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Nama: Nanda Fausta Mahardika

NIM: 19221368

Kelas: 19.1A.37

Jurusan: Sistem Informasi

1. give detailed explanation in Bahasa Indonesia about the use of gerunds

and (to) infinitives and give the examples ===> at least in one

Infinitive merupakan bentuk kata kerja simple dengan mendapat awalan ‘to’. Fungsinya to infinitive
adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Sebagai Subject

Contoh: To study hard makes us clever.

2. Menerangkan Tujuan

Alasan + To Infinitive (Tujuan)

Contoh: He comes here (alasan) to meet me (tujuan).

3. Sebagai Verb setelah Object Pelaku

Contoh: Doni asked me to go with him.

4. Menerangkan Noun/kata benda

(Kalimat) + N + To Infinitive

Contoh: I need a glass of milk to drink.

5. Menerangkan Adjective/kata sifat

(Kalimat) + Adj + To Infinitive

Contoh: English is easy to learn.

6. Setelah Adjective/kata sifat the exercise on page 5 (use both gerunds and to infinitives to

answer the questions==>look the two examples at the bottom of the


Satellites are used TO study the world’s weather

2. Robots are sometimes used FOR perform dangerous tasks

3. You can use a cell phone FOR read the latest weather report

4. People use the internet TO transmit telephone calls

5. DNA fingerprinting is used TO send text messages

6. CD-ROM are used FOR identify criminals

make travel reservations

transmit television programs

store an encyclopedia

3. Translate these sentences by using gerunds and then identify what kind

of gerund is that .(one sentence may consist of more than one type of

example ==> saya suka berenang

==========> I like swimming (swimming is gerund as an object)

a. bernyanyi adalah hobi saya ==========> My Hobby Is Singing

b. saya tidak suka/ benci berdansa ==========> I don't Like Dancing

c. aktifitas favoritnya adalah membaca ==========> Her Hobby is Reading

d. saya ingin membeli mesin cuci ==========> I want to buy a washing machine
e. saya selalu berangkat ke kampus setelah sarapan ==========> i always go to campus after breakfast

f. sebelum berangkat ke kampus, saya selalu mandi ==========> i take a bath before go to campus

g. dilarang mencontek==========> Do Not Cheating

h. bermain game adalah hobi saya==========> My Hobby Is Playing game

4. determine whether it is a 'gerund' or 'present participle' and give the reason

a. writing desk = Gerund

b. parking area = Gerund

c. drinking water = Present Participle

d. chirping bird = Present Participle

e. writing paper = Gerund

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