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1 Draft Report for [Wired/Wireless Use

2 Cases and Communication
3 Requirements for Flexible Factories
4 IoT Bridged Network]

5 {Editor Note: include a text to indicate this report is developed under the NEND-ICA}
7 Copyright © varCRYear by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
8 Three Park Avenue
9 New York, New York 10016-5997, USA
10 All rights reserved.


2 i
3 Copyright © 2017 IEEE. All rights reserved.
4 This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft Report, subject to change.

1 Abstract: <Select this text and type or paste Abstract—contents of the Scope may be used>
3 Keywords: <Select this text and type or paste keywords>

2 2
3 Copyright © 2017 IEEE. All rights reserved.
4 This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft Report, subject to change.


2 
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
3 3 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5997, USA
5 Copyright © varCRYear by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
6 All rights reserved. Published varPublishedDate. Printed in the United States of America.
8 IEEE is a registered trademark in the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office, owned by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics
9 Engineers, Incorporated.
11 PDF: ISBN varISBNpdf varStdIDpdf
12 Print: ISBN varISBNprint varStdIDprint
14 IEEE prohibits discrimination, harassment, and bullying.
15 For more information, visit
16 No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise, without the prior written permission
17 of the publisher.

18 3
19 Copyright © 2017 IEEE. All rights reserved.
20 This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft Report, subject to change.

1 Participants
2 At the time this drafttxtTrialUsetxtGorRPorSTD [report] was completed, the varWorkingGroup IEEE 802
3 Network Enhancement for the Next Decade Industry Connections Activity participants in the development
4 of this report included:

5 Glenn Parsons, Chair

6 varWkGrpViceChair, Vice Chair

8 Participant1 11 Participant4 14 Participant7
9 Participant2 12 Participant5 15 Participant8
10 Participant3 13 Participant6 16 Participant9


2 4
3 Copyright © 2017 IEEE. All rights reserved.
4 This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change.

1 Introduction

3 Communication used in factories has until now been mainly wired communication, which has been
4 preferred for its reliability. However, in recent years the shorter times of product development cycles
5 demands greater flexibility in the layout of machines and sequence of processes, and pipeline construction,
6 and there are increasing expectations for the use of radio links amongst of the sensors and machines used in
7 the manufacturing and factory processes.

8 This report is developed under the IEEE 802 Network Enhancements for Next Decade Industry
9 Connections Activity (NEND-ICA). It addresses the converged integration and bridged wired and wireless
10 IoT communications in the factory environment. The report includes use cases and requirements within the
11 factory wireless environment. It presents problems and challenges observed within the factory and reports
12 on feasibility of some possible solutions for overcoming these issues. Areas that may benefit from
13 standardization are highlighted.

Roger thinks the following text should be removed out of the introduction. I can
agree with that. But the rest the text “Material supporting the development …” can
be maintained as it is one of the key scope of NEND and it is one of the key
objectives of this report. If necessary we can edit to make general and not to pre-
judge the outcome. As such deleted the target WG for the new PAR.


17 [leading towards a proposal to initiate new standards development makes the case for a new project to be
18 conducted within the IEEE 802.1 WG. Material supporting the development of a new PAR is included in
19 this report. ]

20 The report analyses the factories environments considering its foreseen evolution that includes dense radio
21 devices utilization. It summarizes wireless use cases and their communication requirements which are
22 obtained based on information gathered from literature and factories survey.

23 The report then presents an underlying End to End network architecture which encompasses the operation
24 and control of the various services in the factory network according to their dynamic QoS requirements. It
25 analyses the applicable standards and features in wired and wireless IEEE 802 technologies for managing
26 requirements in End-to-End (E2E) network connectivity and TSN profiling for converged wired and
27 wireless connectivity in factory environment.



