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A, À or AO?

When the preposition A is used with a definite article, we must connect the preposition to the article.

Preposition A + article A = À (with grave accent)

 Estou indo à farmácia. (I’m going to the pharmacy.)

Preposition A + article O = AO

 Estou indo ao supermercado. (I'm going to the supermarket.)

Common mistakes that Brazilians make regarding prepositions that indicate movement:

In Brazil, in colloquial language, the exchange of the preposition A for the preposition EM/NA/NO is very

common, despite being considered incorrect according to grammatical rules. Examples:

Colloquial Language/Formal Language:

Ele chegou no/ao trabalho cedo. (He arrived at work early.)

 Ela foi no/ao supermercado. (She went to the supermarket.)

 Ele voltou na/ à praia para encontrar amigos. (He went back to the beach to meet friends.)

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