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Sports is a part of human civilization. In the past, people or whole armies would do battle with
each other, causing hundreds of deaths. Later, it evolved into a fight between or among
representatives. People would send champion or the strongest one of the armies to represent
and compete with the champions of the other groups. Eventually, sports became a form of
entertainment, as well as an avenue to practice and show physical prowess and skill.

There are several benefits of engaging in sports. One is learning how to set goals, as well as
collaborating with others in order to attain such goals. Another advantage of sports is learning to
follow and respect rules. The value of persistence and perseverance is also developed in
practices, motivated with the desire to improve technique and the self. While the desire to win is
encouraged, dealing with loss and failure is also learned. The values learned in sports or games
are also lessons anyone can apply in life. Sports and games are laboratories of life.

In this module, you should be able to:
1. discuss the nature of different sports injuries;
2. identify and describe the different cases of injuries;
3. demonstrate and apply proper safety protocols and etiquette in training and exercise
throughout a variety of a game;
4. demonstrate personal safety protocol to avoid dehydration, overexertion, hypo-and
hyperthermia during MVPA participation;
5. participates in an organized event that addresses health/fitness issues and concerns;
6. explain the value of optimizing one’s health through Physical Education and Sports;
7. recognize the different types of tournament for health-and sports;
8. organize a sports event for a target health issue or concern.

Physical Education and Health offers experiential learning for learners to adopt an active life for
fitness and lifelong health. The knowledge, skills and understanding which include physical and
health literacy competencies support them in accessing, synthesizing and evaluating
information; making informed decisions; enhancing and advocating their own as well as others’
fitness and health. This course is comprised of individual, dual and team sports in competitive
and recreational settings. It consists of an array of offerings which learners can choose from.

The learner demonstrates
 understanding of sports in optimizing one’s health as a habit; as requisite for physical
activity assessment performance, and as a career opportunity.
The learner leads
 sports events with proficiency and confidence resulting in independent pursuit and in
influencing other positively.
 Engages in moderate to vigorous physical activities (MVPAs) for at least 60 minutes
most days of the week in a variety of settings in-and out- of school.
 Observes personal safety protocol to avoid dehydration, overexertion, hypo-and
hyperthermia during MVPA participation
In this lesson, the students are expected to:
1. explain the nature of different sports injuries;
2. identify and describe the different cases of injuries;
3. demonstrate and apply proper safety protocols and etiquette in training and exercise
throughout a variety of a game.

Instruction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Sprains are injuries to _________?
a. Ligaments b. Bones c. Tendons or muscles
2. Strains are injuries to _________?
a. Ligaments b. Bones c. Tendons or muscles
3. Which statement is true?
a. Warm-ups are important for increasing flexibility.
b. Warm-ups and cool-downs are equally important.
c. Cool-downs are important to relax muscles used during exercise.
d. They are all true statements.
4. A __________ occurs when a joint comes apart and stays apart with the bone ends no
longer in contact.
a. Fracture c. Sprain
b. Dislocation d. Strain
5. What is an open fracture?
a. A break with two or more fractures of the same bone.
b. A break of a bone joint.
c. One in which the sharp edges of the bone cut through the skin.
d. One in which the two sides of the break do not touch each other.
6. Pointed object enters the body.
a. Puncture c. Incision
b. Laceration d. Abrasion
7. A brain injury that changes the way your brain normally works. A bump, blow or jolt to
the head or a blow to the body that causes the head to move rapidly back and forth.
a. Headache c. Concussion
b. MHR d. Spine Injury
8. List two Safety precautions that can help you avoid injuries during physical activity.
a. Ride a bike with no helmet, wear baggy clothes
b. Warm up, cool down
c. no helmet, no worries
9. What does PRICE Stand for?
a. Protect, Rest, Ice Compression, Evening
b. Protect, Rice, Ice Compress, Eat
c. Please, Read, IT carefully, everyday
d. Protect, Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation.
10. Overworking the body.
a. Heat Exhaustion c. Overexertion
b. Heat Stroke d. Hypothermia





Map shows how important the safety practices to those individuals who engage in various types
of physical activities. Such as sports and exercise that have a higher risk of getting injured as
compared to those who practice a sedentary lifestyle.