1 Contents

2 1. Overview......................................................................................................................................................7
3 1.1 Scope.....................................................................................................................................................7
4 1.2 Purpose..................................................................................................................................................8

5 2. Definitions....................................................................................................................................................8

6 3. Factory Overview and Operation environment............................................................................................8

7 3.1 Factory communication network environment......................................................................................8
8 3.2 Radio Environment within Factor.......................................................................................................11

9 4. Wireless application and communication requirements.............................................................................15

10 4.1 Scope of wireless applications in factory............................................................................................15
11 4.2 Wireless applications...........................................................................................................................15
12 4.3 communication requirements..............................................................................................................16
13 4.4 Details of wireless application and communication requirements......................................................18

14 5. Factory Usage scenarios.............................................................................................................................19

15 5.1 Usage scenarios example: Metal processing site.................................................................................19
16 5.2 Usage scenarios example: Mechanical assembly site..........................................................................19
17 5.3 Usage scenarios example: Elevated and high temperature work site..................................................19
18 5.4 Usage scenarios example: Logistics warehouse site...........................................................................19

19 6. Factory End to End Network architecture..................................................................................................19

20 6.1 Concept of architecture........................................................................................................................19
21 6.2 Expectation for Enhancement of existing IEEE 802 functions..........................................................19

22 7. New Project description and proposal........................................................................................................19

23 Annex A (informative) Bibliography.............................................................................................................20

24 1. Overview......................................................................................................................................................7

25 1.1 Scope..........................................................................................................................................................7

26 1.2 Purpose.......................................................................................................................................................7

27 2. Definitions....................................................................................................................................................8

28 3. Factory Overview and Operation environment............................................................................................8

29 4. Wireless use cases and communication requirements................................................................................12

30 4.1 Introduction..............................................................................................................................................12
31 4.2 Wireless use cases and communication requirements.........................................................................12
32 4.3 Categories of wireless use cases and communication requirements...................................................13
33 4.4 Details of wireless use cases and communication requirements.........................................................14
34 5. Factory Usage scenarios........................................................................................................................16
35 5.1 Usage scenarios example: Metal processing site.................................................................................16
36 5.2 Usage scenarios example: Mechanical assembly site..........................................................................16
37 5.3 Usage scenarios example: Elevated and high temperature work site..................................................16
38 5.4 Usage scenarios example: Logistics warehouse site...........................................................................16


1 6. Factory End to End Network architecture.............................................................................................16

2 6.1 Concept of architecture........................................................................................................................16
3 6.2 Expectation for Enhancement of existing IEEE 802 functions..........................................................16
4 7. New Project description and proposal...................................................................................................16

5 Annex A (informative) Bibliography.............................................................................................................17

6 1. Overview......................................................................................................................................................9

7 1.1 Scope..........................................................................................................................................................9

8 1.2 Purpose.......................................................................................................................................................9

9 2. Definitions..................................................................................................................................................10

10 3. Factory Overview and Operation environment..........................................................................................10

11 4. less use cases and communication requirements........................................................................................14

12 4.1 Introduction.........................................................................................................................................14
13 4.2 Wireless use cases and communication requirements.........................................................................14
14 4.3 Categories of wireless use cases and communication requirements...................................................15
15 4.4 Details of wireless use cases and communication requirements.........................................................17

16 5. Factory Usage scenarios.............................................................................................................................25

17 5.1 Usage scenarios example: Metal processing site.................................................................................25
18 5.2 Usage scenarios example: Mechanical assembly site..........................................................................26
19 5.3 Usage scenarios example: Elevated and high temperature work site..................................................27
20 5.4 Usage scenarios example: Logistics warehouse site...........................................................................28
21 6. Factory End to End Network architecture.............................................................................................30
22 6.1 Concept of architecture........................................................................................................................30
23 6.2 Expectation for Enhancement of existing IEEE 802 functions..........................................................30

24 7. New Project description and proposal........................................................................................................30

25 Annex A (informative) Bibliography.............................................................................................................31




1 Draft Report for [Wired/Wireless use

2 cases and communication
3 requirements for Flexible Factories IoT
4 Bridged Network]

5 1. Overview
6 Communication used in factories has until now been mainly wired communication, which has been
7 preferred for its reliability. However, in recent years the shorter times of product development cycles
8 demands greater flexibility in the layout of machines and line construction, and there are increasing
9 expectations for the use of wireless communications.

