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Sacred Heart Academy of Pasig

M. Suarez Ave. (formerly Market Ave.), Maybunga Pasig City

SY 2020-2021


Date: September 7, 2020 Date: September

I. Learning Outcomes I. Learning Outcomes
1.Distinguish between autosomes and sex 1. Master the process of Meiosis phases;
2.Explain how human reproduce an offspring; and 2.Differentiate the differences between meiosis and
3.Appreciate the roles of Cell Division in human mitosis; and
metamorphosis. 3. Appreciate the importance of reduction of
chromosomes in sex cell production.
II. Learning Content
Topic: The Human Life Cycle and Sexual
II. Learning Content

title of the book: Exploring Life through Science Topic: Meiosis II

Resources: Exploring Life through Science
LMS: YouTube, Laptop
LMS: Module
link of video: Not applicable
link of video: Not applicable
media app: Zoom
media app:
Subject Integration: Appreciating human life cycle
Subject Integration: Reading and Writing Skills
and transformation.
III. Learning Procedure
III. Learning Procedure
Approach: Synchronous Learning
Approach: Asynchronous Learning
Method: Inductive Method
Method: Assessment
A. Preparation
1. Apperception
⮚ Prayer A. Preparatory Activity
⮚ Attendance
The students will be asked to do review of the
RECAP THE PREVOUS DISCUSSION previous lessons about chromosomes and sex cells.

2. Motivation
Complete Me Game: The students will be asked to General instruction: All your output will be sent via
complete the sentences below. SHAP email. Take a picture of your book with your
answer and send it in PDF. 1 point each question.
Deadline of all activities will be on September 1 not
later than 2PM
Sacred Heart Academy of Pasig
M. Suarez Ave. (formerly Market Ave.), Maybunga Pasig City
SY 2020-2021


Upon seeing the A. Presentation (These presentations will be sent
picture. What pops- to students as their reference)
up on your mind. You ⮚ MEIOSIS II
have 1minutes to
scrutinize the picture.
And later we will have
a little bit sharing. The goal of meiosis II is to divide sister chromatids,
resulting in sex cells with only half the chromosome

3. Statement of Aims
The students will be asked to read the objectives of
the lesson.

B. Presentation
This time is the discussion of the life cycle, below are
to be discussed and shown on the PowerPoint:
⮚ Sperm Sorting: The solution to Choosing
Your Baby’s Gender ⮚ Prophase II
What is the possibility of choosing the gender of your
child prior to conception? Can the use of Prophase II begins immediately after cytokinesis – the
reproductive technology allow you to have that splitting of the diploid gamete into two haploid
power? There are many reasons that drive couples to daughter cells. In order to prepare for the next
the gender selection process. Gender selection is an division, prophase II condenses chromatin first into
option today for couples who do not want to pass on chromatids, and then more tightly into chromosomes.
sex-linked genetic disorders. Other couples’ resort to Simultaneously, the nuclear membrane dissolves,
gender selection to balance gender in the family. leaving an open area of cytoplasm in which a network
Whatever the reason, there has been an intense debate of proteins (microtubules) has enough space to create
on the ethical use of reproductive technologies to pathways reaching from one side of the cell to the
select the gender of the child. Critics of the other – the spindle apparatus. After the condensing of
reproductive technique argue that selecting the chromatin into chromosomes, and after the
gender of the children will allow parents to treat them disintegration of the nuclear envelope containing these
simply as commodities, to open a door for genetic chromosomes, the centrosomes migrate to either pole.
manipulation, and to drive gender imbalance among Even in the absence of centrosomes, the
populations. reconstruction of the spindle apparatus used during
meiosis I can be initiated. These four steps
characterize prophase II.
Long term survival on earth requires some form of
Sacred Heart Academy of Pasig
M. Suarez Ave. (formerly Market Ave.), Maybunga Pasig City
SY 2020-2021


