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A Quality Of Life Concept Analysis.


Table of Contents

Literature Review..................................................................................................................3

Concept Attributes.................................................................................................................4

Referents of the Concept.......................................................................................................5

Antecedents of the Concept...................................................................................................6

Concepts related to Quality of Life Concept........................................................................6

Model case.............................................................................................................................7

Borderline case......................................................................................................................8

Contrary case.........................................................................................................................9




The methodology used in examining concepts and their structures is referred to as concept

analysis(Lee, 2017). There are various approaches for doing concept analysis in order to

determine the qualities, semantics, and descriptions of the concepts under consideration.

Quality of life is regarded in nursing as a multifaceted term influenced by judgments,

culture, a human's position, experiences, and perspectives. It includes mental and social

relationships inside the family as well as environmental acts (Daire et al., 2019). Individuals'

different situations and personal observations shape their quality of life; this is a subjective

component that is essential in characterizing the quality of life aspects.

The objective indicators that comprise the quality of life are used to determine the quality

of life (Parse, 2016). Quality of life in connection to health, in particular, relates to both

physical and mental health across time. Medical practitioners utilize quality of life metrics to

learn about a person's health and how it affects their everyday lives. Quality of life is used to

assess identification and to follow distinct groups in communities (Ventegodt et al., 2003).

The goal of quality of life concept analysis is to clarify the meaning of the phrase by looking

at how it is utilized in health care and other fields. This will help individuals in healthcare

communicate about the quality of life with clients, workers, and other family members.

Literature Review

Quality of life is regarded as an essential topic in nursing for medical activities and related

studies (Fayers & Machin, 2013). The comprehension of quality of life is critical in the

process of delivering medical care to patients. The difficulties identified in the patient's

quality of life report are critical in making changes and improving interventions. The notion

of quality of life is employed in the process of determining issues affecting patients. The

information gathered can be shared with other patients to assist them in comprehending the

repercussions of their conditions and how to treat them.(Fayers & Machin, 2013), The

measurement of quality of life is crucial in the medical decision-making process since it

predicts treatment effectiveness and is thus seen as a significant survival indicator.

According to (Mayo, 2015), the consequences of sickness, medication, and disabilities, as

well as functional capacity, all have an influence on one's quality of life. It is regarded in the

assessment of health influence on individual life completion capacities. It is a measure of the

values attributed to life spans that have been varied by functional states, opportunities, and

limitations impacted by sickness and therapies. According to the World Health Organization,

(Group, 1995) quality of life is "a person's view of their living status in the cultural setting in

which they inhabit, as well as their aspirations, aspirations, worries, and interpersonal


Concept Attributes.

The word attributes of a concept denotes to the properties of an idea that occur repeatedly

(Fumincelli et al., 2019). Attributes of quality of life include subjective, satisfying,

multifaceted, and continuous. It is considered subjective since it entails assessing life

fulfillment. Every person's quality of life traits vary depending on their appraisal and

circumstance evaluations. Quality of life attributes are also assessed through objective

evaluations. Satisfaction is said to be multifaceted, encompassing physiological, spiritual, and

social aspects of existence. Some of the physiological dimensions of quality of life qualities

include daily operations, physical wellbeing, sexual performance, sleeping and relaxing, and

cognitive abilities. The cognitive dimensions include happiness, pleasure, individuality, and

sentiments. Spirituality, inner peace, and holiness are all spiritual domain traits. Interactions,

social engagement, professional efficiency, and psychological capital are all components of

the social realm (Aaronson et al., 2002).

Referents of the Concept.

The term referents refers to a quantifiable characteristic that indicates an interesting

concept. It is a quantitative characteristic that represents variations in interest in a concept

(Brush et al., 2011). Since the quality of life qualities are subjective, the referents will be

regarded as individualized subjective evaluation of life contentment. In assessing quality of

life, the World Health Organization created the " WHOQOL" instrument, which consists of

28 questions that assess physiological, occupational, cognitive, societal, and satisfaction

factors (Gagliardi et al., 2021). Assessment of the quality of life is best when individual’s

quality of life is determined through their own rating of life in terms of wellbeing, happiness

and satisfaction.

In the absence of subjective remarks, quality of life can be measured using various tools

created for objective evaluation. Questions on quality of life can be addressed at respondents

such as relatives  who are considered to recognize the person well. The individual's behavior

and knowledge about their physiological, social, and care facilities, the capacity to achieve

defined objectives, the expressing of emotions, and the establishment and management of

satisfying relationships are all observed (Skevington et al., 2014). Indications of

maltreatment, poor living environment, and sufferings can also indicate a lack of quality of

life. However, it is critical to recognize that this does not imply a lack of quality of life

considering quality of life is a personal subjective assessment of one's circumstances. As a

result, the strongest predictor of quality of life is the individuals personal subjective opinion

(Swan & Hobbs, 2017).

Antecedents of the Concept

Antecedents comprise the occurrences that must exist prior to the emergence of the notion.

Antecedents are not concept casual variables, but rather the requirements for the ideas to

emerge (Tehranineshat & Torabizadeh, 2021). Quality of life antecedents are the ability of

making decisions and evaluation of individual’s life. The most important antecedent in

quality of life is the presence of life itself, considering quality of life cannot exist without life.