Activity 1: Protective Gear Equipment
Instruction: Identify two equipment that can be used to decrease risk of injury in the following



Mixed Martial Arts

Others (Specify)

Activity 2: Reconnecting!
Instruction: Choose one sport from the previous lessons and suggest rule changes that can
help decrease the risk of getting an injury.



Most of the injuries are preventable and awareness of the risk factors will help in reducing the
risk. Furthermore, vigilance and safety measures can dramatically reduce the occurrence of
injuries. Injuries are damaged tissues or organs which occur when it encounters trauma or
physical force that is greater than what it can resist or absorb. The tissues are able withstand
varying degrees of stress and strain but it will break down if it experiences an impact that is
stronger than what it can tolerate. Tissues and organs react to the impact and direction of the

Tensile forces are those that act away from the center of the structure, causing a pull or
stretch. Compressive forces impact the center causing it to bend or fold. Shear forces are
opposing forces toward the different ends of the structure causing it to twist. The ligaments,
tendons, muscles, and bones have inherent strength that helps withstand strong forces. The
strength properties of each musculoskeletal structure vary according to the density of collagen
and elastin fibers present. Its ability to withstand sudden or acute forces also depends on the
tissues (i.e., fat) that soften the impact on the structure. Acute injuries have signs and
symptoms (e.g., pain, swelling) that manifest immediately after force application.

An excessive stretching force can cause the fibers of the ligament, muscle, or tendon to
break. An overstretched ligament is called a sprain. Sprains can be classified as mild,
moderate, or severe, depending on the loss of function and the number of torn fibers. Fractures
are breaks in the continuity of the bone. Dislocations are bones that are pushed out from their
joint capsule.

Overuse injuries are common among individuals who have been training for a long period of
time minimal rest and recovery between sessions. There are three types of overuse injuries
according to severity:
 Stage I- athletes with this stage, injury complain of pain only after activity, game, or
training session.
 Stage II- athletes with this stage, injury complain during and after an activity but do not
feel it during rest.
 Stage III- the athlete feels in pain whether at rest or play.


1. Sprain- overstretched ligaments. The ligaments stabilize and limit joint mobility. When the
joint is forced into a position that is beyond its normal range, it will overstretch the ligament. The
most common sprains are located at the lower limbs such as the ankle and knee because they
are subjected to stress daily.

A commonly sprained ligament is the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). The ACL is a
connective tissue that helps stabilize the knee every time the muscles contract. It is common in
soccer, basketball, and volleyball.

2. Strain- a twist, pull, or tear o muscle or tendon (a cord of tissue that connects the muscle to
bone). It is also an acute, non-contact injury that results from overstretching or over contraction.
The most common strains are located at the lower limbs such as the hamstring and calf muscle.

3. Fracture- the most common fractures are located at the upper limbs such as the hand and
forearm. Fractures are more common in growing bones because it is less dense. Fractures in
the upper limb occur when individuals support their weight using their hands when they fall or

4. Dislocation- commonly occur in joints that allow greater range of motion. The most common
dislocations are located at the upper limbs such as the shoulder and elbow. These joints are
commonly affected when an individual uses his/her hand to support his/her weight when he/she
5. Concussion- life-threatening injuries because they disrupt the normal function of the brain. A
severe blow to the head could cause the blood vessels in the brain to rupture. As the blood
leaks out of the ruptured blood vessels, it will accumulate inside the skull. As the volume of
blood increases, the pressure inside the skull starts to build up.


1. Stress Fracture- commonly occur among runners who train for long periods without
adequate rest periods. The repetitive workload creates microtrauma as thick as a strand of hair
in the bone and gets bigger over time. This type of fracture doesn’t require immobilization but
the individual has to stop exercise for around four weeks to give it time to heal.
2. Tendinopathy/Tendinitis- the most common overuse injury in sports involves the muscle-
tendon unit. The most common site of tendinitis in the upper limb involves the muscle-tendon
units around the elbow (i.e., golfer’s elbow, tennis elbow). The most common site of tendinitis in
the lower extremities involves the muscle-tendon units surrounding the knee (i.e., jumper’s
knee). The pain usually eases during activity but will worsen after playing.
3. Osteoarthritis- the wear and tear of a joint that results to its deterioration. The friction
deteriorates the cartilage that protects the bones from rubbing against each other. The recovery
period takes several months because of poor blood supply to the area.
4. Bursitis- bursa is a sac-like musculoskeletal structure that provides support and cushioning
to the joint. This injury is common in swimmers and runners. The recovery period usually takes
two weeks to a month.