genetic variation to increase survival rate of ⮚ Metaphase II

organisms in unstable environments. To achieve this,
organisms, including humans, combine genetic Metaphase II is the second stage in meiosis II. It
materials from two different parents in a process follows prophase II, which primarily highlights the
known as sexual reproduction. Human life cycle condensation of the chromosomes and the movement
starts with the union of two sex cells—a sperm cell of centrosomes to polar regions of the cell. The cell is
spermatozoon from the father and an egg cell or in metaphase II when the chromosomes align
ovum from the mother through sexual reproduction. themselves along the metaphase plate through the
The actual Fusion, called fertilization, produces a facilitation of the spindle fibers. The spindle fibers are
zygote. The new nucleus in the zygote must contain now attached to the two kinetochores contained in the
the correct number of chromosomes in order to centromere of each chromosome. Similar to mitotic
produce a healthy individual. Both the perm cell and metaphase, the two kinetochores are bound to the
the egg cell are produced in a type of cell division
spindle fibers from opposite poles and they lie on the
celled meiosis. The sex cells produced in meiosis are
equatorial plane, readying for the chromosomal
haploid cells because they contain only half the
number of chromosomes. A haploid cell is movement towards opposite poles in anaphase II.
represented with the symbol n. As a result of the
union of the haploid spermatozoon (n) and a haploid
ovum (n), a diploid (2n) zygote is formed. The ⮚ Anaphase II
zygote contains two sets of chromosomes—one set
from the father (n) and one set from the mother (n). Anaphase II is the third stage in meiosis II. It is the
In humans, diploid chromosome number is 46. In stage after metaphase II, which is that phase wherein
other words, the zygote contains a total of 46 the chromosomes are at the equatorial plane and
chromosomes, wherein 23 chromosomes from the spindle fibers are attached to the kinetochores.
father and another 23 from the mother. Anaphase II is the stage when sister chromatids of
every chromosome separate and begin to move
towards the opposite ends of the cell. The separation
and the movement are due to the shortening of the
kinetochore microtubules. Anaphase II precedes
telophase II.
Sacred Heart Academy of Pasig
M. Suarez Ave. (formerly Market Ave.), Maybunga Pasig City
SY 2020-2021


⮚ Telophase II
During telophase II, the fourth step of meiosis II, the
chromosomes reach opposite poles, cytokinesis
occurs, the two cells produced by meiosis I divide to
form four haploid daughter cells, and nuclear
envelopes (white in the diagram at right) form. When
In the human life cycle, the process of meiosis is telophase II is over, the two cells are entirely
important to reduce the number of chromosomes
separated, and their nuclear membranes are fully
from diploid (2n=46) to haploid (n=23). This
reduction in the number of chromosomes is essential formed. Meiosis is then complete.
in order to restore the chromosome number once a
sperm unites with an egg during fertilization. The 46
chromosomes found in the diploid cells of humans Table 1: Differences Between Mitosis and Meiosis
are therefore maintained from one generation to the
Mitosis Meiosis
next through the cycle of meiosis, and then followed
by fertilization and mitosis. Without meiosis, the One cell division Two cell divisions
chromosome number of the body cells will double in
each generation, which may lead to abnormalities in Homologous Homologous
each population. More importantly, maintaining the chromosomes never pair chromosomes pair up
correct number of chromosomes ensures the survival along the equator
of the organism. A change in the chromosome
number may be harmful to an individual. Anaphase: sister Anaphase 1: sister
Nevertheless, change in the number of chromosomes chromatids separate chromatids remain
in some locations can be beneficial for the evolution together
of or giving rise to new species. Results in two diploid cells Results in four haploid
C. Comparison and Abstraction
The teacher will ask the following questions to the
students. EXPLORE: 5pts each

How can you relate this Human Life cycle into your
life as your obstacle as a student and how did you General Direction: General Instruction: Please follow
enjoy life after all of those? the below format in making your activity: send it here:
Sacred Heart Academy of Pasig
M. Suarez Ave. (formerly Market Ave.), Maybunga Pasig City
SY 2020-2021

D. Generalization File: MS Word
The students will be asked to complete the sentence. Font type: Times New Roman
I realized that______________________________. Font size: 12
And the human life cycle is a___________________. Paper size: 8.5 x 11 (Letter size)
Truly life could be so complex Deadline: September 11 not later than 3PM

1. In your own words. Kindly explain the differences

between Mitosis and Meiosis.

