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Nama : Khariul Hidayat (19 0211 0025)

Prodi : Akuntansi 19
Cause and Effect Paragraph

Education problems that occur in Asmat district, South Papua

Asmat district is an inland district in South Papua which has educational problems.
Reporting from Liputan6 Asmat is a district that has a high illiteracy rate. According to
UNDP, more than 20 percent of people in Asmat who are over 15 years old are illiterate. In
fact, when viewed from the perspective of providing educational facilities, such as the
provision of BOS funds and the construction of schools carried out by the government in
almost every village in Asmat district.
One reason most children in Asmat district are illiterate, despite the construction of
schools in almost every village, is the uneven distribution of educators or teachers. The
Asmat district government said that the education problems it experienced were due to a lack
of educators or teachers teaching there.
Then the second cause is the lack of awareness of the children in the Asmat district of
the importance of education. According to several teachers stationed in the village, many
students cannot attend school because they follow their parents to the forest looking for food.
If this problem continues, it will have an impact on the future of Asmat district. not
only education, but health, and the level of the economy will also be left behind. Due to the
lack of knowledge of the children there, as the future young generation of Asmat district.
Based on the above review, it can be concluded that the high illiteracy rate, even
though school facilities are in almost every village in Asmat district, is due to a lack of
teaching staff, and the lack of awareness of the children there of the importance of education.
Therefore, the government's role is needed to provide equitable teaching staff. In addition,
the environment and parents who have responsibility for children's education must also
continue to provide direction. So that the children there understand the importance of

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