10 The report addresses the converged and bridged wired and wireless Internet of Things (IoT)
11 communications in the factory environment. It analyses factory environment considering its foreseen
12 evolution that includes dense radio devices utilization. It gives summary of use cases and requirements
13 within the factory wireless environment which are obtained based on information gathered from literature
14 and factories survey. It presents problems and challenges observed within the factory’s network and reports
15 on feasibility for overcoming these issues leading towards potential a proposal to initiate new project(s) for
16 new standard(s) development. The new project is targeted to be conducted within the IEEE 802.1 WG
17 based on material in this report.

18 1.1 Scope

19 The scope of this report is to capture current and future network requirements taking into consideration
20 dense use of radio devices and its operation in factory environment. The report presents analysis of issues
21 and challenges identified in maintaining reliable and time sensitive/constraint deliverable of control
22 messages and data traffic across wired and wireless bridged network within the identified factory
23 environment. Also to present analysis of applicable standards and features in wired and wireless IEEE802
24 technologies for managing requirements in E2E network connectivity.

Roger questioned the use of “bridged” network. The use of bridges in the factory
network is quite common since multiple LAN wired and wireless with different
segments which are generally bridged. Updated figure 3-1 that shows bridges used
within the factory network


1 1.2 Purpose

2 The purpose of this report is to present an overview of issues and challenges in managing a reliable and
3 time sensitive connectivity in E2E wired and wireless network characterized by dense radio devices
4 installation and noisy factory environment. The report will also present technical analyses of the applicable
5 features and functions in wired and wireless IEEE802 technologies for managing requirements in E2E
6 network connectivity which can be used in an IEEE 802 standard solution based on TSN profiling for
7 converged wired and wireless connectivity within the factory environment.

10 2. Definitions
11 For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. The IEEE Standards
12 Dictionary Online should be consulted for terms not defined in this clause. 1

13 3. Factory Overview and Operation environment

14 3.1 Factory communication network environment

15 Recent trends to introduce IoT devices, such as sensors and cameras in the factories are accelerated by
16 strong demand for improving productivity under the constraints of decreasing works in aging population
17 society and pressure for cost reduction. Digitalization of the factories as well as connection of information
18 on production process and supply chain management within a factory and across factories becomes
19 important. It is no doubt that commutation networks will be changing in factories for the next decade.

20 There are several system applications, e.g., preventive maintenance, management of materials and
21 products, monitoring of movements and machine monitors which are integrated in the network. Future
22 industrial network for a factory may consist of wired and wireless bridges for such systems above. The
23 successful convergence integration of wired and wireless systems is indispensable and more efforts will be
24 required for wireless communication because of its narrow bandwidth and sensitive nature of environment.
25 A multi layers network architecture is required in order to configureation, coordinateion radio technologies
26 coexistence and manage the end to end flows and streams as illustrated in the following figure.
Need to insert here a figure for the factory multi layers network architecture taken
from one of the presentations made earlier in IEEE802.1 illustration E2E flow
management and coordination of radio technologies used within the factor.

2 1
IEEE Standards Dictionary Online is available at:
4 .


3 Figure 3-1 Example of Network Topology in Factory Environment.

4 End-to-End (E2E) network topology for a factory today is configured by combination of wired LAN, such
5 as 802.3, IEEE802-based and non-IEEE802 wireless technologies.

6 In order for factory IoT system to work well, a higher layer End to End coordination system is needed to
7 configure, manage, and control data frames/streams that are transported in a mix of different technologies
8 with varying QoS performance and attributes.

10 Traditionally, wireless communications have not been so popular in the manufacturing field. There are still
11 many stand-alone machines managed manually by skilled workers. Advanced factories, on the other hand,
12 have been using communication networks called fieldbus, which is a type of wireline network. One of the
13 reasons not to use wireless commutations have not been used extensively in factories is because there are
14 doubts about their stability and reliability that they have been believed to operate possibly instable in some
15 cases. Technology developments as well as standardization are keys to success for wireless utilization. If
16 these efforts are proven Once successful, wireless use for IoT connectivity in factory will it facilities more
17 use of IoT devices increase resulting in more flexibility in the manufacturing process and improved
18 productivity improvement within the factoryies environment.