IV. Assessment: General Instruction: Please follow

the below format in making your activity: send it
File: MS Word
Font type: Times New Roman
Font size: 12
Paper size: 8.5 x 11 (Letter size)
Deadline: September 8 not later than 6PM

Ops! Before anything let’s check if you really get

our discussion. Can you tell me the differences
2. Why do we need to know the differences between
between haploid and diploid? And how are these
Mitosis and Meiosis?
haploid and diploid relevant to our lives.

Haploid Diploid
Sacred Heart Academy of Pasig
M. Suarez Ave. (formerly Market Ave.), Maybunga Pasig City
SY 2020-2021


Description 0pt. 1pt. 2pts.
Coherency No attempt Has point but Has point,
not exact exact, precise
and anchored
to the
discussed topic
Organization No attempt Attempted to At least 2
of thought write but errors in
(grammar, misleading Subject
punctuations) thoughts agreement, and Rubrics
at least 3 in
punctuations. Description 0pt. 1pt. 2pts.
Uniqueness of No attempt Has work, no Not applicable Coherency No attempt Has point but Has point,
answer similarities of not exact exact, precise
answer to and anchored
other to the
classmates. discussed topic
Organization No attempt Attempted to At least 2
of thought write but errors in
(grammar, misleading Subject
END OF CLASS punctuations) thoughts agreement, and
at least 3 in
Uniqueness of No attempt Has work, no Not applicable
answer similarities of
answer to

Activity 2.

⮚ Importance of Meiosis
Meiosis is important because it ensures that all
organisms produced via sexual reproduction contain
the correct number of chromosomes. Meiosis also
produces genetic variation by way of the process of
recombination. Later, this variation is increased even
further when two gametes unite during fertilization,
thereby creating offspring with unique combinations
of DNA. This constant mixing of parental DNA in
Sacred Heart Academy of Pasig
M. Suarez Ave. (formerly Market Ave.), Maybunga Pasig City
SY 2020-2021


sexual reproduction helps fuel the incredible diversity

of life on Earth.

⮚ Significance
1.Meiosis is responsible for the formation of sex cells
or gametes that are responsible for sexual
2.It activates the genetic information for the
development of sex cells and deactivates the
saprophytic information.
3.It maintains the constant number of chromosomes
by halving the same. This is important because the
chromosome number doubles after fertilization.
4.In this process independent assortment of maternal
and paternal chromosomes takes place. Thus, the
chromosomes and the traits controlled by them are
5.The genetic mutation occurs due to irregularities in
cell division by meiosis. The mutations that are
beneficial are carried on by natural selection.
6.Crossing over produces a new combination of traits
and variations.

⮚ Crossing over and Random Fertilization

What helps ensure the survival of a species?
Genetic variation. It is this variation that is the essence
of evolution. Without genetic differences among
individuals, "survival of the fittest" would not be
likely. Everyone would be exactly the same. How
would it be determined who could or would survive?
Either all survive, or all perish.
Sacred Heart Academy of Pasig
M. Suarez Ave. (formerly Market Ave.), Maybunga Pasig City
SY 2020-2021


