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Addition of Fly Ash in Green Concrete

1. Abstract

Currently, reprocessing of waste and industrial by-products attaining a reputation to

make concrete eco-friendly material and the concrete can be called as Green Concrete. Green
concrete is one of the seditious topic to be discussed in the history of the concrete industry.
Coal fly ash is a satisfactory industrial waste product which is recognized to be a very good
pozzolanic material, and it has been used to boost up the ultimate compressive strength and
workability of fresh concrete. And because of that it is promptly becoming a similar element
in concrete all over the globe. The use of fly ash as a performance-boosting element in
concrete is one of the most exceptional examples of industrial ecology by making productive
use of waste resources, and conclusively excluding the concept of waste throughly. In fact,
given the huge volume of concrete production worldwide, the capability for successfully
using fly ash and other common industrial side effect makes it one of the key elements of
global industrial ecology. The article focuses on discussing the use of coal fly ash in
construction devotes the devaluation of greenhouse emissions with negative bounces on the
economy. These wastes utilization would not only be cost-effective but may also help to
create a viable and pollution-free environment. This article mainly focuses on investigating
the effects of fly ash as cement replacement in green concrete made with fractional
replacement of traditional coarse aggregates with coarse aggregates from dismantling waste.
Green concrete that is developed with waste materials is an effective area of research as it
benefits in diminishing the waste management problems and defending the environment.
2. Introduction
Green concrete is basically a conventional concrete which requires minimum amount
energy for its production and causes very little harm to the environment. Green concrete
produces less carbon dioxide as compared to normal concrete. Green concrete is eco-friendly
and produces less environmental impact.
Usage of green concrete in construction is progressively embraced by the
construction industry incurring to the defects of traditional concrete and the plentiful
essential benefits of green concrete. The growing demand for green concrete has been
stimulated by demand for high quality concrete products, aspiration of nations to reduce
green-house gas emission, need for management of natural resources and limited landfill
spaces. Green concrete comes in diversified forms such as ultra-high attainment concrete,
ultra-high attainment concrete, lightweight concrete, geopolymer concrete, to mention a few.
Green concrete offers various environmental, technical gains and economic prosperity such
as high strength, increased durability, enhanced workability and pumpability, decreased
permeability, controlled bleeding, protection against acid attack, and limiting of plastic
shrinkage cracking.

Fly ash is produced by burning pulverized coal in electric power plants. During
combustion, mineral impurities in the coal such as feldspar, shale, quartz, and clay combine
in suspension and hover out of the combustion chamber with exhaust gases. As combined
material rises, it cools and stiffens into rounded glassy particles called fly ash. Fly ash is
gathered from the exhaust gases. The fine powder does simulate portland cement but it is
chemically distinct. All fly ashes demonstrate cementitious properties to fluctuating degrees
lying on the chemical and physical properties of both fly ash and cement.

