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1. In your opinion, (min of 600 words), what makes the computer important in your daily activities?

, In
your selected courses?, and in your family?

A computer is a device wherein we can easily store information, files and other data’s for future uses.
When we say computer it is not only a one device it is composed of different parts that has its own
functions and uses. In the modern age, computer is one of the most useful contributions of technology to
us. It can be used for storage, communication, entertainment, electronic book, education, learning and
many more. With that uses we can be able to justify its importance. In our generation, we always want to
do something and not just sit and relax. Technology is a big part of it, by that I mean Mobile devices,
tablet, laptops, or known as computer. There is a high percentage of people who uses Smartphones before
going to sleep and after waking up. They use it to socialize, learn, be entertained or simply enjoy with

In my daily activities, computer plays a big role on how I run my day. I tend to note my schedule and to
do’s for the day electronically because it helps me to be reminded and motivated when I can see and
know what my priorities are. I am also a fan of taking pictures, videos, and taking notes whenever I feel
like writing but restoring all to my phone after years or months of doing so there is a high chance of
having my phone memory full and I am not the type of person who can easily delete files especially
pictures that serves as a souvenir from an unforgettable day. But since we have computer in our house, I
don’t usually worry when that happens because it is very easy to transfer files from my phone to the
family computer and can store much files than other devices.

Computers has Application Software, it is an interface that is commonly used by us students and teachers
or even professionals in different fields. As an accountancy student, we usually have a lot of typing and
solving to do as a main learning objective of our course. We always need to keep tract different receipts
and files that are needed for an accounting transaction. Computers have programs like Microsoft office.
Under MS Office, there is this application that helps us greatly called MS Excel which is really beneficial
in accountancy, it has mathematical equation for easily solving of large number of transactions, features
that highlights what are needed for the Seatwork’s or exams. In professional field of accounting,
computer also plays a huge part of it because it is possible that you deal with many clients at once and
doing that manually can consume a lot of time and with the help of computer, it lessens the hardship of a
person in a professional field.

Being a college student, it is common to be away from your family to continue your education and pursue
different careers in your life. And some of us are not used to this kind of system where we live
independently but sometimes with support from our family In my case, my parents always checks up on
me to ask if I’m doing fine and to know what is happening with my life away from them. Computers like
laptops or mobile phones are useful for me to easily communicate with them, it also make me feel that I
am still close with my family regardless of the distance we have. Computer and technology, helps me to
not feel the homesickness because I can just call and reach them whenever I feel like doing.
2. Describe how computer works.

The computer is one of the most complicated machines built by humans and to understand everything
about a computer would take more time than the average person would care to spend. To understand
how a computer works you should be able to know and explore all its technical details. A computer can
open up a new world of discovery for everyone. It opens up the whole world for learning about anything
that happened in the past, or maybe what will happen in the future. Based on what I’ve learned,
computer works by changing the data or present information into numerical or binary numbers which is
the ones and the zeros. It also deals with mathematics in terms of making decisions on how to rearrange
the numbers into words or actions.

The computer has main parts which includes the CPU or Central Processing Unit, the Memory, and the
Mother Board. These parts makes up the device and contribute on how the computer works properly.

 First the CPU, Central Processing Unit is known as the heart of the computer. This processes all
the information inside and tells the instruction or the groups of processors to what and how to
handle the data inside. It is more like part of a human body but in more tech way.
 The second one is the Memory, from the name itself it serves as the storage of values that are sent
by the instruction from the CPU or to the CPU. Under memory there is RAM or randomly access
memory any time and Disk Drives like hard disk that has a capacity of 40 gigabytes or more,
floppy disk that can store about 1.4 megabytes which has the same material with tapes, and CD-
ROM that usually has 650 or 700 megabytes per disk. These Disk drives have different memory
capacity and advantages but all of them don’t lose their value when the device is turned off unlike
 The last main component is Motherboard or a circuit board to connect all the part of the
computer in order for it to work. This is where we hold mostly the cards, networks or insert flash
drives and other output devices.

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