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Brand Audit

Maximum Group Members: 4

Report: December 30, 2022
Max Marks: 20

The groups are required to do a complete audit of a Brand, and write a professional report. Groups
are required to select among the following brands for audit.

1. Prince Biscuits
2. Ding Dong Bubble
3. Outfitters
4. Cornetto
5. Gillette Mach 3
6. Kurkure
7. Imtiaz Super store
8. Aquafina
9. Dalda cooking oil
10. Shoop
11. Canderel
12. Sansodyne toothbrush
13. Sunsilk Shampoo
14. Knorr Noodles
15. Shaan Masala
16. Sting energy drink
17. Olpers milk

Before stepping in to the Project, please understand following factors should be covered in Brand
Audit Report:

1. Planning: Thoroughly review the brand, Its history, Key People, Name, Logos, Tagline,
Its Purpose and vision, Promises, Essence, Value Proposition, Focus, Differentiation,
IMC Approach, Content Marketing, Competitor Analysis etc.
2. Evaluating Equity Measures of the Brand across Brand Equity Traits. The Branding
Strategies to make the brand strong across Brand Equity Traits.
3. Evaluation Brand on the basis of CBBE. Evaluating Branding Strategies and Loopholes
in Branding Strategies to reach Resonance.
4. Develop a detailed Brand Report Card.
Please Understand the following Issues:

1. Brand Audit cannot be done in Isolation. It is very lengthy, detailed and time-consuming
2. The Brand Audit cannot be done without the input of brand managers, and associated
people responsible for managing the brand.
3. Input and feedback of other people that are outside of the organization are also required.
Without that brand Audit cannot be conducted. Those are Brand Adverting agencies, their
distribution firms, Retailers and Agents etc.
4. The feedback, analysis and consumer understanding of the brand is key. Consumer
feedback about the brand is required for every brand audit exercise.

As Brand is the sum of all efforts of corporation and all of its departments, therefore a critical
analysis of all the limbs and organs of corporation need to be evaluated for creating brands and
brand equity.

The data and information for the report should come from desk research, however mainly from
interviewing people from different departments of the corporation, the advertising agencies of the
brands, consumers and distributors. Evidence of interviews should be provided, along with the
sources of secondary data.

Please note:

1. It is brand audit and not the audit of Whole Corporation or all of its brands.
2. The sources of information should be authentic and reliable and should not be from blogs
and websites of poor repute.
3. Numbers are very important without which the report will be considered incomplete.

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