⮚ Meiosis and Genetic Variation

Sexual reproduction results in infinite possibilities of
genetic variation. In other words, sexual reproduction
results in offspring that are genetically unique. They
differ from both parents and also from each other.
This occurs through a number of mechanisms,
including crossing-over, the independent assortment
of chromosomes during anaphase I, and random
• When homologous chromosomes form pairs
during prophase I of meiosis I, crossing-over can
occur. Crossing-over is the exchange of genetic
material between non-sister chromatids of
homologous chromosomes. It results in new
combinations of genes on each chromosome.
• When cells divide during meiosis, homologous
chromosomes are randomly distributed during
anaphase I, separating and segregating independently
of each other. This is called independent assortment. It
results in gametes that have unique combinations of
• In sexual reproduction, two gametes unite to
produce an offspring. But which two of the millions of
possible gametes will it be? This is likely to be a
matter of chance. It is obviously another source of
genetic variation in offspring. This is known as
random fertilization.

⮚ Crossing-Over
As mentioned above, crossing-over occurs during
prophase I, and it is the exchange of genetic material
between non-sister chromatids of homologous
chromosomes. Recall during prophase I, homologous
chromosomes line up in pairs, gene-for-gene down
their entire length, forming a configuration with four
chromatids, known as a tetrad. The process of pairing
Sacred Heart Academy of Pasig
M. Suarez Ave. (formerly Market Ave.), Maybunga Pasig City
SY 2020-2021


the homologous chromosomes is called synapsis.

During synapsis, non-sister chromatids may cross-
over at points called chiasmata. Within a chiasma, the
genetic material from two non-sister chromatids
actually intertwine around each other, and some
material from non-sister chromatids switch
chromosomes, that is, the material breaks off and
reattaches at the same position on the homologous
chromosome. This exchange of genetic material can
happen many times within the same pair of
homologous chromosomes, creating unique
combinations of alleles. This process is also known as
homologous recombination.

⮚ Independent Assortment and Random

In humans, there are over 8 million configurations in
which the chromosomes can line up during metaphase
I of meiosis. It is the specific processes of meiosis,
resulting in four unique haploid cells, that result in
these many combinations. This independent
assortment, in which the chromosome inherited from
either the father or mother can sort into any gamete,
produces the potential for tremendous genetic
variation. This process underlies the chromosomal
basis of inheritance. Gregor Mendel's findings and
laws will be discussed in the Inheritance concepts, but
essentially, his findings led to the development of two
Sacred Heart Academy of Pasig
M. Suarez Ave. (formerly Market Ave.), Maybunga Pasig City
SY 2020-2021


laws of inheritance: the Law of Segregation and the

Law of Independent Assortment. The Law of
Segregation states that when any individual produces
gametes, the copies of a gene separate so that each
gamete receives only one copy (one allele) of that
gene. The Law of Independent Assortment states that
separate genes for separate traits are passed
independently of one another from parents to


1.Recall what you have learned about sexual and

asexual reproduction in our discussion. Compare and
contrast these two methods of reproduction and cite
three advantages and disadvantages.

General Direction: General Instruction: Please follow

the below format in making your activity: send it here:
File: MS Word
Font type: Times New Roman
Font size: 12
Paper size: 8.5 x 11 (Letter size)
Deadline: September 11 not later than 6PM




Sacred Heart Academy of Pasig
M. Suarez Ave. (formerly Market Ave.), Maybunga Pasig City
SY 2020-2021



2pts each box


2pts each box


2pts each box


Description 0 pt. 2pts 5pts
Sacred Heart Academy of Pasig
M. Suarez Ave. (formerly Market Ave.), Maybunga Pasig City
SY 2020-2021


You can only No Attempted Complete,

get that answer but lacking and there
points if… at all idea and is
coherency relevance
to the topic

Rubrics for each 2pts.

Description 0pt 1pt 2pts
You can Never Attempted Exact, and
only get if.. attempted to answer on point
to answer but not answer
exactly on

2. Give the similarities and differences of mitosis and

meiosis using the Venn diagram. 5pts each circle
Sacred Heart Academy of Pasig
M. Suarez Ave. (formerly Market Ave.), Maybunga Pasig City
SY 2020-2021


Meiosis Mitosis

Using the generated item analysis, the teacher will
review the result in order to decide whether
reinforcement is needed. The learner who failed to
submit the assessment will be given a short narrative
feedback through email.