Note from the review during OmniRAN meeting in Geneva January 2018:
Another figure or text explaining the is needed here to illustrate in the current network
configuration used within typical factory and how the expansion of radio LAN or
radio nodes within the wired network will requires maintaining ceratincertain QoS
requirements ins the radio domain. It should also shows the enhancement by
introducing TSN functionality into the factory network.

2 One of the main considerations within the factory network is the need for the provisioning of QoS for large
3 number of M2M type of data generated from many sensors at the same time with different priority-classes.
4 These data types are periodic in nature and have relatively short packet size.

5 When the factory network is extended over radio, some incompatibility in QoS provisioning between wired
6 and wireless segments become apparent. The first is due to dynamic variations in the available bandwidth
7 (capacity and throughput) over the radio segment as results of the non-deterministic noise/interference,
8 distortions and fading. Theseis dynamic variations causes congestion not just because overloading of the
9 data streams but also because of the wireless link quality deterioration. Under such conditions, the current
10 protocols may not function properly.

11 Therefore, for the successful factory automation with high degree of flexibility, dynamic management and
12 control of end-to-end streams/frames across mixed wired and wireless links required some kind of
13 coordination at the higher layer is necessary as illustrated in Figure 3-1 above.

14 Impact of applying QoS and Time Synchronizations functions and protocols to heterogeneous factory
15 network with mixed wired and wireless links in factory network is further analyzed in section 6 with
16 potential and possible solutions discussed. But first, details of the environment and cause of impairments
17 and distortions to radio signals within the factory environment are presented next.

18 3.2 Radio Environment within Factor

19 It is true that wireless commutations are not always difficult everywhere in factories. However, we have to
20 consider that some applications require high-reliable, low-latency and low-jitter data transmission
21 compared with other application in other places like offices and homes in general. Furthermore, the
22 measurement results have revealed that some factories are facing difficulties coming from (a) severe
23 environment for wireless communications, and/or (b) existence of uncoordinated and independent systems
24 in the same space.

25 (a) The Severe Environment for Wireless Communications

26 There are two source of impairment to radio signal within the factory environment that cause
27 unpredictable variations to channel capacity, namely:

28 1. Fluctuation of signal strength

29 2. Noises at 1.9GHz and 2.4GHz.

30 As follows are examples of such impairments observed within the factory environment.

31 Example of Fluctuation of signal Strength:

32 Typical A layout of the environment for which measurements are made is shown in the figure below.
33 Master and slave transceivers were located in LOS condition and there was no blockage during
34 measurement.


2 Figure 3-41 Layout in factory for which measurement of RSSI is recorded.

3 The observed RSSI measurement in LOS condition is shown in figure 3-52 below.

5 Figure 3-52 RSSI Fluctuation in Factory (LOS)

6 This fluctuation in RSSI is due to motions of materials, parts, products and carriers in closed space.

7 Example of Noises at 1.9GHz and 2.4GHz:

8 While carrying radio measurement within the factory environment strong noise signals wereare observed
9 within the 1.9 GHz band and the 2.4 GHz band. These are shown in Figure 3-36.


12 (a) 1.9 GHz band (b) 2.4GHz band

13 Figure 3-63 Measured noise spectral density within (a) 1.9 GHz band and (b) 2.4 GHz band
14 In the 1.9 GHz band, the noise appears to cause problems for the communication with particular machines
15 as well as problem for using the 1.9GHz band for internal telephone system.


1 The source of these noises is attributed to some kinds of manufacturing machines that are causing
2 interference for wireless communications.

3 (b) Uncoordinated and Independent Systems

4 This issue within the factory environment is attributed to the progressive nature which leads to stepped
5 approach of addition and installation of machines and equipment in the factory and due to coexistence of
6 heterogeneous and legacy devices/systems used within the factory.

7 An example of using wireless technology in the factory is shown in Figure 3-47.

9 Figure 3-47 video monitor application as an example of using wireless technology

10 In this example it illustrates an application in which the data flow across the wired network and bridged
11 across to the wireless domain. In this application there are QoS requirements and latency constraints for
12 both the video signal and the control signal. Potential problem is a bottleneck for which delay or
13 uncoordinated signal flow may occur due to disturbance and/or degradation in the radio signal.

