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Cognitive Robotics 2 (2022) 222–233

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Significant applications of Cobots in the field of manufacturing☆

Mohd Javaid a,∗, Abid Haleem a, Ravi Pratap Singh b, Shanay Rabc, Rajiv Suman d
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, India 110025
Department of Industrial & Production Engineering, Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar, Punjab, India 144011
Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Delhi, India 110036
Department of Industrial & Production Engineering, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand, India 263153

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Keywords: The term "collaborative robot" is commonly known as Cobot, which refers to a partnership be-
Collaborative robot tween a robot and a human. Aside from providing physical contact between a robot and a person
Cobots on the same production line simultaneously, the Cobot is designed as user-friendly. They enable
operators to respond immediately to work done by the robot based on the company’s urgent needs.
This paper aims to explore the potential of Cobots in manufacturing. Cobots are widely employed
in various industries such as life science, automotive, manufacturing, electronics, aerospace, pack-
aging, plastics, and healthcare. For many of these businesses, the capacity to maintain a lucrative
man-machine shared workplace can provide a considerable competitive edge. Cobots are simple
to use while being dependable, safe, and precise. A literature review was carried out from the
database from ScienceDirect, Scopus, Google Scholar, ResearchGate and other research platforms
on the keyword “Cobots” or “Collaborative robots” for manufacturing. The Paper briefly discusses
and provides the capabilities of this technology in manufacturing. Cobots are programmed to do
crucial things such as handling poisonous substances, from putting screws on a vehicle body to
cooking a meal, etc. Human operators can readily control this technology remotely and perform
dangerous jobs. This paper’s overview of Cobots and how it is differentiated from Robot is briefly
described. The typical Features, Capabilities, Collaboration & Industrial Scenarios with Cobots are
also discussed briefly. Further, the study identified and discussed the significant applications of
Cobots for manufacturing. Cobots are utilised in several methods and a wide range of application
areas. These elevate manufacturing and other operations to new heights. They also collaborate
with humans to balance the demand for safety and the need for flexibility and efficiency.


Cobots or collaborative robots use industrial robots outfitted with several sensors. Because they use industrial robotics and are
comparable to safety-monitored collaborative robots, these are employed for more powerful vision systems invested in factories and
industrial locations. Cobots are meant to put the person at the centre of the process and free workers from various tasks without
difficulty, danger, or dullness. Humans do not disappear from production; Cobots work alongside operators rather than replacing
them. It is designed to remain in the site chosen at its first installation [1–3]. Cobots allow robots to operate alongside people in
the same place. Deploying robots has several advantages that make them appealing to businesses. The Cobot sector is expected to

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Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (M. Javaid), (A. Haleem), (R.P. Singh),
(S. Rab), (R. Suman).
Received 16 June 2022; Received in revised form 11 October 2022; Accepted 11 October 2022
Available online 13 October 2022
2667-2413/© 2022 The Authors. Publishing Services by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co. Ltd. This is an open access article
under the CC BY license (
M. Javaid, A. Haleem, R.P. Singh et al. Cognitive Robotics 2 (2022) 222–233

