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John Lheneil Dalogdog_BSA 1B_Activity no.

Conclusions and Recommendations Based on my Interview:

As I finished the interview on the three farmers, I therefore conclude that the soil fertility is very
important to them as a farmers and so, knowing the fertility of soil in where they produce food is very
important too. Determination of nutrient requirement of the plants is necessary in knowing what
nutrients should be applied in order to supplement the needs of the plants. There such a method and
techniques used to determine the fertility of soil and the nutrient requirement of the plants. Based on
the answers of the farmers on what method they used to determine the nutrient requirement of their
crops. The nutrient deficiency symptoms is the important method they usually used because it is easy
for them to analyze the deficiency of nutrients in plants because it is seen by the appearance of plants as
it grows or mature. Nutrient deficiency occurs when a plant lacks sufficient quantity of an essential
nutrient required for growth. Without sufficient essential nutrients, plants will not grow well and show
various symptoms to express the deficiency. Each nutrient will express a deficiency with different
symptoms on the plant, so it's worthwhile to be familiar with these symptoms ahead of time to help
guide a diagnosis. The soil testing is a method that is important to farmers to determine the fertility of
soil. In soil testing one can determine the needs of the soil before the crop is planted. A soil test
measures a part of the total nutrient supply in the soil. Soil testing is to provide an accurate assessment
of the soil's fertility to make fertilizer recommendations. With the increasing awareness of fertilizer
effects on environmental quality, soil tests also can be used to determine where fertilizers or manure
should not be applied. The Department of Agriculture the government agency responsible for the
promotion of agricultural development by providing the policy framework, public investments, and
support services needed for domestic and export-oriented business enterprises. So, in the
determination of soil fertility department of agriculture have a great responsibility to conduct a soil
fertility testing to produce more healthy yields in many localities. The soil testing that only government
agency can provide to determine the fertility of soil of the farmers is very important because it is
important to optimize crop production, to protect the environment from contamination by runoff and
leaching of excess fertilizers, to aid in the diagnosis of plant culture problems, to improve the nutritional
balance of the growing media and to save money and conserve energy. In that case the agricultural
sector will be productive and develop.

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