14 When considering the coexistence of uncoordinated wireless systems, we observe the problem of
15 interference between the legacy wireless communications used by some machinery in the factory with the
16 new systems using Wi-Fi. The overlapping of signal causing potential interference is illustrated in Figure 3-
17 5.


3 Figure 3-85 Coexistence of different wireless technologies

4 Some of the problems observe relates to the packet delivery delay. In Figure 3-6 shows packet loss and
5 packet delivery delay with different interference level. The packet latency increaseds from 8ms in case of
6 no interference to around 2 second in the presence interference due to lack of coordination amongst the
7 used wireless systems used in the factory.

9 Figure 3-96 Impact of interference on latency in uncoordinated wireless systems

10 In this document, wireless use casesapplications and communication requirements are described to
11 understand what shall be improved and enhanced for successful convergence of wired and wireless
12 systems.




12 4. Wirelless use applicationscases and communication requirements

13 4.1 Scope of wireless applications in factoryIntroduction

14 The wireless use applicationscases considered in this clause illustrate the use of wireless systems that are
15 currently used –or will be used in the near future soon - in factories and in factory related facilities, such as
16 factory warehouses. The use applicationscases correspond to wireless systems that are installed for specific
17 purposes.

18 For example, in the case of wireless systems inside a factory as shown in Fig. 4-1, there are individual
19 systems (within the dotted lines) introduced for specific purposes such as “Collectingon of Management
20 Information”, and a wireless network consisting of a collection of multiple such wireless systems and
21 transmitting information aggregated by them. In this case, each individual system corresponds to a wireless
22 use applicationcase and as described in this following sub sections, but not the whole wireless network.
23 That is, each wireless segment is considered as a separate use caseapplication.


25 Section 5 considers actual factory sites with large needs for wireless communication and describes usage
26 scenes where multiple wireless use applicationscases coexist.

Double arrow should be used in the figure. Also need to elaborate what we mean by
use cases.


4 Figure 4-1 Scope of wireless use applications in factorycases



1 4.2 Wireless use applicationscases and communication requirements

2 In our usage survey of uses of wireless communication in factories, we collected various use applications.
3 We cases, classified them according to their purposes, and organized their communication requirements.
4 List of Ccollected wireless use applications The classification categories are shown in Table 1. Use
5 casesThey were roughly divided classified into six categories (equipment control, quality supervision,
6 Rresource management, display, Human safety, and others), consisting of five specific categories
7 concerning the quality of manufactured products, managing the factory, and so forth, and one category for
8 all other cases and then subdivided into 13thirteen [three] classifications according to their corresponding
9 purposes.



Note from the review during OmniRan Geneva meeting January 2018:
14 Need better description of activity related to each use category.
Another comment is that these use case lack interaction (both way communications.
15 Table 4-1: Categories of wireless use cases
Category the combination of these useDescriptioncases would make the scenario.
of category
Need to
Quality add material to highlight of wired and not only wireless.
Providing means for collecting information related to products and states of
In another word need current status ofmachines
Supervision wired. during
This will be added into section 3 above
as indicated in the editor
Management text
Providing box.for collecting information about whether production is
proceeding under
Maybe include something to illustrate proper environmental conditions,
how the problem andbe
could whether personnel and
things contributing to productivity enhancement are being managed
(solution) in the wired case and then we canappropriately
lead to what can be done in the wireless.
Display Providing means for workers to receive necessary support information, and for
Another suggestion ismanagers
to restructure thethe
to monitor document
productionby starting
process and with current
production use cases
and scenarios, andProviding
Control how they are for
means currently implemented
sending commands in wired
to mobile environment,
vehicles then
and production
introduce wireless and problem due to integrating equipment
the wired network with wireless
branches. Providing means for collecting information about dangers to workers
Other Communication infrastructure with non-specific purposes, and others
Further consideration, there is no need to restructure the report as these can be
accommodated within the existing structure as commented in the editor box.
Only the categories in this section need better definition and explanation.
17 Table 1 Wireless use applications

Category Description Classification according to the purpose

Equipment sending commands to mobile (1) Controlling, operating and commanding of

Control vehicles, production equipment production equipment, auxiliary equipment

Quality collecting information related to (2) Checking that products are being produced
Supervision products and states of machines with correct precision
during production
y (3) Checking that production is proceeding with
correct procedure and status