proliferate in the upcoming years. These rapidly developing industrial robotics industry areas are frequently utilised in production
Collaborative robots have rounded edges and several clever collision sensors to identify and ease operation when encountering
a human worker. These utilise collaborative robot arms, which include force limits to guarantee that any collisions do not result in
damage. These collaborative robots are outfitted with a hand-guided device that allows an operator to directly control the robot’s
mobility while in automated mode. The hand-guiding collaborative robot reacts exclusively to the operator’s direct control input in
automated mode. Cobots are gaining popularity in both traditional and non-traditional sectors, and they can provide their own set
of issues. While cobots are comparable to regular robots, the early deployment phases will define the system’s success. Cobots have
a distinct position in robotics due to their internal architecture, including force-sensing technology [6–8].
These robots collaborate with humans by assisting in a task or processing as a guide. In contrast to autonomous robots, which
operate primarily independently and without supervision, collaborative robots are programmed and built to respond to human com-
mands and actions [9,10]. Collaborative robots are constructed in various ways; the industry has agreed on the basic engineering
concepts and characteristics utilised to construct them. Deploying a Cobot, such as a mobile manipulator, to automate component
replacement for workers doing complicated assembly operations or post-process inspection may significantly boost production speed.
A Cobot may be configured to supply the required pieces on a timetable, ensuring minimal downtime and constant output while
enabling the worker to focus on product inspection [11,12].
Cobots can be set up and adjusted by the people who use them. These can be charged with back-breaking, repetitive, and tedious
labour, freeing up people’s time to focus on tasks that need their expertise and abilities. This is the true strength of industrial Cobots:
the ability of robots and people to collaborate flexibly and dynamically. Material handling collaborative robots can undertake the
most physically demanding, dangerous, repetitive, and tedious operations on a production line. Cobot with a large payload can assist
boost efficiency, produce higher quality goods, and increase worker safety in manufacturing and warehousing situations. The best
materials handling cobots interact smoothly with other automated solutions in a facility, such as packing or palletising robots. Raw
material replenishment is another repeated job ideal for Cobot [13–15].
Cobots promise to streamline many predictable outcomes: smaller-payload, low-volume tasks outside industrial robotics’s purview.
Thereby workers and Cobots coexist in the same workspace without incident. This saves businesses money on pricey feed systems and
manufacturing space. When people and machines work together safely, traditional safety procedures become obsolete. Cobotics is
the main keyword for anybody who relies extensively on the Industrial IoT. The key driver of IoT growth is an investment in Industry
4.0 by companies in manufacturing, utilities, and transportation. Installing a Cobot in manufacturing may finish work in lesser time
and cost. As a result, Cobot may be a temporary or flexible employee who can do different jobs in different departments. Cobots are
versatile robots, and adding additional duties is straightforward [16–18]. The main aim of this paper is to provide capabilities of
Cobots with a special focus on their applications in the field of manufacturing.

Cobots and their role

Cobots are the most advanced robotics technology, and they have revolutionised the world of automation. As discussed earlier,
"Cobot" is derived from a "collaborative robot." These robots are collaborative because they can safely operate with humans. They
can do so because they have sensitive sensors that allow the robot to "feel." Thus, these robots are designed for direct human-robot
interaction in a shared area or close to people.
For the first time, Professors J. Edward Colgate and Michael Peshkin of Northwestern University invented the Cobot in 1996
[19,20]. "An apparatus and method for direct physical interaction between a person and a general-purpose manipulator controlled
by a computer," according to their 1997 US patent "Cobots".
Large manufacturers have benefited from automation for decades by adopting traditional industrial robots. However, unlike
smaller firms’ low-volume, high-mix manufacturing, these massive, expensive, and complex robots were built for high volume and
unchanging production processes. Collaborative automation has evolved into a flexible, cost-effective, and user-friendly solution that
enables companies of nearly any size to boost productivity, enhance quality, and respond more rapidly to changing customer needs

Research objectives

Cobot is one of the leading smart factory technologies that are now increasing the competitiveness and efficiency of the global
industrial business. In contrast to typical robot designs, Cobots are lightweight and easily programmable. Cobots’ primary role is
collaborating with people to improve production automation safely and cost-effectively. This technology is most suited for activities
requiring people to interface with dangerous technology or demand routine. Cobots have the potential to emerge everywhere or-
ganisations deploy robots for assembly and production. Cobots are helpful in situations where human employees may be damaged
[23–25]. The major research objectives of this paper are as under:
RO1: - To study the major difference between Robot and Cobots;
RO2: - To study the typical features and capabilities of Cobots;
RO3: - To discuss the different degrees of collaboration & industrial scenarios with Cobots;
RO4: - To identify and discuss the major applications of Cobots in manufacturing.

M. Javaid, A. Haleem, R.P. Singh et al. Cognitive Robotics 2 (2022) 222–233

Table 1
Industrial Robot vs Cobot.

Feature Robot Cobot

Batched and Variability Large batches and little variability Low volume and high mix
Deployment Complex programming required Quick and easy programming required
Security Not much secure More secure
Focus On Robot On Tooling
Investment Larger Smaller
Return on investment Larger Faster

Differentiate between Robots and Cobots

A robot is a self-contained mechanism that executes a task without human intervention. A cobot is an artificially intelligent robot
working with humans to do tasks. As a result, the Cobot differs from robots because it can be programmed and collaborates with
humans [26,27]. According to their usage and adaptiveness, there are several differences between industrial robots and Cobot. Some
of the key differences are included in Table 1.

