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beFoRe, DuRing, AnD AFteR CLASS

tUtorials featuring specific wrong-
answer feedback, hints, and a wide variety
of educationally effective content guide
your students through the toughest topics
in physics. The hallmark Hints and Feedback
offer instruction similar to what students
would experience in an office hour, allowing
them to learn from their mistakes without
being given the answer.

adaptive follow-Ups are personalized assignments

that pair Mastering’s powerful content with Knewton’s adaptive
learning engine to provide personalized help to students.
These assignments address common student misconceptions
and topics students struggled with on assigned homework,
including core prerequisite topics. video tUtor demonstrations, available in
the Study Area and in the Item Library and accessible
by QR code in the textbook, feature “pause-and-
predict” demonstrations of key physics concepts
as assessment to engage students actively in
understanding key concepts. New VTDs build on
the existing collection, adding new topics for a more
robust set of demonstrations.

video tUtor solUtions are tied to each worked example and Bridging
Problem in the textbook and can be accessed through MasteringPhysics or from
QR codes in the textbook. They walk students through the problem-solving
process, providing a virtual teaching assistant on a round-the-clock basis.

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