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Syllabus BI Grammar:

1. Present Tense
2. Present Continuous Tense
3. Past Tense
4. Past Continuous
5. Future Tense
6. Future Continuous Tense
7. Ownership
8. Reference
9. Who, Whose, Whom, Which
10. Question 5W1H
11. Connectives
Syllabus BI vocabulary:

 List nouns at particular venue

 List verbs at particular venue
Syllabus BI reading:

 Read text verbally

 Annunciate how to say a word
 Tell meaning of text
Syllabus BI writing:

 Master how to write sentences (simple/complex)

 Describe idea or information in sentences
Syllabus BI listening:

 Make students listen to teacher talking

 Start easy (spelling test) – medium (write sentences) – advanced (understanding
Syllabus BI speaking:

 Students read to improve pronunciation

 Build confidence to answer
 Start small conversation

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