Signs of Dehydration
 Dizziness
 Fatigue
 Weakness
 Dry mouth
 Flushed skin
 Headache
 Blurred Vision
 Difficulty Swallowing
 Dry Skin
 Hot Skin
 Rapid pulse
 Frequent need to urinate


Most sports injuries can be prevented with adequate preparation and proper knowledge. The
following strategies can minimize the occurrence of these injuries.
1. Adopt a Comprehensive Training Program- it goes beyond addressing the fitness
parameters such as aerobic capacity and strength. The program contains the correct
exercise and proper execution as well as posture, corrective exercises, stability
exercises, and other exercises that will improve neuromuscular efficiency.
2. Use protective equipment and practice correct technique- injuries while playing a
sport or game can be prevented by using some protective equipment. Practice the
correct technique when lifting barbells and dumbbells off the floor.
3. Incorporate recovery strategies in the training program- training and exercise is a
controlled form of stress that stimulates the body to become stronger. It is recommended
to drink water before, during and after an exercise session to prevent dehydration.
4. Follow rules and decorum during competition- tournaments directors and sports
officials draw up rules and regulations for any competition to maintain fairness and
safety for everyone involved.

Fitness and training injuries can be prevented if an individual takes the necessary preparations
and precautions on the following variables:

1. Proper Attire. The attire should be appropriate for the chosen activity. It is important to
consider comfort and protection when choosing an appropriate attire.
2. Proper technique. An individual needs to consult a trainer and ask for proper instruction in
performing the chosen activity or exercise.
3. Gym etiquette. Individuals that subscribe to gym facilities should be aware of the rules and
etiquette. Each facility has its own list rules but these are the most common:
 Ask for a spotter when lifting loads close to 1RM.
 Do not drop the barbell at the end of the set.
 Put weights and dumbbells on designated racks.
 Be aware of the exercise area for each equipment.
 Do not use mobile phone inside the gym.
 On a track, inner lane is for walking while outer lane is for running.
 Do not engage in horseplay nor talk in a loud voice.
 Do not wear loose jewelry while working out.
4. Proper environment conditions. It is advisable to check the environmental conditions
before the exercise session. It is possible that the area or the weather is not conducive for the
5. Adequate recovery. The recovery period is just as important as the workout session. It is
important to provide the body with an adequate and proper nutrition to recover.

Here are some recommendations when choosing the right pair of shoes:
1. Choose a shoe specific to the sports or activity. Shoe technology has improved over the
past decades. Manufacturers employ biomechanical studies to determine the forces that act on
the for a specific activity.
2. Determine appropriate shoe size. The fit of the shoe is just as important as the shoe type.
Most individuals just measure the foot length to determine shoe size. The foot width and arch
length are also important.
3. Evaluate foot movement pattern. Individuals should be aware of how their foot move during
physical activity. Shoes can help correct excessive movement, which will reduce risk of overuse

Instruction: Answer the following questions.
1. How do you avoid dehydration when playing an individual or team sports?
2. In what sports is hypothermia common?
3. Why is it important to engage in moderate to vigorous sports activities?
4. Why is it important to consider safety precautions and procedures in playing a sport?
5. How can we maintain safety in playing a sport?


Instruction: Watch the following YouTube videos. Identify and describe the following:
1. type of injury shown and its mechanism.
2. trainable or modifiable factor that can lead to the greatest reduction in acute injuries and
how poor the technique contributes to overuse injury.

Here’s the video link for this activity:

Instruction: Play a sport. Choose from the array of team sports discussed on the previous
module. Keep in mind the proper safety protocols and etiquette in training and exercise. Prior to
playing the sport, engage in a proper warm-up and stretching routine. Cooldown and stretch
after playing.

