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Bell pepper is an important agricultural crop around the world, not only due to its economic relevance

as a flavoring and coloring agent to the food industry and cuisine, but also for the nutritional value of
the fruits, medicinal applications.. fermented fruit juice is used to enhance the soil and increase
production of leafy plants in gardens, fermented fruit juice is used to increase sweetness and yield of
fruiting plants as well as building healthier soil.

-Finding out which variety of bell pepper performs better in fermented fruit juice is the major goal of
this investigation. We shall be using fermented fruit juice as a natural fertilizer in this investigative
technique. The research is being conduct at Bacnit Integrated School-.

Significance of the study

This study on the growth performance of bell pepper in response to the varying amount of fermented
fruit juice can have significance for various groups within the community, including students, teachers,
barangay officials, farmers, and the community as a whole.-

This study can educate students and teachers about the use of natural fertilizers in agriculture and their
potential advantages for crop growth and yield. The study can be used as a starting point for
experimentation and more investigation on the usage of fermented fruit juice in agriculture. Teachers
can utilize this study as a case study to educate their students about sustainable agricultural methods
and the significance of minimizing the usage of synthetic fertilizers

.-This study can be used by barangay officials to encourage organic farming methods and lessen the
harm that synthetic fertilizers do to the environment. To promote the use of fermented fruit juice as a
natural fertilizer, the study's findings might also be distributed to barangay farmers.-

This study can be a beneficial resource for farmers by informing them about the possible advantages of
using fermented fruit juice as a natural fertilizer for bell pepper growth. The research can assist farmers
decide how much fermented fruit juice to use for their crops, as well as how it can cut down on the
usage of synthetic fertilizers and support sustainable farming methods.-

This research may help the community at large to encourage environmentally friendly farming methods
and lessen the damaging effects of synthetic fertilizers. The use of fermented fruit juice as a natural
fertilizer can also assist the local economy by lowering the price of synthetic fertilizers and boosting crop
yields, which will increase farmer revenue.-

Overall, the findings of this study on how cucumber growth responds to varying amounts of fermented
fruit juice may have important ramifications for promoting environmentally friendly farming practices,
minimizing the harm synthetic fertilizers cause to the environment, and increasing crop yields for

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