Factory collecting information about (4) Checking that the production environment is
Resource whether production is proceeding being appropriately managed
Management under proper environmental
(5) Monitoring movement of people and things
conditions, and whether personnel


and things1 contributing to (6) Checking the management status of equipment

productivity enhancement are and materials (stock)
being managed appropriately
(7) Checking that the production equipment is
being maintained
(8) Appropriate recording of work and production
Display For workers, receiving necessary (9) Providing appropriate work support
support information,
(10) Visually display whether the process is
for managers, monitoring the
proceeding without congestion or delay
production process and
production status (11) Visually display the production status

Control, operation and command of production
equipment and auxiliary equipment
Ensuring the safety of workers

Human collecting information about (12) Ensuring the safety of workers

SafetyOther dangers to workers

Other Communication infrastructure (13) Cases other than the above

with non-specific purposes
1 The communication requirements of each wireless use case are shown as the following parameters -
2 mobility, number of terminals in the factory, density of terminals, average number of terminals influencing
3 at a location, transmission data size, regularity of communications, communication frequency, delivery
4 time tolerance, tolerance jitter, communication range, wireless terminal (master station) height, wireless
5 terminal (sub-station) height, communication standard, frequency band and network topology.

8 Footnote #2: Physical objects such as materials and equipment related to production are called “things”


11 4.3 Categories of wireless use cases and communication requirements

12 [The communication requirements of each wireless use applications are shown as the following parameters
13 - mobility, number of terminals in the factory, density of terminals, average number of terminals
14 influencing at a location, transmission data size, regularity of communications, communication frequency,
15 delivery time tolerance, tolerance jitter, communication range, wireless terminal (master station) height,
16 wireless terminal (sub-station) height, communication standard, frequency band and network topology.]

2 1
Physical objects such as materials and equipment related to production are called “things”


1 As the result of organizing the wireless use cases and communication requirements, it can be seen that there
2 is a variety of data sizes, data generation frequency, number of wireless terminals and so forth, and in each
3 case, there is an optimal wireless communication according to the features of the communication
4 environment and wireless use case. Figure 4-2 shows representative wireless use applicationscases and
5 their features of wireless communication. Values of data size, data generation ratefrequency, number of
6 wireless nodesterminals, and so forth are different for different systems in factories, and according to the
7 required functions of the systems, they use different wireless frequency bands and wireless standards. High
8 frequency bands such as the 60 GHz band are expected to be effective for systems with relatively large
9 data volume requirements (image inspection equipment, etc.), 5 GHz band and 2.4 GHz band are being
10 used for systems with medium requirements of data sizes and data generation ratefrequency, such as
11 distributing control programs and control of mobile equipment, and relatively low wireless frequency bands
12 such as the 920 MHz band are being used for applications with low power requirements (such as
13 environmental sensing).




Wireless uses with large data size

(60 GHz band communication)

Data size Video

Wireless uses with medium data
Image size and data rates
inspection (2.4/5 GHz band wireless LAN)

Generation rate
Distribution of
Control programs equipment status
Mobile device Wireless uses with small data size and
control a lot of nodes
(RFID, Zigbee, BLE, Wi-SUN,
Environmental RF-ID tags 920 MHz Low Power wireless, etc.)
Parts traceability

# of nodes

2 Figure 4-2 Representative wireless use casesapplications and their features of wireless
3 communication

6 Figure 4-3 shows the permissible delay for representative wireless use applicationscases in each category.
7 There are wireless use applicationscases, such as robot control and urgent announcements, for which the
8 urgency and accuracy of information arrival timing of arrival of information requires latency of less than
9 one millisecond latency. On the other hand, particularly in the categories of quality (inline inspection, etc.)
10 and management (preventive maintenance, etc.), there are many wireless use casesapplications that tolerate
11 latencies larger than hundredten milliseconds.





