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This note is to express my feelings toward our school captain Mr.

Nyrit Saha

I Am Adhyan Mondal of class 9A of the academic session 2022-2023

This year we started to come to school and attend offline classes and our new school captain was
also declared on the first day of school but we don’t know how to tell anything about him, because
we never got the time to know him as a person or a prefect of our school, so it’s a little hard to tell
anything about him. But as a school captain, I can say he is very calm, he listens to what everyone
says and he talks everyone to in their respective mothertounge language. So these are the thing I
like about our school captain and I didn’t find anything to dislike about him. This is his last year in
this school but we will all remember him and how he helped everyone

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