transmitting information about nature and all
aspects of human existence and human society, as well as about oneself. Perhaps that
is why ancient poets (in particular, Hesiod) argued that language is the most precious
treasure of the people. It unites people more than class, party, religious affiliation,
more than the history of the people, and sometimes even more than ethnicity.
"Whoever thinks in any language belongs to that people," wrote V. Dahl, the son of a
Dane and a German who was born and raised in Ukraine and later became a great
Russian scholar, creator of the famous explanatory dictionary of the Russian
language.Language is a social phenomenon and the main means of communication
between people, the expression of their thoughts and feelings. With the help of
language we acquire knowledge, store it in our memory, pass it on to other people
and use it as needed in our lives. Psychologists distinguish the following functions of
language in communication: 1) the means of existence, transmission and assimilation
of socio-historical experience; 2) a means of intellectual activity (perception,
thinking, imagination); 3) means of transmitting information.
Language is necessary for speech to be intelligible and therefore effective, and
speech, in turn, is necessary for language to convey information.

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