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Unit 5: Revolutions

The emergence of Enlightenment (the intellectual movement that emphasized reason and individualism over traditions)
challenges church and government. This led to a decline of church/ religion reliance (e.g: divine right) that gave unjust positions
to rulers, unlike in the previous eras. Natural rights (humans inherently have the rights to life, liberty, and property) and social
contract (right to revolt against government that broke contract) were infused in documents like Letter from Jamaica and the
Declaration of Rights of Mans and Citizens, expressing protections of basic human rights. Revolutions were created because of
enlightenment and discontent of existing order, and the want of constitutional government and greater representations. Latin
American revolutions include creoles (casta system) wanting to be independent from Spain under Simon Bolivar, who was able to
liberate Gran Colombia. Nationalism (sense of commonality/ unity based on shared language, social customs and territory) in a
fragmented Italy led Count Cavour to unify Italy under his rule, through creation of strategic alliances. The enlightenment will
generally result in expansion of rights, expanded suffrage, abolition of slavery and serfdom.
(cultural developments and interaction, social interactions and organization, governance; continuity and changes)

Industrialization (the shift from an agrarian economy to industrial manufacturing economy.) Commercial revolution
(agricultural economy to trade economy) and agricultural developments (seed drill, crop rotation, increased food availability,
increasing population) were the primary cause of urbanization and the importance of trade. In Britain, environmental factors
caused industrialization: mass accumulation of coal, accumulation of capital from the slave trade, waterways proximity, and
urbanization. Urbanization was increased through the enclosure act (privatization of vilager’s land, forcing them off their land)
and agricultural revolution, forcing people to find work in cities. Before this, the cottage industry existed, where it was a slower
production. With technologies like, spinning jenny, water frame, and interchangeable parts (led to the division of labor),
industrial manufacturing increased and mass production was made faster. This means that Middle Eastern and Asian countries
shared in global manufacturing decreased, and consumerism developed
Industrialization can be categorized into two periods: steam, textile, and coal; steel, communication, and gas. Many
technological advancements were made. Steam engines (harnessing coal to power factories, ships) increased mobility from the
previous water frame that depended on water. Steel was made possible by the Bessemer process (inexpensive way of mass
production of steel). Fossil fuels, gas and coal, powered factories and transportation, will detrimentally affect the environment, but
increased human use of energy. Transportation (railroads, steamships, telegraph) made possible communication and development,
increasing trade and migration.
(humans and the environment, technology and innovation; comparison)

Capitalism (unlimited wealth, less government intervention) grew partly because of enlightenment, abandoning
mercantilism. Transnational business increased (e.g HSBC) with new practices in banking because of increasing trade and
production. Middle class (worked in offices, managed workers), working class (unskilled workers), and new elites developed
(bourgeoisie; factory owners.) Communism (end goal: classless society) developed as a response to capitalism exploitation of the
working class.
(economic system, social interactions and organizations, governance; ccc)
With industrialization came acceptance, as well as resistance. It spreads to places like the US and Russia. Japan
successfully industrialized and modernized through adopting policies consciously in Meiji Restoration (constitutional
monarchy.) The Qing and Ottoman empires resisted industrialization as they saw it as westernization. Attempts were made to
industrialize and modernize (state sponsored), like the Tanzimat reforms and Self-strengthening reforms, however, certain elite
groups and members of government halted the process. Not only that, labor unions were created to combat poor working
conditions, including living in tenement (poorly made infrastructure) and long working hours. This resulted in expansion of
suffrage, limited child labor, and better working conditions. For example, Britain extended suffrage to all men in 1918, and to
women in 1928. Although this is true, the middle class living standard improved with increased availability, affordability, and
variety of consumer goods. (social interaction and organizations; continuity and change; causation)

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