 Participation is sports and fitness training increase the risk of an individual to injury.
 Most of the injuries affect the musculoskeletal structures such as bones, joints, muscles,
tendons, and ligaments.
 The symptoms of an injury occur right after the impact or after several months. When the
pain is felt immediately, the injury is classified as acute; whereas in an overuse injury,
the pain is felt after a long period.
 Sprains and fractures are examples of acute injuries.
 Osteoarthritis and tendinopathies are examples of overuse injuries.
 An inflammation occurs at the injured site of facilitate the healing process. The
inflammatory response will depend on the severity of the injury.
 It is important to prevent injuries from occurring as the new tissue is not as strong as the
original structure.
 There are several ways of preventing sports and training injuries such as proper
technique, proper attire, and appropriate environmental conditions.
 Poor weather conditions can predispose an individual from suffering a heat illness such
as cramps and heat stroke.

Instruction: Write “T” if the statement is TRUE and write “F” if the statement is FALSE. Put your
answer on the space provided.
_______1. Sprains are injuries to ligaments.
_______2. Strains are injuries to bones.
_______3. Warm-ups are important for increasing flexibility.
_______4. A dislocation occurs when a joint comes apart and stays apart with the bone ends no
longer in contact.
_______5. Open fracture is the sharp edges of the bone cut through the skin.
_______6. A brain injury that changes the way your brain normally works. A bump, blow or jolt
to the head or a blow to the body that causes the head to move rapidly back and forth is called
_______7. Cool-downs are important to relax muscles used during exercise.
_______8. PRICE means Protect, Rest, Ice, Compression, Exercise.
_______9. Pointed object enters the body is called puncture.
_______10. Overworking the body is called overexertion.

 Fernando-Callo, Lualhati; Dajime, Peter F. “Physical Education and Health Volume I”.
Published at Rex Book Store.
 Gialogo, Ryan C.; Gialogo, Richardson C. “Fit for Life” The K to 12 Physical Education
and Health Textbook. Published at Phoenix.

The learner demonstrates
 understanding of sports in optimizing one’s health as a habit; as requisite for physical
activity assessment performance, and as a career opportunity.
The learner leads
 sports events with proficiency and confidence resulting in independent pursuit and in
influencing other positively.
 Participates in an organized event that addresses health/fitness issues and concerns
 Organizes sports event for a target health issue or concern
In this lesson, the students are expected to:
1. explain the value of optimizing one’s health through Physical Education and Sports;
2. recognize the different types of tournament for health-and sports;
3. organize a sports event for a target health issue or concern.

Instruction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which one of the following is NOT an aspect of sports and entertainment marketing?
a. overseeing marketing projects. c. matching clients with sponsors.
b. developing strategic financial plans. d. working with the media
2. What is sport management functions?
a. Planning, Organizing, Leading and Controlling
b. Leading, Organizing, Planning and Controlling
c. Organizing, Leading, Controlling and Planning
d. Controlling, Leading, Organizing and Planning
3. A person responsible for matching up corporations with events that reach their target
market has a career in.
a. sponsorship management
b. advertising sales
c. hospitality
4. Which of the following is one of the main features of a sport product?
a. Franchises b. Extensions c. Athletes
5. One of the features of sports events such as football games is that they are ___?
a. Impulsive b. Unpredictable c. Consistent
6. Most sport/event products are classified as ___________?
a. Pure Goods
b. A combination of goods and services.
c. A combination of rented and owned-goods services.
7. The advantages of strategic management would include all but ___________.
a. Discharges board responsibility
b. Flexibility is limited
c. Enables measurability of progress
8. It gets along with others while instilling good relations.
a. Good human relations
b. Ready to take on responsible
c. Intellectual capacity
9. Competitiveness in thinking and logical reasoning; effective at imparting and applying
a. Good human relations
b. Ready to take on responsible
c. Intellectual capacity
10. Accountable to tasks and handling of personnel.
a. Good human relations
b. Ready to take on responsible
c. Intellectual capacity

The Qualities of
a Good Leader

Roles and
Responsibility of Types of
Tournament Officiating


Qualities of an
Kinds of Officials

Bases of Good

Map shows how significant the management is in any physical and sports education programs.
It involves collaboration of the body and long-term strategic plans and programs. However,
organization is the structural planning of roles to implement necessary functions.