Sacred Heart Academy of Pasig
M. Suarez Ave. (formerly Market Ave.), Maybunga Pasig City
SY 2020-2021


Date: Date:
I. Learning Outcomes
1.Differentiate the differences of the cells in the
2. Define the function of blood cells, bone cells,
gland cells, muscles cells, nerve cells, reproductive
cells; and
3.Awareness and appreciation of the mainly function
of cells in the human body.

II. Learning Content

Topic: Chromosome and sex cells
Sacred Heart Academy of Pasig
M. Suarez Ave. (formerly Market Ave.), Maybunga Pasig City
SY 2020-2021


title of the book: Exploring Science Through Science

LMS: email, Laptop
link of video: Not applicable
media app: zoom
Subject Integration: Appreciating the genetic
materials that be sooner expressed into amazing
III. Learning Procedure
Approach: Synchronous Learning
Method: Inductive Method

A. Preparation
1. Apperception
⮚ Prayer
⮚ Attendance
The teacher will pick a name to give an insight about
the previous topic

2. Motivation
Before we proceed, can you use this acronym to
relate in Human Reproductive.
Possible Answer:
I- L- Living organisms undergo phases to become whole;
F- and every
E- I- individual deserves to live and to enjoy life; and we all
know that

F- failure is dubbed to a person because we are all normal

and we learn from failures; and

E- every failure we had, we become stronger and braver.

3. Statement of Aims
The students will be asked to read the objectives of
the lesson.

B. Presentation (PowerPoint)
Sacred Heart Academy of Pasig
M. Suarez Ave. (formerly Market Ave.), Maybunga Pasig City
SY 2020-2021


⮚ Chromosomes and Sex cells

All cells in your body have specialized functions. But
all these cells can be divided into two major groups:
somatic cells (Greek word soma, meaning body) and
germ cells. Somatic or body cells compose your body
tissues and organs. Your skin, stomach, and heart are
organs where you find body cells. DNA with your
treats cannot be passed on to your future children
through the body cells. The way by which traits can
be transmitted to your future offspring is through the
germ cells, which are produced in your sex organs:
the ovaries and the testes. upon maturity, these germ
cells have developed into sex cells, or gametes, such
as the sperm cell or egg cell.

DNA insect cells are used to transmit traits to future

generations. Each species on earth has a distinct
number of chromosomes inside their body cells. Fruit
flies, specimen typically used in the genetic
experiments, have 8 chromosomes or 4 pairs, while a
certain fern species, Opbioglossum, the organism.
Your body cells have 46 chromosomes or 23 pairs.
This exact number is maintained all the time in the
lifecycle of humans as discussed in the previous part
of this chapter, unless mutations have accidentally

Analyzing further, each diploid cell in humans

contains 23 pairs of homologous chromosomes.
These 46 chromosomes can be divided into two sets:
23 pairs come from your mother while 23 from your
father. Each pair of chromosomes is called
Sacred Heart Academy of Pasig
M. Suarez Ave. (formerly Market Ave.), Maybunga Pasig City
SY 2020-2021


homologous pair. Homologous chromosomes

referred to a set of chromosomes having the same
length and appearance that was inherited from the
parents. These chromosomes also contain copies of
the same gene coding for a trait, but they are not
completely identical as they come from two sources.
If you have inherited a gene coding from blood
pressure levels on chromosomes 10, You can trace
one copy from your mother and another from your
father. It may be probable that one of these copies is
associated with susceptibility do high blood pressure
level, well the other is associated with low blood
pressure level.

