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Idea – Electric Heater using cell fuelled by salt water


the water molecules pull the sodium and chlorine ions apart, so they are floating
freely, increasing the conductivity. These ions are what carry electricity through the
water with an electric current.

Use: Providing
- Low economically developed countries (LEDC)
- Countries affected by war
- Countries with no access to electricity
The ability for access to heat with minimal cost as this is a basic human necessity.

- Inexpensive as salt water is being used which most places have access to
- Environmentally friendly
- Can be used by almost everyone, therefore it’s more a necessity than a luxury in the
business aspect

How can we achieve this?

- Preliminary design. We can design the base layout of a heater which is powered by
salt water. This would be detachable from the actual heater to fuel the cell with salt
water. After refuelling the fuel cell would be placed back into the heater design and
the charges would run through the model providing heat.

Next stage to think about…How expensive would it be to design, buy the parts and construct.
- How would we achieve targeting our audience. Would we partner with other brands to
provide distribution.
- How would we achieve funding…Crowd funding? Investors?

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