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EE2202 Introduction to Electronic Engineering

Introduction to Digital Systems

Digital System

A digital system is a system that manipulates discrete elements of information represented in

binary form. These discrete elements are discrete in time as well as amplitude.

Binary Codes

Digital systems use signals that have two distinct values and circuit elements that have two stable
slates. There is a direct analogy among binary signals, binary circuit elements and binary digits. A
binary number of n digits, for example, may be represented by n binary circuit elements each
having an output signal equivalent to 1 or 0. Any discrete element of information that is distinct
among a group of quantities can be represented with a binary code (i.e., a pattern of 0's and 1's).

Binary Logic

Binary logic deals with variables that take on two discrete values and with logical operations.
Therefore, Binary logic consists of binary variables and a set of logical operations. The variables
are designated by letters of the alphabet such as A, B, C or x, y, z etc . with each variable having
only two distinct possible values : 1 and 0. There are three basic logical operations: AND, OR, and


EE2202 Introduction to Electronic Engineering [2017] Department of Electrical and Information Engineering

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