To have an organized view of the chromosome

makeup of an individual, scientists assigned a
number to each pair off homologous chromosomes
according to their size from largest to smallest.
Viewing the arrange chromosomes can be done in the
process called karyotyping with the use of a diagram
known as karyogram. Homologous chromosomes
must be of the same size, shape, banding pattern,
centromere location, and gene content. When
homologous chromosomes are stained with special
dyes and examined under the microscope, they
exhibit similar banding patterns. In the karyogram the
homologous chromosomes exhibit the same colors
throughout their length.

⮚ Meiosis
Sacred Heart Academy of Pasig
M. Suarez Ave. (formerly Market Ave.), Maybunga Pasig City
SY 2020-2021


Rick called that mitosis is a cellular division

involving body cells, which helps in maintaining
genetically identical daughter cells in every division.
Mitosis is needed by the body for growth,
development, and repair. It is also a form of asexual
reproduction for prokaryotes and some eukaryotes.
On the other hand, another cellular division occurs in
the sex organs. As introduced earlier, special
immature cells in the sex organs called germ cells
mature at the right time in life, usually during puberty
stage. Upon activation, this cellular division occurs to
produce sex cells in the reproductive organs ovaries
and testes. Meiosis, which is important for sexual
reproduction, is the form of cell division that
involves the formation of sex cells. Specifically,
meiosis divides the number of chromosomes into
halves in the formation of the gametes. Hence, the
process is also called reduction division. Out of this
process, the sex cells produced are genetically unique
haploid cells, which will undergo further maturation
in the ovaries and testes.
Sacred Heart Academy of Pasig
M. Suarez Ave. (formerly Market Ave.), Maybunga Pasig City
SY 2020-2021


Meiosis involves two divisions of the nucleus known

as meiosis 1 and II. Each division is further
subdivided into the stages of prophase, metaphase,
anaphase, and telophase, similar to those happening
in mitosis. Though there are similarities, it is
important to keep them distinct in terms of the
number of chromosomes produced and the advantage
of having genetic variation to the sex cells produced.
The process of meiosis starts with the homologous
chromosomes. Review the difference between the
homologous chromosomes and sister chromatids to
How understands
better Cells Pack Tangled DNA process.
the mitotic Into NeatHomologous
chromosomes are two separate chromosomes with
one set coming
A human from the
cell carries mother
in its nucleusandtwo
another set of
meters from
the father.DNA,
up among
learnedthe that
46 slender,
chromosomes molecules
similar tothat are other
each its in terms of
size, shape, length, Mostand
of the time,content.
genetic that DNAHowever,
like a tangled ball of yarn — diffuse, disordered,
they do not contain exact copies of each other. Each
half of aButduplicated
that messiness poses a problem
chromosome is called a
during mitosis, when the cell has
chromatid, and together, these are called to make a copy
of its genetic material and divide in
chromatids. Sister chromatids are duplicated two. In
preparation, it tidies up by packing the DNA into
chromosomes attached to each other by a structure
dense, sausage-like rods, the chromosomes’ most
called centromere.
familiar It is important
form. Scientists have watchedto remember
that that
homologous chromosomes
process through are divided
a microscope in meiosis
for decades: The I,
while the sister chromatids are not divided
DNA condenses and organizes into discrete units until they
that meiosis
graduallyII.shorten and widen. But how the
genome gets folded inside that structure — it’s
clear that it doesn’t simply contract — has
remained a mystery. “It’s really at the heart of
genetics,” said Job Dekker, a biochemist at the
University of Massachusetts Medical School, “a
fundamental aspect of heredity that’s always
been such a great puzzle.”
Sacred Heart Academy of Pasig
M. Suarez Ave. (formerly Market Ave.), Maybunga Pasig City
SY 2020-2021


Before meiosis starts, the DNA has been replicated or
copied in the germ cell. Meiosis I focused on the
division of homologous chromosomes to produce two
haploid cells with duplicated chromosomes. Figure
below summarizes the activities on the stages of
meiosis I involve only few chromosomes to simplify
the illustration.
Sacred Heart Academy of Pasig
M. Suarez Ave. (formerly Market Ave.), Maybunga Pasig City
SY 2020-2021


1.Prophase 1 This is the phase of homologous

chromosome pairing and exchange of DNA to form
recombinant chromosomes. There are five phases that
define prophase I.