Instruction: Identify what sample tournament formats that shown below.
1. _________________________

2. __________________________

3. ____________________________

Management deals with the tasks ad accountabilities to accomplish the objective through
cooperation. It requires harmonious effort amongst members to fulfill the target objective. This
involves collaboration of the administering body, the participants of physical education class,
and other sports programs. Management involves long-term strategic plans and programs:
resources, financial, legal and safety management, public relations, and promotions.
Organization is the structural planning of roles to implement necessary functions. The total
development of an individual is centered on a philosophically sound program structure and

Management involves five major functions: planning, organizing, staffing, leading and

1. In planning, program strategies are laid out to achieve the desired outcome. It includes
processes such as forecasting, developing objectives, programming, scheduling, budgeting, and
formulating procedures.
2. Organizing aids in developing a group structure with definite scope of work every
member. This includes development of the organizational structure, delegation of
responsibilities and work, and the relationship among individuals.
3. Staffing is the recruitment, selection, and retention of members wherein they are given
appropriate assignment with proper training and professional development. It also
concerns establishing an ideal work environment and ensuring human resources to get the work
4. Leading is direction the organization to motivate and empower individuals in carrying
out the program. Leading includes decision-making, communication, selection of people. And
enhancing performance of individuals.
5. Controlling ensures proper plan execution within the goals of the organization. It
requires monitoring, assessment, evaluation and feedback which can lead re-engineering,
reframing or rewarding. Managers should continuously be control of what is happening under
his/her jurisdiction.


1. Administrative mind- having an open mind and objectively evaluating circumstances.
2. Integrity- trustworthy of classified information; truthful, genuine, and committed to his/her
3. Good human relations- gets along with others while instilling good relations.
4. Healthy and fit- for an uninterrupted flow in getting a demanding job done.
5. Ready to take on responsible-accountable to tasks and handling of personnel.
6. Awareness of work- know-how on specific field of organization.
7. Intellectual capacity- competitiveness in thinking and logical reasoning; effective at
imparting and applying knowledge.
Tournament Officials are in charge of officiating the event. They have an in-depth knowledge
about the sport. The responsibilities of tournament officials include:
 Enforcing the rules and regulation of the game;
 Ensuring that the game is played safety and in order (i.e., prevent confrontations of
players or teams; check uniforms and equipment compliance with safety rules; and
issues warnings and corresponding penalties or ejections);
 Inspecting the safety of the field or facility;
 Managing time; and
 Communicating properly to the coaches and players the rules and regulations of the

Officiating is classified as outside officiating or professional officiating and self-officiating.
Outside Officiating requires external officials, usually hired, or volunteers assigned by the
organizers to implement the rules and code of conduct of the game or the tournament. Normally
officials are not related to any team so they can provide impartial decisions. Self-Officiating
happens when there are no “outside” officials. Players officiate the games or run the
tournament. This is usually done pick-up games with friends and may not be as effective
compared to outside officiating.

1. Court or field officials within the game court or field, calling the violations and penalties. They
may be stationary or moving, depending on the sport (e.g., badminton--stationary or basketball--
2. Table Officials are those who handle time, scores, reviews, and record statistics.


1. Ability- talent and competency for the job
2. Preparation- method of getting set ahead of time
3. Experience- acquired knowledge and capabilities from previous involvements in actual

Here are some common qualities of a good official:
1. Confidence- has self-confidence and believes in his/her abilities to go beyond any
adversities and remains in control of the games.
2. Consistency- calling violations and rulings constantly in similar situations, equally to the
opposing teams.
3. Decisiveness- decision should be quick and simultaneous with the observed play. Too long
to decide may give a sense of indecision, and makes the ruling questionable.
4. Enjoyment/motivation-having fun and the sense of enjoyment translates to positivity and
energy, which leads to high level of motivation.
5. Integrity- deciding games in an honest and impartial manner regardless of the reactions
received form anyone, remaining tome or score, or any other influences. “Calling it as you see
it” attitude.
6. Judgment- requires an in-depth and continuing knowledge on rules and regulations of a
specific sport.
7. Poise- staying unaffected by emotions and tensions to remain calm and poised regardless of
8. Rapport- effectively relating with everyone by treating members of both teams with situation.

