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Automation of Jobs

Mounik Reddy

In today’s World, an Automation age has evolved due to significant advancement in

Automation technology, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Internet
communication technology. Although this has been, a seven-decade quest by scientists and
researchers since early 1950 to make human life better by getting his mundane, risky and routine
day-to-day jobs simpler and easier in all aspects. Today not only industrialists and commercial
organizations everyone in the world prefer machines or automatic systems more to manual
labour in order to complete any tasks. Another key factor is the rapid increase in the number of
users of internet over the past three decades. Today Internet has become a part and parcel of
every individuals day to day life, and Internet enabled technologies like, ITES (Internet enabled
Services) and IoT (internet of Things) are the latest and emerging automation technologies that
are enabling and taking over many job roles. The term ‘Internet of things’ defines a growing
network of day to day usage objects like electronic devices and machines including industrial
machines to consumer electronic goods that have the capability can share information over
internet and complete day to day tasks while an individual can continue their daily life style or
can be busy with other activities of leisure or hobby. For example, Wireless communication
(Bluetooth, ZigBee, Wi-Fi, GSM, CDMS, 4G) based Wireless Home Automation system
(WHAS) using Internet of Things (IoT) is a system that implements computer based or mobile
devices based control of basic automation of home appliance functions. IoT primary feature is
automatic control of devices and machines through internet communication from anywhere
around the world. Such an automation technology can develop smart homes, smart vehicle, smart
office, smart city, smart education etc., IoT’s other features include saving electric power,
expenditure, human effort and human intervention. Similarly an automation system allows the
user to operate the system or device from anywhere around the world through internet
connection or inbuilt artificial Intelligence from Machine learning capability. Today Automation
technology is increasingly proliferating into each and every aspect of our human lives, whether
it’s robots building the cars, machines performing surgeries, driver less vehicles with artificial
intelligence systems driving the vehicles for us, smart education through telepresence etc., This
is led to a lot of jobs being taken away by machines and device augmented with Artificial
Intelligence. The primary reason for this phenomenal growth od automation system in industrial
and commercial office are its low cost and modular expandable capability allowing a variety of
devices and software. The major industrial sectors that are feeling its brunt are Banking,
Military, Airlines, Communication, Production, and SoHo.

In this research paper, we present a Automation systems as Job stealing technology that will
result in loss of millions of human job. This will ultimately evolve to a world wide serious
catastrophic financial crisis due to human job loss and inflation. Automation technology is
further augmented by the integration of block chain, cloud networking, wireless communication,
electronics, virtualization, sensor technology, communication technology, grid computing, etc.
Although Automation technology has started as a hobby or research project in the late 1950’s to
provide the manufacturer or individual with an remote control of various electrical and
mechanical appliances within their company or home, today it is norm in every sector of the
industry and commercial organization. In today’s global economy of open markets, all levels and
sizes of companies are faced with global competitors in their respective domains of the
commerce. For example, Coca Cola Company is a world renowned beverage company that sells
its wide range of soft drink products all over the world in the face of local and global
competitors. Hence there is a dire and immediate need for Coca Cola company to produce ,
market and distribute their products and services better, faster, cheaper and in high volume than
their global competitors. So in order to make it happen Coca Cola company chooses to
implement Automation of all their business processes like manufacturing, packing, quality
testing, monitoring etc., This results in loss of multiple jobs all over the world where Coca Cola
company is located. In the not too distant future, such autonomous technology enabled
companies are likely to replace their employees and management alike with automation
technology enabled machines. Robots may start to take over even field jobs also like, driving,
cooking, surgeries, education, farming, harvesting crops, food processing etc. It’s only a matter
of time before Automation technology become commonplace resulting the loss of jobs to
millions of workers all over the World in every industrial sector and commercial domain alike.

Technology replacing human workers is nothing new. But as automation begins to take over
nearly every trade, there might be still fewer jobs available, leading to higher unemployment.
Some people conjecture that government might step in and provide what’s known as a universal
basic income—a form of social security in which all citizens receive a sum of money with no
strings attached to cover their basic needs.

In summary the future looks bleak and dire for job seekers and job doers. However many
research studies done on this topic by industry giants like IBM, Microsoft, Google, Apple and
research institutions like McKinsey Global Institute, Carnegie Mellon, Ford Research institute,
International Institute for Sustainable Development have found that automation technology will
affect only 5% to 20 % of the world job market. Another interesting fact that the research
studies have found is that the effect of automation technology on job loss id directly dependent
on the occupation and skill the job requires performing. However the normal individuals and
news media are of the opinion that eventually automation technology will replace all the jobs in
the not too distant time period and are of the apprehension that robots of giant world technology
companies are going to take over the jobs of all humans. In spite of much research study stating
the facts to be other than this the normal individual is very much worried for the future of the job
market and the human race alike.


