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A rise in the standard of living in a country often only seems to benefit cities rather than rural

areas. What problems can this cause? How might these problems be reduced?

In this advanced era, many infrastructures are developed in metropolitan city by the
government. It makes some people only the cities are receiving the benefits from a rise in
standard living in a nation. In my opinion, there are several reasons why it happens and the
solutions toward these problems.

First and foremost, The authority development are too central in one specific island or city; in
addition, they only build a magnificent facilities in metropolitan city,as result from receiving a
rise in cost living . Rural area are difficult to be upgraded because it cost a lot of money and
time, because it need a lot of field research to make a good infrastructure. For example, the
government of Indonesia are still finding a formula to provide some citizen in countryside to
receive beneficial from it.

Despite the disadvantages, there is a solution to make this program works in some rural areas.
The government need to reorganize their structure to build a proper system. Until now, some
of them still using a manual system to check and supervise their project in rural areas, which
makes some money is corrupted. Artificial intelligence would be boost the welfare of its
citizens because it would be more transparent and faster to deliver money and supervise the
facility. For example, Japan already implemented this solutions and successfully increased 70%
of health condition in countryside.

To sum up, the effectiveness of this development is the major problem of this issue, because is
highly time and cost consuming. However, there is some solution towards this problem to
develop some systems such as artificial intelligence.

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