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The government of Qatar bans LGBT, freesex and

alcohol at the world cup 2022.

Khairul Hidayat (19 0211 0025)

 One-night stands with non-married couples and same-sex relationships or LGBT are
prohibited at the Qatar 2022 World Cup. Those who are reckless and caught by the
authorities can be punished with up to 7 years in prison. The ban on free sex and
LGBT is the first time that there is a World Cup event. As for the culture of partying
with alcohol, which is usually done in western countries after the game is also
prohibited. This has been announced by the Secretary general of the Qatar football
association Mansoor Al-anshari. (Source: CNBC Indonesia, 19 Juli 2022).

 I agree with the policy adopted by Qatar Football Association officials to prohibit free
sex, LGBT and alcohol parties. Because it is an illegal activity in Qatar and contrary
to the culture of Islamic countries in the Middle East.

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