This is the first stage of prophase I and the

shortest phase of prophase I.

It the phase of a
replicated chromosome
The chromosomes
condense and become
compact and visible hence
making it possible to
distinguish between sister
The chromosomes
appear like strings with beads
and the beads are known as

⮚ Zygotene
also known as zygonema.
● This is the phase where homologous
chromosomes associate closely to forms pairs
of chromosomes, a mechanism known as
synapsis. The pairs of chromosomes have
four chromatids (tetrads).
● The synaptic association forms up and down
Sacred Heart Academy of Pasig
M. Suarez Ave. (formerly Market Ave.), Maybunga Pasig City
SY 2020-2021


the chromosome creating several points of

contact known as synaptonemal complex
which has a zipper-like structure created by
coils of the chromatids.
● Synapsis is facilitated by the synaptonemal
complex by holding the aligned chromosomes
● After synapsis of the homologous pairs, they
form four chromatids which are known as
tetrads or bivalents (two pairs).

 This is the phase where the crossover of genetic
materials takes place between non-sister chromatids
i.e. pairs of homologous chromosomes. This forms
● Crossing over is achieved by synapsis by the
attachment created by the chromatid in a
homologous chromosome.
● The synapses complete the crossing over of
genetic information, creating a variation in
the genetic materials due to the exchange
between the mother and father genetic
Sacred Heart Academy of Pasig
M. Suarez Ave. (formerly Market Ave.), Maybunga Pasig City
SY 2020-2021


● Separation of sister chromatids occurs, and

the homologous chromosomes remain
attached, hence a thick complex is formed
known as the synaptonemal complex.
● The synaptonemal complex allows the
formation of chiasma which function by
allowing the crossing over of alleles within
small regions of the chromosomes.

⮚ Diplotene
This is the stage of synaptonemal complex
disappearance while the homologous pairs remain
attached at the chiasmata.
● The disintegration of the synaptonemal
complex occurs between the two
chromosomal arms causing repulsion of the
● This causes the chromosomes to move apart
from each other while still being held by the
● The chromosomes then start to uncoil slowly,
and the chiasmata can be visualized
microscopically, and they can be seen moving
close to the ends of the chromatids. This
process is known as terminalization.

⮚ Diakinesis
The fifth and final phase of prophase I. It sets up the
cell for metaphase.
● It takes place after the chromatids have
condensed and the sister chromatids are
bivalent of tetrad as visualized under a
● The chiasmata finally arrive at the end of the
chromatid arms of the chromosomes
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M. Suarez Ave. (formerly Market Ave.), Maybunga Pasig City
SY 2020-2021


finalizing terminalization.
● the Chromosomes become more condensed
but remain connected by the chiasmata and
cannot move further toward the poles.
● At this stage the nucleolus and the nuclear
envelope dissolves allowing the centrioles
(the centrosome forming microtubules) that
form the mitotic spindle, to migrate freely
along with the remaining spindles formed
during mitosis.

⮚ Metaphase I
In meiosis I, the lining-up stage of metaphase I is
relatively rapid. Tetrads or bivalents (a pair of
chromosomes with four chromatids (2 originals, 2
copies) are pulled into line at what is known as the
metaphase (or equatorial) plate. This plate does not
actually exist but is an imaginary central line along
which the chromosomes are positioned. In metaphase
I, the two chromosomes of a homologous pair face
opposite poles. As recombination has taken place,
each of the four chromatids (and, of course, both
homologous pairs) have slightly different genetic
material. Further steps will pull one of the
homologous pair to one end of the cell, and the other
to the opposite end. This means that the resulting two
cells (produced during cytokinesis at the end of
meiosis I) will contain full sets of chromosomes, but
these will not consist of chromosome pairs.