Typical features and capabilities of Cobots for industrial usage

Various features and aspects of Cobots have been observed that enable them to deliver the best out of the present industrial
circumstances. Figure 1 depicts the various features and capabilities of the Cobots for their devoted industrial usage. The process
tasks performing pick & place jobs, co-manipulations, and inspection-related tasks have been significant critical features for the
Cobots. In addition to these jobs and features, the assembly performance, surface finishing operations, soldering jobs, etc., are quite
the a-few most possible areas of the Cobot’s applications in the current scenario of the industrial situation [28–30].
Over historical industrial robotics, Cobots significantly improve worker safety, human complementarity, and elegant aesthetics.
Cobot technology has progressed over the years to include lightweight and contamination-resistant metals and synthetics, reduced
footprints and better mobility, and improved haptic interfaces to allow intuitive communication with their human counterparts
[31,32]. Because of the versatility of Cobot programming and setup, it is critical to understand these standards and how they may
be evaluated to ensure applicable limits are in place for operator safety. Simulation tools can assist in identifying dangers and
designing remedies. Thus, most Cobot devices feature rounded shapes to enhance surface areas and lower forces in contact situations.
This technology has been improving and developing in the business for numerous years. The information gathered by the Cobot
equipment must be processed [33,34].
Cobots are a type of robot designed to interact with people in a shared office. These are witnessing tremendous market expansion.
All the data collected by the sensors on the Cobots may be used for the calculation. Customers have increasingly specific requirements
for tailored items, necessitating a significant increase offered by businesses. It aids in creating strategic business value and improves
efficiency, resulting in better, quicker, and more accurate decision-making. Manufacturers may now access real-time information,
estimate production demands, and use proactive, predictive, and prescriptive maintenance using new industrial big data analytics.

Fig. 1. Various qualitative features of Cobots for industrial areas.

M. Javaid, A. Haleem, R.P. Singh et al. Cognitive Robotics 2 (2022) 222–233

By using Cobots, more flexible manufacturing, increased efficiency, and the creation of new business models are all now conceivable.
This enables innovations to be realised faster and more reliably [35,36].
Cobots, are a new manufacturing bot meant to operate with humans rather than in their environment. These are useful, especially
in workplaces with limited floor space. The safety monitored stop function allows the momentarily halt operations based on human
proximity and the hand-guide feature, allowing robots to learn from people physically leading infrastructure for a specific process or
activity [37,38]. Intriguingly, Cobots are gaining traction even in heavy industrial settings from a technological standpoint. Cobots are
essential to smart factory technologies that make production more efficient and competitive in the global economy. Unlike traditional
robots, Cobots are generally lightweight, programmable machines designed to collaborate with humans to provide cost-effective, safe,
and enhanced automation services to any size manufacturing. This approach monitors the surrounding region using sensing devices.
This provides excellent speed, range of motion, and payload capacity [39–41].

Different degrees of collaboration & industrial scenarios with Cobots

Figure 2 exemplifies the different degrees of collaborations, relationships, and dependencies during Cobots utilities in the in-
dustrial perspective. Four practices or classifications have been revealed in this regard: independent, simultaneous, sequential, and
supportive forms of collaboration degrees. These segments of joint degrees offer the versatility, and working phenomenon into the
core developed facilitation of Cobots for the typical industrial and marketing scenarios. Task dependencies, time inter-factors, col-
laborative elements, the tediousness of the working situations, etc., have been considered the major issues under the umbrella of the
degrees of collaboration and segmentation [42,43].
Collaborative robots allow manufacturers to automate time-consuming operations, such as collecting parts and feeding machines
and quality inspection, which is difficult for humans to execute consistently over extended periods. They assist and relieve the human
operator in a shared work process. Humans and Cobots work together to provide a level of competence that neither can provide on its
own, resulting in significantly better and faster products than if each worked alone. When used to accomplish a task, Cobots typically
serve a single function. A cobot may supply the necessary force to move an object while a person directs where it should be placed.
They will not replace traditional industrial robots; they are an excellent approach to improving where robots can help simplify our
lives and make operations more efficient [44,45].
The capacity of collaborative robots with humans is their distinguishing trait. Specific jobs can be improved by combining au-
tomation with human labour. Employees can be freed from monotonous duties by using collaborative robots to focus on activities
that need more sophisticated abilities. Many Cobots are equipped with cameras that allow them to observe their surroundings and
function effectively; there must be an interface between the camera coordinate system and the robot coordinate system. Cobots are
developed to interact with people in the workplace [46,47]. Cobots are reaching the pinnacle of genuinely responsive collaboration,
with real-time engagement and teaching mode modification by users whose expertise is in scientific procedure. Collaborative robots

Fig. 2. Relationships and Dependencies during Cobots Utilities.