The following are major considerations in selecting types of competitions or tournament:

 Type of activity
 Number of competitors
 Available space and time


Challenge Tournaments
This tournament has levels where winners go up and losers go down from their respective
positions. Winning is important to climb to the top position. This type of tournament needs
sufficient time to give chance to bottom dwellers to reach the top. Tournament position are
usually occupied on a first-come basis.

The General Rules

1. Players are not allowed to refuse a challenge
2. Players are not allowed to play the same opposition twice consecutively.
3. The absence of a player may cause him/her to move down of position or be replaced by
players below him/her.

Types of Challenge Tournaments

1. Ladder tournament suits single player competitions like tennis or badminton where
participants challenge each other on a one-on-one match. Players move up or down the
ladder depending on how they fared in their matches. The player on the top ladder will
be declared the winner.
2. Pyramid tournament is almost similar to the ladder tournament except that it has more
players at the lower level when the tournament starts, then the number of players
decreases as the level progresses.
3. Spider Web Tournament is a bracketing design taken form the shape of a spider web.
The top position is the center with lines crossing them.
Round-Robin Tournaments- is a competition in which each contestant meets all other
contestants in turn. A round-robin contrast with an elimination tournament, in which
participants are eliminated after a certain number of losses.
1. Round Robin is a format where each team plays a number of games (n-1) depending
on how many teams are participating. Usually, teams are divided into two groups (n/2)
and ranked by game points. Crossover games are then held with the top team in a group
plays against the bottom team of another group, and the second ranked teams playing
against the third ranked teams from the opposite group.
2. Lombard Round Robin is a round robin variation used for limited allotted period. If full
games are not possible, mini games are played. All scored for or against points are
recorded to determine the winning team with the best ratio.

Elimination Tournaments
An elimination tournament is for short round of matches. Single or pair losses instantly eliminate
participants. This is suitable for time-constrained events but is advantageous for maximal play.

General Guidelines
1. Draw is set up in even counts of brackets to the power of two (x2).
2. Brackets not used by teams constitute a bye.
3. All byes are generated from the top seeded teams.
4. The four top seeded teams are spaced in the draw so as not to play against each other
until later sounds.
5. All games must be numbered to help the organization of the tournament.

Types of Elimination Tournaments

1. Single or Straight Elimination is when player or a team loses, they get eliminated; the
winning (player or team) continues to play to the next round.
2. Double Elimination is similar to a single elimination except that a player or team gets
eliminated after losing twice.


Marketing is an important process in conducting physical education, recreation, and sports
programs. It involves planning, analysis, management, and implementation of designed
programs by organizations or schools to achieve satisfaction of consumers or participant’s

Principles are the foundation and guidelines in performing tasks. Professionals should observe
the following principles in marketing sports and physical education programs.

1. Customer Principle. Marketing should focus on customers, as they are the “life source” of
the organization.
2. Competition Principle. A value-based marketing should examine the competitors’ programs,
competence, and benefits that influence participants.
3. Practice Principle. PE and Sports managers are expected to be extra active and pioneering
in marketing and image management approaches.
4. Cross-Functional Principle. Marketing has been recently integrated into many sports-
related programs and since then, it became vital in sustaining the programs of schools and
5. Continuous Improvement Principle. All persons involved, including managers, in PE,
recreation, and sports programs must persistently strive to enhance programs, processes,
operations, facilities, services, and instructional delivery.
6. Stakeholder Principle. While most proposals are concentrated on a certain public segment,
other stakeholders like consumers, employees, and society at large should be considered. No
one should be discriminated or disregarded.

