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Why might dgos be useful for this kind of work?

These photos have very little in common, being almost the complete opposite.
Both seem to be jobs that require a lot of experience.
Both are people who take care of animals and the last thing in common is that
the two people live from it.
These images have many differences
The main difference between these photos is that one is outdoors and the other
is indoors.
In the image of cattle, the shepherd (shaperd) takes care of his animals while
the veterinary takes care of other people's animals. Also in the second photo we
see that they are pets and in the first one they are farm animals.
Another difference is the clothing, since the veterinary has white coat to be in
the office, and the shepherd wears old clothes and his cane.
I think that the difficult thing about being a shepherd is having to take
care of so many animals, since you have to have a lot of experience and a
lot of patience. As for the vet, I see it as easier but it also has its
complications, since if you are with a very sick animal you have to know
what to do.

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