M. Javaid, A. Haleem, R.P. Singh et al. Cognitive Robotics 2 (2022) 222–233

also minimise the need for extensive trips between functional areas throughout each stage of the picking process, decreasing unnec-
essary travel around the warehouse. Collaborative robots alleviate the burden by guiding employees through tedious order picking
activities and moving orders to the appropriate regions once picking is completed [48,49].
Cobots take dangerous overhead labour, dull and repetitive operations, or minutely small activities, which reduces staff workload
while delivering consistently excellent quality. Collaborative robots use integrated sensors to automate delicate assembly activities
such as assembling automobile gears, inserting rubber plugs, and processing flexible parts. Cobots will become more widespread in
many facets of our existence, whether filling envelopes, operating the copy machine, changing bed linens, or supporting the disabled.
In recent years, much of the attention on robot technology has centred on the relatively new category of Cobots. Collaborative robots
work alongside employees in industrial sectors to complete tasks. This matches the characteristics above and the amount of contact
between robot and worker in collaborative applications [50–52].

Cobots’ applications in the manufacturing field

Cobots bring significant advancement for automation in new industries, including small and midsize businesses, because of their
smaller scale, cost, and flexibility. Cobot arms, compliant grippers, and mobile platforms with collision-avoidance capabilities trans-
port robots from walled work cells to production lines and other locations. Cobots have historically been smaller and more simplistic
than general industrial robots because the companies that produced them early on were highly specialised and sought to sell them to
small and medium-sized enterprises that required highly intuitive features [53,54]. This technology is safe to work close to people.
Improved sensors and deep learning are also allowing new applications. This collaborative robot can do any complicated, delicate
work. Collaborative robots, unlike typical robots, are capable of lifting an object and giving it to a person. An illustration of this is
a vehicle assembly line, where Cobot assembles a wheel and the other works on repairing the hood while human workers labour
alongside other critical duties. In this situation, both quality and accuracy are improved. Cobots can be allocated to heavy or low-
value-added duties in the workplace. This assists in transferring technicians’ emphasis to essential business duties and adding value
to the firm [55–57]. Table 2 discusses the major applications of Cobots in the field of manufacturing.
Cobots, are a new type of robot that bridges the gap between totally manual and fully automated production lines. These may
operate with people in the same place where physical separation is unnecessary. They are built with built-in safety features like
force feedback and collision detection, making them safe to operate alongside human operators. This enables the robot to work with
pieces of varying sizes. It is accomplished using force sensing through the end-effector or internally [143–146]. A collaborative robot
deployment is a smart option for businesses aiming to boost productivity and efficiency in fulfilment operations. They are simple to
incorporate with the existing system, requiring no permanent or expensive infrastructure upgrades. Collaborative robots, working
alongside human colleagues, make existing workers and recruits more productive, bridging labour gaps and facilitating the smooth
operation of facilities to meet short-term increases in demand. Collaborative robots assist in accelerating things by utilising AI and
machine learning to optimise choosing routes in real-time [147–149].


