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Good afternoon, everyone. First of all, let me thank you all for coming here today. For those of
you who do not know me, my name is Khanh Minh. I am a second-year student studying at the
Department of Mathematics. What I’d like to present to you today is introducing a safe and
meaningful activity/idea to welcome the 2022 Lunar New Year that is making sticky rice. Firstly,
I’ll be looking at the origin and Chung Cake tale . Then, I will go on to focus on how to make
this cake. And lastly, I will give you some meaning behind this traditional cake.  Today’s topic is
of particular interest to those of you who don't have any idea how to welcome the Lunar New
Year 2022. I hope that by the end of the presentation, making Chung Cake is one of the best
ideas so you can have fun  with your friends and families.  The presentation will last about 7
minutes and there will be time for questions after my presentation. Firstly, I will tell you the
tradition tale about the origin Chung Cake

The legend Chung Cake, Day Cake tells the story of the sixth Hung King, after defeating the
invaders, he called his sons to tell them that if anyone could find delicious food and strange
things. The king will pass the throne to them.
The sons of King Hung were all eager to go to the forest to go to the sea to find delicious food
and strange things, only to wish to be offered to the ancestral altar and be handed the throne by
King Hung. Lang Lieu is the 18th prince, his mother died early, so he was very worried about
what to do, what to choose to offer to his father.
One day, while he was sleeping, he was told by a god to make Chung Cake and Day Cake. Lang
Lieu started to work, went to find glutinous rice, wrapped in leaves representing the protection of
parents and wrapped into square cakes. Lang Liêu’s turn. The king asked the story, then because
the cake was both delicious and meaningful, he passed the throne to Lang Lieu. The legend of
Chung Cake and Chung Cake was born here.
Since then, every Tet holiday, people eat Chung Cake as a word of thanksgiving.

Then, I will give you some steps to make it, which have 2 main points: wrapping and boiling the
cake. As can be seen, the ingredients for wrapping Chung Cake is Sticky rice, Green beans,
Bacon or pork shoulder, Spices, Dong leaves. 
Before we wrap and point it, we should prepare the ingredients.
Soak the chickpeas in water for about two hours and then remove the damaged ones. Mix well
with salt and cook. Beat with a spoon.)
Bacon is only washed, cut into large pieces, marinated just enough to make the cake taste
fragrant and mildly spicy.
Soak sticky rice for about 2 hours before wrapping. Then take it out to drain and then sprinkle it
with white salt.
The dong leaves are thoroughly washed on both sides and then dried in a cool, well-ventilated
place to drain. Then, use a knife or scissors to separate the stem of the leaf.
Then, we focus on the first main step: buns of Chung Cake
Firstly, arrange 4 dong leaves like folding for wrapping, 2 lower leaves right side down, 2 upper
leaves face up right side up. Turn the inner mold upside down on the center of the leaf.
Next, Use dong leaves to wrap the mold like wrapping Chung Cake by hand above. You can see
the detailed steps in the illustration.
Then, When the dong leaves have been folded into a square shape, use the outer mold to
surround the inner mold, then open the foil and lift the inner mold out.
And then, Put the wrapping materials in turn into the leaf mold. First is 1 bowl of sticky rice
spread evenly, then green beans and marinated meat. Continue a turn of beans, a turn of rice and
then wrap the leaves neatly, evenly sealing the cake according to the existing folds.
After the buns of Chung Cake, we need to boil them. Sometimes, many people think that this is
an easy step but if you don’t know the true way to make it. Maybe,
Step 1: Put the excess leaves, petioles, and raw leaves into the bottom of the pot before placing
the cake on top so that the cake has more flavor and does not burn at the bottom of the pot.
Arrange the cake vertically, then cover with water and place on the stove to boil.
Step 2: Heat on high until boiling, then reduce. Cake must always be submerged in water when
boiled, so you need to prepare water for the pot of Chung Cake. Every 1 hour you check the
water level in the pot 1 time. If the water drops, add more water.
Step 3: Chung Cake is boiled with a wood stove for 12 hours, then the cake is cooked, don't
worry about "returning rice" later.
Take out the cake and arrange it in several layers, use a flat piece of wood or a tray to press it,
then use a moderate weight to put it on top so that the cake is pressed flat and beautiful.
Finally, Chung Cake includes all ingredients from animals to plants such as fatty meat, green
beans, glutinous rice, and dong leaves, representing affluence and satiety.  2-3 days before Tet,
families are busy preparing for the package of Chung Cake and banh day. At this time,
grandparents, parents, brothers and sisters gather together, each with a hand to make beautiful
and delicious cakes to offer to ancestors on the day of reunion.


Well, this brings me to the end of the presentation. I will just run through the three different
options. Firstly, I will go through the information about the beginning of Chung Cake. Then, I
have a revision through a book that has 2 main points: wrapping and boiling them. Finally, after
making Chung cake I will show you some significance of this traditional dessert. We will aim to
act on these points by introducing a meaningful activity to welcome New Year 2022. Are there
any more questions? Thank you all for listening ^^

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