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Lesson Plan Format

Teacher Candidate: Emily Leeb Date: 2/4/2020

Time: 60 mins
Cooperating Teacher: Mr. Okonski Coop. Initials:
Group Size: 24/27/27/26 Grade Level: 7th

I. Objectives, Standards and Assessments

A. Standard(s)
Standard - 3.1.10. B2
 Explain the process of meiosis resulting in the formation of gametes.
 MS-LS3-2. Develop and use a model to describe why asexual reproduction
results in offspring with identical genetic information and sexual
reproduction results in offspring with genetic variation.
Disciplinary Core Ideas:
 Organisms reproduce, either sexually or asexually, and transfer their genetic
information to their offspring.
Science and Engineering Practices:
 Develop and use a model to describe phenomena.
Crosscutting Concept:
 Complex and microscopic structures and systems can be visualized, modeled,
and used to describe how their function depends on the shapes,
composition, and relationships among its parts, therefore complex natural
structures/systems can be analyzed to determine how they function.

B. Performance Objectives (Learning Outcomes)

1. Work collaboratively to accurately create and describe one stage of
meiosis given a set of materials.
2. Correctly put the 8 stages of meiosis in order while looking at visuals of
each stage.

C. Assessment/Evaluation Plan
1. Formative Assessment
 Objective 1 will be assessed using teacher observation and evaluation of
 Objective 2 will be assessed using teacher observation.
2. Summative Assessment
 A unit test will be used to assess the level of individual student mastery of
describing and drawing the 8 stages of meiosis.

II. Instructional Materials

Teacher Preparation:

1. Have PDN written on the board.

Student Materials:
(Per Student- 104 total)
 Glue
 Pipe cleaners
 Paper plates
 Markers
 Scissors
 1 Life Science textbook
 Guided notes paper
Teacher Materials:
 Index cards
Subject Matter Explanation
B. Prerequisite Skills
 The student understands all the stages of meiosis.
C. Key Vocabulary and Content
Key Vocabulary
 Sexual reproduction: a type of reproduction in which genetic materials from two
different cells combine, producing an offspring
 Egg: the female sex cell that forms in an ovary
 Sperm: the male sex cell that forms in a testis
 Fertilization: an egg cell and a sperm cell join together
 Zygote: the new cell that forms from fertilization
 Diploid: body cells that have pairs of chromosomes
 Haploid: sex cells that have only one chromosome from each pair
 Homologous chromosomes: pairs of chromosomes that have genes for the same
traits arranged in the same order
 Meiosis: occurs during the formation of sex cells where one diploid cell divides
and makes four haploid cells
 Meiosis involves two divisions of the nucleus and the cytoplasm. These divisions
are called meiosis I and meiosis II. They result in four haploid cells with half the
number of chromosomes as the original cell. A reproductive cell goes through
interphase before using meiosis I.
 During interphase, the reproductive cell grows and copies or duplicates its
chromosomes. Each duplicated chromosome consists of two sister chromatids
joined together by a centromere.
Meiosis I
 Prophase I
o Nuclear membrane breaks apart.
o Chromosomes condense and form homologous pairs
 Metaphase I
o Homologous chromosomes line up along the center of the cell.
o Spindle fibers attach to each chromosome.
 Anaphase I
o Homologous chromosomes separate and are pulled to opposite ends of
the cell.
 Telophase I
o Nuclear membrane forms around each set of chromosomes.
o The cytoplasm divides, forming two daughter cells.
Meiosis II
 Prophase II
o Nuclear membrane breaks apart.
 Metaphase II
o Sister chromatids line up along the center of the cell.
 Anaphase II
o Sister chromatids of each chromosome begin to separate and are pulled
to opposite ends of the cells.
 Telophase II
o A nuclear membrane forms around each set of chromatids.
o The cytoplasm divides and creates four cells.
 Meiosis is important because it forms sex cells with the correct haploid number
of chromosomes. This maintains the correct diploid number of chromosomes in
organisms when sex cells join. Meiosis also creates genetic variation by
producing haploid cells.
III. Implementation
A. Introduction
1. Students will walk into the classroom and complete the PDN. The PDN will be as follows:
Where would you go, if you could go anywhere in the world? Who would you want to go
there with?
2. Ask 3 students to share their PDN with the class.
3. Ask students to turn and talk about why they think meiosis is important.
4. Invite students to share their responses.
5. Elicit the response that meiosis is important because it is what creates genetic variety
and makes you unique.
6. Tell students that today they will be creating cells that are going through the process of
B. Development
1. Explore
1. Explain to students that they will be put into groups of 3 or 4 students. They will be
assigned a stage of meiosis to create using paper plates, pipe cleaners, and markers.
Then they will also write a description of the stage on the back of the plate as well as
the name of the stage.
2. Write the following directions on the board:
 Front of plate (picture of meiosis stage)
 Back of plate (Name of stage, description of stage, student names)
3. Tell the students that they can use their textbook and guided notes to help them.
4. Assign student groups by using index cards.
5. Explain to students that they will need different amounts of materials depending on the
stage they are assigned. They are welcome to come up to the front of the classroom to
get the amount of materials they need.
6. Invite students to get with their groups and begin working.
7. Circulate to scaffold, monitor, and redirect as needed.

