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Persuasion prinicples

Persuasion principles are a set of guidelines which help to persuade people to do

something. They can be applied in any situation and are usually used to convince
people to make a purchase or a change in behavior.

The persuader relies on the following principles:

- Reciprocity

- Commitment and consistency

- Social proof

- Authority

- Liking

- Scarcity

Persuasion prinicples are a set of techniques that can be used to increase the
likelihood of someone agreeing with you.

Reciprocity is a technique where people are persuaded to do something for you if

they know that you have done something for them in the past. Scarcity is another
technique which makes people want something more if they know it is limited and
will not last.

People who want to persuade others can use these principles to make their message
more convincing. The first persuasion principle is authority. This principle relies
on the idea that people listen more when they feel like they have a connection with
the person who is talking.

Consistency is another persuasion principle that can be used by people who want to
persuade others. Consistency relies on the idea that if someone does something for
you one time, they will also do it again in the future.

The third persuasion principle is liking, which relies on the idea that people will
listen more if they like you and want what you have to say

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