It is hard to examine the quality of life without mentioning life essence. Another important

quality of life antecedent is the cognitive ability. Even though quality of life evaluation is

done by other individuals, they must possess the cognitive abilities in assessing and

evaluating life.

Concepts related to Quality of Life Concept

Quality of life is regarded in nursing as a multifaceted term influenced by judgments,

culture, a human's position, experiences, and perspectives. It includes mental and social

relationships inside the family as well as environmental acts (Daire et al., 2019). The main

concepts of quality of life include: Belonging, satisfaction, consciousness, individuality,

sentiments, and attitudes.


Emotional Well-being concept of quality of life refers to lack of stress and better mood

and enjoyment, it involves an individual sense of control within and environment. The

physical health concept of quality of life is defined as comprehensive health, which includes

exercise and an individual’s personal diet. It includes daily activities such as mobility,

physical activity, and relaxation.

Model case

Model cases refers to an example of a concept having all the concept attributes and

qualities. (Schiller, 2018), defines Model case as “a unique instance of the concept, a classic

example, or a unique instance”. The following is a model case for the concept of quality of


Jane, 56 years old, is a married woman with four children. Jane's spouse is kind, and

her friends are encouraging. Jane is working and earns a high monthly salary,

indicating that she is financially comfortable. As a result, Jane feels content and joyful

every time she sees her own life reflected. She is contented because of her health,

family, and financial security. In general, her life is going well due to the love and

assistance she receives from family and friends. As a result, this case covers all

aspects of life quality. Jane does a subjective assessment of her position and

determines satisfaction based on many variables such as emotions, happiness, social

contentment, financial sustainability, and overall physical health. These are the crucial

aspects that make Jane's life worthwhile. She is now comfortable with her life, but

this may change throughout time.

Alternative case

An alternate case refers to conceptions that share many similarities with one another.

Because of the content similarities, other cases can be employed to substitute the original

notion, however they may not communicate the same intended meaning. Example :

Frank discovers stunning news about a young man who won a significant sum of

money in a lottery draw while reading the news in a local newspaper. Frank now

believes that the young guy will be satisfied in life as a result of the financial boost he

received from winning the lottery. Externally, it appears like the young person will

have a great quality of life in this instance, yet the case lacks quality of life features. It

lacks a subjective examination of the individual's life satisfaction, instead relying on

an observation by someone who does not understand what it takes for a young man to

be regarded happy in life. The case is not multidimensional since it does not address

other aspects of life other than financial sustainability and what may be crucial for the

person's life quality. It is neither dynamic  since it is assumed that the person would

have a great quality of life.

Borderline case

A borderline case according to (Yazdani et al., 2016), is closely related to the situation yet

differs in certain ways from the notion under consideration. A borderline case contains the

same components as a model case, but one or several of the qualities is different in some

way. The following is an example of a borderline case for the concept of quality of life:

Erick is a 30-year-old man. He just lost his wife and two children to covid-19. He has

a lovely house and a well-paying work. He also serves as a leader in a local church,

where he is active in social activities such as assisting the underprivileged in his


neighborhood. Erick's health is in excellent shape; thus he is pleased with his life..

Although he is satisfied with his life, he is suffering from depression as a result of the

death of his family members to the covid-19 outbreak.

Erick's example demonstrates some but not all of the quality of life characteristics. He

subjectively appraised the scenario, and while he seemed to be happy and living a

good life. He was dissatisfied. The case is multifaceted since Erick is evaluating

various aspects of his personal life but deciding that what is most important to him is

his ties with his family. Because with the loss of his children and wife, his

contentment has suddenly changed. Except for contentment, this scenario includes all

aspects of life quality.

Contrary case

Contrary case is a case lacking all the attributes of a concept. The following is an example

of contrary case for the concept of quality of life:

A 69-year-old male patient who has been hospitalized for six months and has been

diagnosed with cancer is confused and incapable to make decisions about the

treatment he receives. He struggles to feed himself and continually begs for assistance

or he would die. Regardless of the fact that he desires everything he asks met; his wife

argues that he is unwilling to get pain medication.. This happens because the drug

causes him to fall asleep. His wife insists that the carers do all possible to maintain his



This instance is diametrically opposed to the quality of life qualities. The patient has

not rated his or her living circumstances subjectively, and there is no problem in the

assessment of life satisfaction. The treatment he is receiving is oriented on keeping

him alive rather than assessing his needs and contentment with life's realities.



The goal of the concept analysis was to define the word "quality of life" as it is used in

medical contexts. The assessment of related literature and analysis shown how difficult it is

to reduce the word to a single objectively defined use in any particular scenario. Clarification

was obtained, however, by the use of a literature research, qualities, and the articulation of

operations defined based on quality of life criteria.

It is critical for medical practitioners to gather information from this analysis on the

subjective aspect of quality of life. The absence of subjective assessment of quality of life

implies that objective assessment may be done by people close to the individual who know

what they would have appreciated otherwise. It is vital to highlight that quality of life is

multidimensional, meaning that several characteristics are analyzed and quality of life is

defined based on what is significant to the individual. Considerations on healthcare priorities

and treatment plans must be developed with the patient in mind, allowing the individual to

choose what values and what will undoubtedly enhance his or her quality of life.



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