Cobots are particularly useful when a person must be close to them robots. A person-robot partnership is where a human instructs
the robots, oversees the process, or even learns from the robots. One of the critical aspects of Cobots will be the quality of service
needs, which will change depending on time and environment. The Cobots differ from the "traditional" robot in that it has "human"
attributes such as flexibility, adaptability, and awareness of their surroundings. Safety sensors and scanners enable Cobots to be aware
of their surroundings and function securely beside people without physical boundaries. Businesses that deploy cobots get extensive
benefits, such as enhanced productivity, improved site efficiency, and improved operator health, contributing to higher value-added
manufacturing. This technology is the term of the moment for anybody who relies significantly on the Industrial Internet of Things.
Cobotics and Industry 4.0 have a significant global influence. Many people believe that the interplay between Cobots and the
Industrial Internet of things (IIoT) will be one of the most disruptive forces in the modern period. Programming and integration
are simplified since they may be directed by hand. This implies that a worker may show the robot the desired positions/paths, and
it will promptly repeat them. Overall, the collaborative robotics movement can potentially increase application functionality while
reducing the amount of space required for a robotic unit. This collaborative technology benefits organisations, manufacturing lines,
and workers. These are used daily in manufacturing, warehouses, health care, and other settings to accomplish jobs that people would
otherwise handle. However, industrial robots must frequently be isolated from the real human touch to perform reliably without
inflicting bodily injury to humans. This entails working in completely people-free zones or within cages that prevent unintentional
human interaction.

Future scope

Cobots are the technological pillar industry for future industries, allowing enterprises to continue to satisfy customer requests in
real time by adjusting their manufacturing process with flexible and agile tools. Cobots will learn new activities with the help of
user-friendly software and mobile applications. Experts in the automation sector appear to concur that the future of collaborative
robots is brightening by the day. The market is predicted to develop rapidly over the next decade, with further expansion expected
in the future. The industry’s future has even more promise: cutting-edge technology will open up new avenues for both discrete and

M. Javaid, A. Haleem, R.P. Singh et al. Cognitive Robotics 2 (2022) 222–233

Table 2
Cobot’s applications in the manufacturing field.

S. No Applications Description References

1. Enhancing The collaborative robot is designed to provide flexibility in manufacturing and another essential task. It is [58–60]
Flexibility feasible to address many demands promptly with a single collaborative robot, which is far more practical,
rapid, and, most importantly, less expensive than a standard industrial robot. Traditional industrial robots
were designed to take the position of operators at various stages of the manufacturing process to
eliminate employee health issues and enhance production rates. The robot must make quick, often risky
manoeuvres to obtain a high pace. Conventional robots lack unique sensors, fail to recognise the presence
of a human in close contact, and can be the source of mishaps. Now Cobots can fulfil all these challenges.
2. Intelligent Cobots are designed to communicate intelligently with people. They are considerably safer for operators [61–64]
communication and assist in safeguarding operators’ working environment since they are equipped with sensors. The
speed and power of the Cobots are controlled and provide a safe environment. This enables us to predict
malfunctions, identify the source of flaws in the manufacturing process, verify that equipment is
appropriately calibrated for optimal operation, forecast maintenance cycles, and intervene physically
when necessary. This also assists teams’ overall productivity in the manufacturing line.
3. Automobile sector The automobile field takes advantage of Cobots. It increases productivity, reduces maintenance, and ease [65–68]
of integration. Incorporating robotics into Industry 4.0 will be one of the most disruptive occurrences in
our lifetime. Across the range of smart technology, it is evident that everything from computers and
automobiles to heavy machinery is getting more intelligent by the day. With new artificial intelligence