[1] Hillary Schaub and Darrell M. West,(2015) “Should I Worry about Amy the AI Robot
Taking My Job?”, Brookings Institution TechTank.

[2] James Manyika, Michael Chui, Jacques Bughin, Richard Dobbs, Peter Bisson, and
Alex, Marrs, (2013) “Disruptive Technologies: Advances That Will Transform Life, Business,
and the Global Economy,” McKinsey Global Institute.

[3] Daniela Rus, (2015) “How Technological Breakthroughs Will Transform Everyday
Life,” Foreign Affairs.
[4] Philip Howard, (2015) Pax Technica: How the Internet of Things May Set Us Free or
Lock Us Up, Yale University Press.

[5] James Hagerty,(2015) “Meet the New Generation of Robots for Manufacturing,” Wall
Street Journal.

[6] Alison Sander and Meldon Wolfgang.(2014) “The Rise of Robotics.” The Boston
Consulting Group.

[7] RBC Global Asset Management, (2014) “Global Megatrends: Automation in

Emerging Markets”.

[8] John Markoff, (2015)“Korean Team Wins Pentagon’s Crisis Robotics Contest,” New
York Times.

Ethics Technique

1. What is going on?

Ans: Due to the latest modern technological developments there is an emerging surge in
automation of all services and jobs in every sector of the industry, non commercial
domain like homes and commercial domain like offices and firms. Machine learning,
cloud computing, electronics. Internet, IOT are some fo the few technologies that are
causing the loss of jobs by making automation cheaper in expenditure and better in

2. What are the facts?

Ans: the facts are
1. Since industrial revolution, machines and their associated technology have
accomplished efficiency and production volume growth in many areas of the job market
like bakery, manufacturing, agriculture, food processing etc.
2. Due to significant developments, in medical technology and pharma technology the
death age and mortality rate has decreased phenomenally resulting in a population boom
all over the world especially in the developing world.
3. This has resulted in direct proportion to the demands for jobs by the millennial
offspring who are born in a technological age.
4. However the equally significant developments, in science and technology has resulted
in a huge automation of existing jobs by better efficient and equipped robotic machines.
5. This is resulted in resulted and will results in the near future time period in huge job
losses and job evacuation for humans due to automation technology.

3. What are the issues?

Ans: The issues at hand are:
1. Companies are vying in global market with free competition all over the world.
Hence they need to keep their production volume high and cost of manufacturing low.
So they have embarrassed automation technology to guarantee better products at a
competitive price.
2. The job doers and job seekers have augmented their skills to large extent with a vast
burgeoning curriculum syllabus to be job ready but are finding lesser and lesser job
vacancies through the time.
3. There is direct inverse relation to automation technology usage and human jobs loss.
4. This will lead to the benefit of a few multinational companies who own the
automation technology patents and equipment.
5. but it will ruin the countries, companies and individual people that cannot out master
automation technology.

4. Who is affected?
Ans: All Job doers and job seekers are affected by this automation technology especially
those in banking, agriculture, food processing, education, military, transport, millennial
Student community, unskilled cottage and other sectors of the industry.

5. What are the ethical issues?

Ans: The ethical issue according to the four primary though schools of ethics are :
1. As per the Utilitarian thought school of ethics, Automation Technology is helping
mankind as a whole in performing their day to day tasks and official tasks more
efficiently and effectively. Although it has immense utilitarian value but it is resulting
in equally significant job losses too.
2. As per contractual thought school of ethics, Automation technology is a significant
leap of scientific development in efficient labour employment as companies must
choose between machines and human to perform their work and machines are always
efficient that humans. Hence in this gae of out sourcing, global free markets and
ecommerce it may be good to contract machines than humans.
3. As per deontology thought school of ethics, Automation technology is as per norms
as it is an evolved technology in human quest for better and efficient machines to
replace them in work.
4. As per categorical imperative thought school of ethics, Automation technology is
presently not a threat to human job market or society at large. Hence it should be
talked at a later time period as it has not affected a sizeable amount of job loss
thatdemands categorical imperative action.

6. What can be done about it?

Ans: World organizations like UNO, IEEE, research institutions, social media,
governments and technological companies have to research the impact of automation
technology on the job market in present time period to a 20 year time period and take
remedial steps accordingly by bringing in new reforms, standards and laws to disrupt the
job loss process of automation technology.

7. What options are there?

Ans: 1. Universal laws by world governing bodies have to be framed to protect the job
2. Government laws must be passed to protect and enhance the job market.
3. Technology companies must be restricted from making automation technology freely
available thereby diluting the job market.
4. Education curriculum must be reorganized, to aid the student in getting skilled and
mentally efficient.
5. Education curriculum must focus mainly on the job market basis.

8. Which option is best and why?

Ans: In my opinion evaluating and upgrading the education curriculum syllabus is the
best option as it guarantees the student a better option for skill development thereby
making him self-employment ready.

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