2. Explain
1. Tell students to come up to you when they are done to check their poster and have
them explain the stage they created.
2. Once all groups are done working, have them send one representative to the front of
the classroom. There should be one representative from each stage.
3. Ask the volunteers up front to now try and put themselves in order without saying the
name of the stage. The rest of the class is welcome to help the volunteers.
4. Once students figure out the correct order. Each student representative will explain the
stage they were assigned and the poster they created.
5. Instruct students to be seated when finished presenting and collect posters.
C. Closure
1. Ask students to share one thing they enjoyed about the lesson today.
2. Invite students to share responses.
D. Differentiation
For Striving Learners
 Students that need more help with the concept will be monitored and scaffolded as
For Accelerated Learners:
 Students who need extensions can label the different parts of their poster.

E. Accommodations.
Section 707
 A.M. (SLD) – redirect as needed and allow extra time for activities
 M.C. (SLD)- redirect as needed and allow extra time for activities
 M.M. (SLD)- redirect as needed and allow extra time for activities
 A.P. (Autism)- redirect as needed and allow extra time for activities
 V.R. (SLD)- redirect as needed and allow extra time for activities
 M.R. (SLD)- redirect as needed and allow extra time for activities
 J.S. (ED)- resource room if needed
Section 708
 P.C. (SLD)- redirect as needed and allow extra time for activities
 C.L. (SLD)- redirect as needed and allow extra time for activities
 M.M. (ADHD)-redirect as needed and allow extra time for activities
 V.M. (ADHD)-redirect as needed and allow extra time for activities
 M.O. (ADHD)-redirect as needed
 D.R. (SLD)-redirect as needed and allow extra time for activities
 A.R. (ALD)-redirect as needed, allow extra time for activities, read directions aloud
 J.S. (ED)- directions read aloud, resource room if needed
Section 705
 L.W. (ED)- allow extra time for activities, resource room if needed
 N.T. (gifted)- can label the different parts of their poster
 T.M. (ED)- resource room if needed
Section 706
 M.G. (ED)- discreet cues for attention, resource room if needed
 B.C. (SLD)- allow extra time for activities as needed
 J.C. (ADHD)- read directions aloud, simplify instructions, redirect when needed and
allow extra time for activities
 D.K. (ED)- redirect as needed and allow extra time for activities, resource room if
 J.O. (SLD)- redirect as needed, allow extra time for activities, and read instructions aloud
 J.P. (SLD- 3 verbal redirections, then consequences
 D.R. (SLD)- allow extra time for activities
 K.T. (SLD)- allow extra time for activities
 H.V. (ADHD)- allow extra time for activities, redirect when needed
 S.W. (ED)- allow extra time for activities, resource room when needed
 M.N. (gifted)- can label the different parts of their poster

V. Reflective Response:
A. Report of Students’ Success in Terms of States Objectives
(Reflection on student success written after lesson is taught, includes remediation for students
who failed to meet acceptable level of achievement)
 The students did really well with this lesson. They seemed to really enjoy it and it got
them interested in learning about meiosis. It also incorporated a group work component
which was nice for the students to practice collaborating since they are used to
independent work. There is no remediation needed.
B. Personal Reflection on Teaching Effectiveness
(Questions written before lesson is taught. Reflective answers to questions recorded after
lesson is taught.)
1. How effectively was I able to communicate the instructions to the students?
o I think I was able to communicate instruction much better in the
afternoon classes. In the first two classes, I was still trying to figure out
the best way to explain the task. But after I got some practice, I was able
to communicate the instructions effectively. I think writing instructions
on the board helped as well.
2. How effectively was I able to transition from the PDN to the start of the
o I was able to transition from the PDN to the start of the lesson smoothly
in all 4 classes. I think this is because the students have established a
routine where they know to be quiet during the PDN which makes it
easier for me to transition to instruction time.

VI. Resources (in APA format):

1. McGraw Hill Life Science textbook

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