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December 16, 2022

Diva Rachma Ladisya

Bandung, Indonesia

Dear Business Analyst Professional Recruitment Committee

Telkom University


My name is Diva Rachma Ladisya, 5th semester student of the Faculty of Industrial Engineering,
Department of Industrial Engineering, Telkom University. I am writing this letter as a form of
interest in being a part and contributing together in the Business Analyst Profession, I also want to
channel my strength and enthusiasm in following this profession.

Even in the world of college, high grades are still lacking. I have to be active in
committees/organizations in lectures to improve the soft skills and hard skills that I have. Because
of that, the Business Analyst profession, one of the professions in this study program, is my choice
to give full contribution in improving soft skills and hard skills. Because by being in an
organization we can increase discourse, change information, devote all inspiration and aspirations
in advancing the Business Analyst profession, here I also hope to add insight and input about
Business Analysts which will be able to help me in the world of work.

By joining the Business Analyst profession, there are so many soft skills that I can develop, such
as time management, problem solving, teamwork etc. Not only seeking knowledge, I will also be
committed to carrying out tasks in accordance with the division or department that I will be placed
in. I have a strong determination when I want something, work hard, time discipline, easy to
socialize, and have strong loyalty in what I do.

My motivation for registering for the Business Analyst profession is because I am really interested
in what is discussed in this profession. I like learning about how to analyze a business, by
deepening my knowledge and insight into engineering economics, accounting, marketing
management, and other related courses in the Business Analyst profession. If I am given the
opportunity to become part of the Business Analyst profession, I will help improve and advance
the Business Analyst Profession.

Best regards,

Diva Rachma Ladisya


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