algorithms, the technology around us continually adapts to our wants and habits to best serve.
4. Enhancing human Collaborative robots can work together with humans. This partnership is intended to improve human [69–71]
talent talents safely. They can also be configured to halt when a person enters the facility where the robot
operates. Collaborative robots can monitor the environment and coexist with people in the same facility
without losing performance or safety. This technological aid is to cooperate with people intelligently and
safely and is expected to play an important role in Industry 4.0. Cobot industry development is underway
in a variety of domains. Faster reaction speed, precise movement patterns, orientation skills, and the
ability to imitate people are all factors that contribute to breakthroughs in Cobot’s development.
5. Making real-time Cobots make many judgments in real time, and the search space might be rather significant. This [72–74]
judgement necessitates the traversal of enormous knowledge, processing power, a dependable network, and unique
software structures. Current technological advancements like linked data, parallel processing, edge
computing, and distributed artificial intelligence enable cobots to make optimal decisions, resulting in
robust and efficient execution. Cobots allow process developers to teach how to do jobs and evolve at
run-time, allowing for artificial intelligence advancements. This technology provides massive
deployments in the field of manufacturing.
6. Efficient information Cobot technology encompasses hardware design, sensors and actuators, efficient information processing, [75–78]
processing video processing, planning, and various areas from artificial intelligence landscapes and technologies that
assure the solution’s safety, predictability, and security. Industry 4.0 enables a new method of assessing,
designing, and organising production equipment by pushing back the limitations of the conventional
industry through automation, real-time data processing, machine learning, and so on. While robots
initially debuted in industries a long time ago, collaborative robotics is a relatively new addition to the
business. As a result, this technology has evolved with traditional robotics to satisfy demands that
traditional robots could not. They are installed at a specific production line spot and designed to remain
7. Boosting production A collaborative robot is the desire to boost production. This incentive is especially compelling when [79–81]
purchasing a standard industrial robot since it boosts the rate at which activities are completed and the
precision with which they are completed. Cobots, are more approachable than standard robots. They are
equipped with sensors and provide organisations with a worldwide view of their elements within their
manufacturing at all levels. The information is provided at the sensor level and the level of the Cobots,
Manufacturing line, and even the entire Plant. Collaborative robots can be outfitted with many sensors
that create vital data, including sensors for location, motor temperature, torques, collisions, vibrations,
8. Holding This allows holding the weight of a heavy workpiece while the operator manipulates it, which lowers the [82–85]
heavyweight operator’s risk of repetitive-stress injury. Similar skills may be used to "train" or program a robot,
although hand-guiding as a collaborative operation occurs while the robot is in automated mode and
during regular production. Collaborative robots were a significant advancement in the robotics industry
since they were the first automation technology that allowed safe operation directly alongside human
employees. Edge computing advancements have made collaborative robots more adaptable and easier to
integrate, increasing versatility and allowing collaborative robots to automate many new jobs and
applications successfully.
9. Industrial The concept of collaborative robot design is based on the growth and sophistication of industrial [86–89]
automation automation. Many features are enabled by this cutting-edge technology and breakthroughs in
sensor-based learning systems and artificial intelligence. To many, collaborative robots represent one of
the most significant frontiers in applying cutting-edge technology to industry. The collaborative robot
allows people and robots to work together securely and productively in an uncaged environment, with
minimal injury or harm. Collaborative robots were created by using a variety of modern sensors and
software. These are often rounder in design, with no pinch points and integrated wiring and motors. They
can also detect any aberrant force in their joints while in motion.
(continued on next page)