A number of important elements and activities comprise the marketing process such as the
1. Organization Mission and Objectives. The foundation of marketing process is
anchored on the organization’s mission and objectives. Defining this through careful
evaluation of the needs and benefits of the participants and prospects is the primary task
of the management.
2. Marketing Opportunity Analysis. Market analysis determines what people want from
the organization to deliver and satisfy. It gives organizers figures of market segments,
which can be of interest to the organization.
3. Market Strategy. Marketing strategy comprises a mixture of three activities: determining
target markets; establishing marketing objectives; and developing and maintaining a
suitable marketing mix.

The first activity is to determine the group of interest or the target, followed by the development
of a detailed marketing objectives and goals. The last activity is the creation of marketing mix or
the six Ps which refers to the distinctive combination of product/program, public, place, pricing,
production, and promotion strategies thoroughly designed to please target markets.
a. Product/program strategies. An excellent organizational product is the centerpiece of
any organization. A product or program can stir recognition and significance when
properly promoted.
b. Public. Products and programs must be adaptive to the varying preferences of the
c. Place or distribution strategies. This entails availability, measurability, and “where and
how” customers’ preferred products.
d. Pricing Strategies. Prices are the most noticeable and flexible among the components.
Prices should be set at a value where benefits overweigh the cost and is affordable to
e. Promotion Strategies. This strategy concerns the different marketing drives and
interventions to gain consumer interest, responsiveness, and subscription to the product
or services.
4. Implementation. The part of marketing process where the plans and strategies are
executed in line with the target objectives.
5. Evaluation. The final stage of the continuous marketing process in PE, recreation, and
sports. It requires assessment of the achievement of marketing objectives in particular

Marketing is an important part of an individual’s everyday life. Consumer and educators take
part in the process. The principle of marketing will provide better understanding of the products,
services, and programs.

Instruction: Answer the following questions.
1. Is the principles in marketing Physical Education and Sports really helps you in your daily
lifestyle? In what area and why?
2. How important the marketing process in Physical Education and Sports?
3. What are the things you need to consider in organizing a sports event in your school or
4. Why is it important for intramurals to be part of the yearly school activities?

Instruction: Choose a game and make a schedule for it using the different types of tournament
below. Use the format provided in the lesson.
a. Ladder Tournament
b. Round Robin
c. Single Elimination
d. Double Elimination






1. Make a plan on how to organize a sports event/competition in your school and
community. Follow the guidelines below:
a. Choose 5 sports that you want to include in your intramurals.
b. Create a schedule of games per event using the types of tournament discussed in
the lesson.
c. Provide and evaluation tool.
2. Create a marketing strategy to promote your own physical and sports education
program. Provide illustration(s) about the whole plan or make a graphic organizer.

 A sporting event should be presided by game officials (outside or self-officiating) with
adequate qualifications.
 Suitable tournament formats must be designed depending on the number of teams, time
allotted, availability of facility, and budget.
 A physical and sports education program and sporting events also need a good
marketing strategy to meet consumer or participants’ needs and at the same time
improve products and services.
 To effectively achieve the target objectives and successful sports education program, a
sound organization and management is essential.
 Management carries out the planning, organization, staffing, leadership, and control.
 Ultimately, a leader must possess good qualities for the organization to succeed.

Instruction: Write “T” if the statement is TRUE and write “F” if the statement is FALSE. Put your
answer on the space provided.
______1. Developing strategic financial plans is an aspect of sports and entertainment
______2. Sport management functions means planning, organizing, leading and controlling.
______3. Sponsorship management is a person responsible for matching up corporations with
events that reach their target market has a career in.
______4. Athletes is the main features of a sport products.
______5. One of the features of sports events such as football games is that they are impulsive.
______6. Most sport/event products are classified as a combination of goods and services.
______7. The advantages of strategic management would include all but enables measurability
of progress.
______8. Good human relations are getting along with others while instilling good relations.
______9. Intellectual capacity is a competitiveness in thinking and logical reasoning; effective at
imparting and applying knowledge.
______10. Ready to take on responsible means accountable to tasks and handling of

 Fernando-Callo, Lualhati; Dajime, Peter F. “Physical Education and Health Volume I”.
Published at Rex Book Store.
 Gialogo, Ryan C.; Gialogo, Richardson C. “Fit for Life” The K to 12 Physical Education
and Health Textbook. Published at Phoenix.

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