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Analysis of progressive muscle relaxation therapy for reducing blood pressure in patients
with hypertension in the Kallibong Aloe environment. Ropita sari1, Aszrul AB2
Background: Hypertension is a health problem in the world (World Health
Organization/WHO), making the current issue the global prevalence of hypertension in 22%
of the world population. WHO also states that hypertension is the leading cause of death
worldwide. Hypertension is common in developing countries, especially in Indonesia.
Research question: The researcher's question is, "Does progressive muscle relaxation reduce
blood pressure in the Kalebbong Aloe environment?"
Research Aim: Be able to provide comprehensive nursing care to hypertensive clients.
Method: This type of research is descriptive and uses the case study method. Case studies are
research plans designed in such a way that research can obtain answers to research questions
(Setiadi, 2018).
Results: From the intervention that has been implemented, namely progressive muscle
relaxation, the result is that after being given the action, the client feels less pain, is more
comfortable and has decreased blood pressure from the first day of treatment.

Keywords: Hypertension, progressive muscle relaxation

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