Figure 7:
Metaphase in
an onion cell
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M. Suarez Ave. (formerly Market Ave.), Maybunga Pasig City
SY 2020-2021


⮚ Anaphase I
Meiosis consists of two consecutive cell divisions,
with no DNA replicated in between. This means that
a diploid organism, containing two alleles for each
gene, will be reduced to a haploid organism, with
only one allele at each gene. These alleles are
separated during anaphase I. Before meiosis, the
DNA is duplicated, again producing sister chromatids
bound together as single chromosomes. These
chromosomes have homologous pairs, which contain
the other alleles for the genes on the chromosome.
These chromosomes are also duplicated into sister
chromatids. During meiosis I, the homologous
chromosomes are separated. The homologous
chromosomes become bound together during
prophase I of meiosis, by similar molecules of
cohesion that bind sister chromatids. As the meiotic
spindle sets up during metaphase I, the cell ensures
that each homologous pair becomes attached to
microtubules from each side of the cell. These
microtubules then pull against Theeach
other tostay attached
move the
to the kinetochore after the
homologous pairs to the metaphase plate. During the
cohesions are broken apart. The
time the pairs are bonded, they can exchange genetic
kinetochore microtubules then
information in a process called recombination. When
shrink towards the centrosomes
the homologous pairs are separated during anaphase
(not pictured), which pulls the
I, the DNA variations become chromosomes forapart.
destined different
cells, ensuring variability in kinetochore
a population’s genetics.
microtubules grow
in the opposite direction,
expanding the cell and further
separating the chromatids.
Conventionally, sister
chromatids are called sister
chromosomes once they
separate, as they contain the
same information and will
function independently in their
new cells. After the
chromosomes have been fully
separated, a nuclear envelope
will form and
the cytoplasm will be divided in
the final steps of cell division.
Sacred Heart Academy of Pasig
M. Suarez Ave. (formerly Market Ave.), Maybunga Pasig City
SY 2020-2021


⮚ Telophase I
At each pole, during this stage, there is a complete
haploid set of chromosomes (but each chromosome
still has two sister chromatids). A cleavage furrow
appears, and by the end of this stage the parent cell
has divided into two daughter cells. This separation
of the cytoplasm is called cytokinesis. In some
organisms nuclear envelopes appear briefly at this
point (this intermediate stage is called interkinesis).
But in others the daughter cells begin immediately to
prepare for the second meiotic division.

C. Comparison and Abstraction

How Cells Pack Tangled DNA Into Neat

D. Generalization
The teacher will ask one student to give a conclusion
of the discussion
Sacred Heart Academy of Pasig
M. Suarez Ave. (formerly Market Ave.), Maybunga Pasig City
SY 2020-2021


Metaphase I Conclusion
Anaphase I Conclusion
Microtubules Conclusion
Telophase I Conclusion

IV. Assessment
General Instruction: Please follow the below format
in making your activity: send it here:
File: MS Word
Font type: Times New Roman
Font size: 12
Paper size: 8.5 x 11 (Letter size)
Deadline: September 9 not later than 6PM

1. Draw and label the process of meiosis. Relate each

phase in your daily activities. 15 points
Sacred Heart Academy of Pasig
M. Suarez Ave. (formerly Market Ave.), Maybunga Pasig City
SY 2020-2021


Description 0pt. 2pts. 5pts.

Coherency No attempt Has point but Has point,
not exact exact, precise
and anchored
to the
discussed topic
Organization No attempt Attempted to At least 2
of thought write but errors in
(grammar, misleading Subject
punctuations) thoughts agreement, and
at least 3 in
Uniqueness of No attempt Detected Has work, no
answer similarities of similarities of
work and answer to other
some are classmates.


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