M. Javaid, A. Haleem, R.P. Singh et al. Cognitive Robotics 2 (2022) 222–233

Table 2 (continued)

S. No Applications Description References

10. Assist humans in Cobots augment human activity, making humans more productive, efficient, and enriched. Because [90–92]
becoming more Cobots are designed to assist humans rather than replace them. The human acceptance and excitement
productive for working with Cobots are high. Companies expect far higher acceptance of Cobots working alongside
people than robots designed to replace their activities. Cobots can execute a wide range of operations;
nevertheless, tedious, high-precision, onerous chores that do not demand critical thinking or human
involvement with dangerous technology are suitable professions for Cobots. End customers increasingly
demand that the flow of goods through production be accelerated while using the least amount of
manufacturing floor space possible. To solve this issue, Cobots are emerging, which helps increase
11. Improve the safety As robots advance and increasingly interact with people, there is improvement in the safety of workers [93–95]
of the workers working with Cobots. The training will teach how to assess the safety of a Cobot work cell and prevent
injury or harm. Cobots are a major new trend that helps organisations by giving a safe and
simple-to-program solution that works alongside a human worker. As a result, digitisation creates
enormous opportunities for both end-users and providers. While digital transformation is accelerating and
providing a catalyst for long-term competitive advantage for end-users, it also generates new business
possibilities and better services for suppliers.
12. Facilitating Because Cobots are designed to operate alongside human employees, they are outfitted with [96–100]
communication characteristics that facilitate accessible communication. Cobots are simple to program, but traditional
robots require computer programming skills. From industrial production sites to Programmable Logic
Controller (PLC) automation, these collaborative machines can handle various operations such as goods
packing, palletising, assembling, machine tending, and many more. Because of their high degrees of
flexibility, often smaller size, simple movement, and low weight, Cobots are an excellent choice for
executing various jobs and various automated services. Cobots are allocated all the heaviest and most
repetitive processes, freeing human operators to conduct more specialised jobs and collaborate directly
with the robots to execute tasks more effectively.
13. Conduct automated The main objectives of cobots are to conduct automated activities in the presence of human operators. [101–104]
activities Collaborative robots have distinct capabilities that make them suitable for operating close to humans.
Technically, collaborative robots might have any shape. The six-axis design is the form in which
practically all collaborative robots are commercially accessible. Because of its architecture, the
collaborative robot is suitable for various applications. The most prevalent way of cobot operation is
power and force limiting. It enables the closest possible work envelope between human and robotic
workers. This option allows for the least amount of productivity constraints or interruptions.
14. Repetitive and Cobots, like many other forms of robots, are repetitive and accurate. High-precision applications are [105–108]
accurate suitable for Cobot automation. Errors in quality control result in defective or undesirable products. This
frequently results in less efficient manufacturing processes. This enables us to be adaptable and functions
in changing contexts. Thus, a risk assessment should be undertaken and effectively administered to
provide a safe work environment regardless of the type of robot. Cobots are present in practically every
significant business. These offer advantages that make them an excellent choice for various applications.
15. Efficiency Deploying Cobot in specific applications may result in unrealised efficiency improvements. Payload [109–112]
improvement constraints will restrict the cobot’s capacity to do all jobs. Cobots are usually limited to human strength
and speed. These are increasingly appealing to firms that need adaptable solutions for their expanding
product mix. These collaborative robots can perform tasks with minimum programming and adapt to
changes in part location and size. Humans collaborate with Cobots to decrease the need for specialised
fixturing, which can make high-mix, low-volume production inefficient. Cobots can also go to the job
location on the shop floor.
16. Maximise Humans and collaborative robots must learn to interact successfully to maximise productivity. Many [113–115]
productivity Cobots will likely be used by professionals in industrial settings, such as heavy manufacturing, medical,
and hazardous sectors. However, there is much room for cobots to serve non-specialists and aid us in our
daily lives, such as supporting the elderly in their homes, serving the domestic cook, or assisting
travellers in new situations like airports and foreign towns. Cobots operate with software for various
equipment and applications, allowing them to be swiftly redeployed to increase operational flexibility.
Many Cobots come with warranties that include enough operational hours to run for several years. The
versatility of Cobots is shown in their growing use for spot and arc welding.
17 Improve Cobots are automated solutions meant to operate alongside and with the human workforce, making their [116–119]
human-robot jobs more straightforward by accomplishing boring or physically strenuous activities. The goal of Cobots
collaboration is to improve human-robot collaboration. Instead of replacing a person, Cobots may collaborate with
people, resulting in higher production and efficiency. Cobots are often characterised as stationary robotic
arms that function naturally and securely close to people. Cobots are meant to be simple to set up and
program to remove any obstacles to cooperation. Their user-friendly software allows users to set up and
reconfigure Cobots applications for various jobs and processes, making them a versatile automated
solution that may improve various industrial activities.
18. Assembly line The Cobots are excellent for the assembly line since it assists employees by doing various tedious and [120–122]
repetitive activities, which helps speed up processes. Machine tending may be done by a robotic arm with
a Cobot, enhancing speed and productivity while letting people focus on more skilled jobs. This may be
represented by manufacturing stamping out components that staff must examine regularly. While humans
examine parts as needed, a mobile manipulator with a Cobot arm mounted onto an autonomous mobile
robot may tend to the machine. Manufacturers and warehouses continue discovering new and
imaginative methods to put Cobots to work in their facilities.
(continued on next page)

M. Javaid, A. Haleem, R.P. Singh et al. Cognitive Robotics 2 (2022) 222–233

Table 2 (continued)