3 Figure 4-3 Permissible latencies of representative wireless use casesapplications

5 4.4 Details of wireless use applicationcases and communication requirements

6 Within each category, classification is made according to purpose, as shown in Table 4-2.

7 Table 4-2 Purposes within each category

Category Classification of purpose within category

Quality Checking that products are being produced with correct precision


Checking that production is proceeding with correct procedure and status

Management Checking that the production environment is being appropriately managed

Monitoring movement of people and things

Checking the management status of equipment and materials (stock)

Checking that the production equipment is being maintained

Appropriate recording of work and production status

Display Providing appropriate work support

Visually display whether the process is proceeding without congestion or delay

Visually display the production status

Control Control, operation and command of production equipment and auxiliary equipment

Ensuring the safety of workers

Other Cases other than the above

1 Communication requirements for the thirteen classifications of ed 13thirteen three selected wireless use
2 applications are organized in Table 4-2 to 4-14.

3 Each table containsshows thefurther detailed purpose of the wireless use application of the wireless use
4 case, the corresponding information, and the communication requirements of transmitted data size,
5 communication rate, and delivery time tolerance.

6 Here is aAn example of “List of wireless use applicationscase and communication requirements” and will
7 be added

8 Table 4-2 classification .(2) Checking that products are being produced with correct precision

corresponding Data Size Delivery

Category Purpose Target (bytes(ave Tolerance
n Rate
Information .) time

1 Quality inspection by size
30K once per sec. 5 sec.
Supervision line camera measurements
(line sensor)

2 Quality detect defect one per 100 500
information 500
Supervision state millisecond. millisecond.

3 Quality behavior due to
incorrect 1M once per sec. 10 sec.
Supervision adding


Additional tables 4-3 to 4-14 will be added here after confirming the
format and contents of classifications for the selected applications.

4 5. Factory Usage scenarios

5 5.1 Usage scenarios example: Metal processing site

6 5.2 Usage scenarios example: Mechanical assembly site

7 5.3 Usage scenarios example: Elevated and high temperature work site

8 5.4 Usage scenarios example: Logistics warehouse site

9 6. Factory End to End Network architecture

10 6.1 Concept of architecture

Preliminary and partial material inserted here provisionally. More is needed. But
check we all aligned on the intended contents of this section.



15 QoS management of frames/streams across their paths is important in the automation of factories. There are
16 several functions and protocols within existing IEEE802 standards that maybe used effectively for the
17 provision of QoS and priority control over bridged network. Example of such functions are given as
18 follows.

19 - Stream Reservation Protocol (SRP)/Multiple Stream Reservation Protocol (MSRP). [802.1Qat]

20 - Forwarding and Queuing for Time-Sensitive Streams (FQTSS) [802.1Qav]

21 - Generalized Precision Time Protocol (gPTP)[802.1AS]


1 - Priority-based Flow Control (PFC) [802.1Qbb]

2 - Congestion Notification (CN) [802.1Qbb]

3 - Enhanced Transmission Selection (ETS) [802.1Qaz]

4 - Access Categories (ACs) for priority in EDCA [802.11e]

5 - Quality-of-service Management Frame (QMF) [802.11ae]

7 As an example, the Priority-based Flow Control ( PFC ) in the congestion notification protocols of
8 IEEE802.1Qbb creates eight separate virtual links on the physical link. It enables pause based on user
9 priorities or classes of service as illustrated in Figure 4-x below.

11 Figure 4-x Example of operation of the PFC function.

12 By considering the PFC operation under multi-hop links with some bandwidth fluctuation over say a
13 deteriorated wireless link, then PFC may fail as per the example illustrated in Figure 4-x below.

15 Figure 4-x Impact of PFC function over multi-hop links with fluctuating bandwidth..

16 In the example of figure 3-3, Data streams rush into the physical link with the lowest latency regardless of
17 actual bandwidth at that time. This may cause unnecessary stopping/interruption, in this case stream six
18 suffers extensive delay, unless dynamic load balance is applied across physical links. However, dynamic
19 load balancing is not supported so far for wireless links with narrow and fluctuating bandwidth



1 6.2 Expectation for Enhancement of existing IEEE 802 functions

2 7. New Project description and proposal


1 Annex A

2 (informative)

3 Bibliography

4 Bibliographical references are resources that provide additional or helpful material but do not need to be
5 understood or used to implement this standard. Reference to these resources is made for informational use
6 only.

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