S. No Applications Description References

19. Proper working Cobot provides proper working under the supervision of an operator in a coordinated and safe manner. It [123–125]
under the enables it to execute a single operation or intervene in several tasks based on the production
supervision requirements and the settings it has been set up with. The cobot provides something increasingly desired
on the assembly line and logistics, versatility and flexibility. These provide automated solutions that are
meant to engage humans. To accomplish this, they are carefully constructed to be compact and
lightweight, allowing them to be quickly transported and take up little room in the working areas of a
facility. They contain built-in movement detection sensors that allow them to modify their operations and
speed to support safe shared-working situations.
20. Transporting goods These are also used to transport goods from one workstation to another and unload them, or they can [126–128]
feed a machine at a different workstation. Collaborative robots help employees relieve them of various
heavy, unergonomic, and time-consuming activities, such as keeping a heavy item firmly in the
appropriate position for a worker. Complex applications and those needing re-design the whole
manufacturing process continue to necessitate using systems integration experts. This is especially
significant for manufacturers with short production runs and must immediately re-task.
21. Product testing Collaborative robots have shown to be quite effective for the testing of products. These can stand in for [129–132]
human users by evaluating the appropriate performance and completing rigorous input and output tests
with camera, sound, and other sensor technology developments. Humans may focus on more
sophisticated work instead of spending time on highly repetitive jobs. Already, advancements have
allowed collaborative robots to complete jobs alongside human workers. Most Cobots do not require
safety obstacles because of enhanced sensors, cameras, and integrated vision. Cobots are now connected
to nearby machines using the Industrial Internet of Things.
22. Packaging and Cobots are expected to expand quickly in automotive, electronics, packaging and assembly, logistics, and [133–137]
Assembly machine tooling applications. Because of the increased interest in collaborative robotics in the logistics
industry, equipment manufacturers are developing robots in the m logistics systems, decreasing
technological expenditures and boosting robotic capabilities to meet particular client needs. Cobots in
industrial processes have reduced workplace injuries and accidents with the help of proper machine
management. It has also improved the quality of product packaging and assembly.
23. Enhancing Cobots enhance human-machine interaction and efficiency. Employees are not required to wait for [138–142]
human-machine machines to complete their tasks. Collaborative mobile robots, adaptable, safe, and simple to operate, are
interaction mainly developed to aid human employees with order fulfilment and warehouse tasks. This ease of
programming is remarkable for warehouse operations, which are often dynamic. Hard-programmed
robots cannot manage various jobs that arise during order fulfilment. On the other hand, these
collaborative robots can be designed on the fly to meet fluctuating warehouse priorities. This simple
expand the variety of manufacturing jobs and provides excellent human-machine interaction.

process sectors to meet the unique needs of their consumers. This will help many industries to integrate and digitalise their business
operations. Companies may begin digitalisation at any point along their value chain.
Cobots will rapidly expanding their role in production automation as more and more businesses prepare to employ the technology.
In the future years, cobots will become increasingly complex and adaptable. Cobots will continue to do precise and intelligent duties.
Additionally, by connecting to other machines, devices, network databases, etc., cobot connectivity will enable to enhance a variety
of manufacturing workflows and give useful data analytics for process improvement.


Cobots are designed to work alongside and close to people to do their responsibilities. In many respects, Cobots are the hardware
equivalent of augmented intelligence; rather than replacing people with autonomous equivalents, Cobots supplement and improve
human skills with super-strength, accuracy, and data capabilities, allowing them to perform more and add more value to the business.
Cobots are trained by people controlling the arms and teaching rather than programmed to a precise set of actions using program-
ming tools. Indeed, unlike their more isolated competitors. Cobots are purposefully designed to interact with humans in a shared
office physically. These are also accessible for non-experts to interact with. These are also lighter than their industrial counterparts.
This enables them to work in dynamic conditions when combined with mobile robots. Cobots have grown more popular with the
advancement of user-friendly robot technology. These are designed to function in tandem with various top modules, including Cobots
arms, conveyor systems, lift decks, shelves, and other unique solutions that promote human-robot collaboration. Unlike industrial
robots, Cobots have rounded edges with softer and more malleable surfaces to reduce pinch-point contact injuries. These are helping
to enhance workplace safety in a variety of ways. The more intelligent Cobots can safely operate alongside humans, lowering the
risk of major injury. This technology will be used to perform any complicated task resulting in lesser wastage of time in the future.
Cobots are a vital element of Industry 4.0 progress and a key innovation and growth driver for the robotics industry. Cobotics is the
logical next stage in building manufacturing technologies that will allow expert vocations to be combined. In addition, manufacturing
technologies such as reconfigurable, multifunction technology, 3D printing, augmented reality, and manufacturing autonomy will be
included and integrated into the workplace.

M. Javaid, A. Haleem, R.P. Singh et al. Cognitive Robotics 2 (2022) 222–233

Declaration of Competing Interest



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