3. Fly Ash in concrete

One of the achievements to assemble eco-friendlier concrete is to diminish the use of
OPC by moderately ousting the amount of cement in concrete with repercussion materials
such as fly ash. As a cement replacement, fly ash plays the part of an artificial pozzolana,
where its silicon di-oxide content counters with the calcium hydroxide process to form the
calcium silicate hydrate gel. The spherical shape of fly ash generally helps to increase the
workability of the fresh concrete, while its small particle size also plays a pivotal role in the
filling of voids in the concrete, hence to assemble dense and durable concrete. An important
accomplishment in the use of fly ash in concrete is the advancement of high volume fly ash
concrete that profitably replaces the use of OPC in concrete up to 60% and yet maintains
excellent mechanical properties with complemented durability performance of high volume
fly ash concrete. Fly ash cement uses less water than Portland cement, it is much simpler to
use in cold weather. It can be devised to produce assorted set times, cold weather resistance,
durability, and strength gains, depending on the job. Fly ash can be used carefully as an
admixture or in bigger amounts to oust Portland cement. The material is considerably lighter
than Portland cement.
There are numerous advantages to using fly ash in concrete. Hypothetically it is
possible to replace 100% of Portland cement with fly ash but practically above 80% of
chemical activators are required. Studies have found that the optimum reinstatement level is
around 30%. Moreover, fly ash can enhance certain properties of concrete, such as durability.
Because it produces less heat of hydration, it is notably well suited for mass concrete
applications. The use of fly ash in concrete in optimum fraction has much technical
assistance and enhances concrete performance in both fresh and hardened state. Fly ash use
in concrete enhances the workability of plastic concrete and the strength and durability of
hardened concrete. Commonly, fly ash helps concrete by lowering the mixing water
requirement and enhancing the paste flow behavior.
4. Literature Review
1)  “Green concrete: Efficient & eco-friendly construction materials” Garg, C. and Jain, A.,
2014 Int. J. Res. Eng. Technol, 2, pp.259-264.
a. This paper gives information about the efficiency and eco friendliness of
construction materials used in different works.
2) “Green concrete: A review of recent developments.” Sivakrishna, A., Adesina, A.,
Awoyera, P.O. and Kumar, K.R., 2020 Materials Today: Proceedings, 27, pp.54-58.
a. This paper discusses about the recent advancements and developments in the
world due to green concrete.
3) “Environmental benefits of green concrete.” Abbas, A., Fathifazl, G., Isgor, O.B.,
Razaqpur, A.G., Fournier, B. and Foo, S., 2006, May.  In 2006 IEEE EIC Climate
Change Conference (pp. 1-8). IEEE.
a. This paper gives information about the environmental benefits of green concrete
and its impacts on the environment.
4) “Mechanical properties of green structural concrete with ultrahigh-volume fly ash” Yu,
J., Lu, C., Leung, C.K. and Li, G., 2017 Construction and building materials, 147,
a. This paper gives info about the mechanical properties and discuss them one by
5) “Identification and verification of self–cementing fly ash binders for ‘Green’concrete”
Roskos, C., Cross, D., Berry, M. and Stephens, J., 2011, May. In proceedings of the 2011
world of coal ash (WOCA) conference—May 9–12, 2011 in Denver CO, USA.
a. Researchers at Montana State University are engaged in an effort to
identify fly ashes (a byproduct of coal fired power plants) from around the
country that are capable of replacing 100 percent of the Portland cement as the
binder in conventional concrete.
6) “Contribution of fly ash to the properties of mortar and concrete” Bendapudi, S.C.K. and
Saha, P., 2011 International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering, 4(6), pp.1017-
a. Fly ash is a by-product material obtained from the combustion of coal. It is used
as pozzolanic material in mortar and concrete, and has demonstrated significant
influence in improving the properties like water requirement, workability, setting
time, compressive strength, durability of mortar and concrete. This paper presents
an overview of the work carried out on the chemical properties and use of fly ash
as supplementary material in mortar and concrete.
7) “Estimation of the optimum content of fly ash in concrete composite based on the
analysis of fracture toughness tests using various measuring systems.” Golewski, G.L.,
2019. Construction and Building Materials, 213, pp.142-155.
a. This paper presents the results of compressive strength – fcm and fracture
toughness tests of concrete composite modified with the addition of siliceous fly
ash (FA). The investigation embraced concrete with 0%, 10%, 20% and 30% FA
8) “Physical properties and mechanical behavior of concrete made with recycled aggregates
and fly ash” Lima, C., Caggiano, A., Faella, C., Martinelli, E., Pepe, M. and Realfonzo,
R., 2013. Construction and Building Materials, 47, pp.547-559.
a. This paper is a contribution to such topic. The results of a wide experimental
campaign carried out on concretes made using recycled concrete aggregates
(RCAs) and fly-ash (FA) in partial substitution of natural aggregates (NAs) and
cement (C) are presented and discussed herein.
9) “Prediction of compressive strength of concrete with fly ash as sand replacement
material.” Rajamane, N.P., Peter, J.A. and Ambily, P.S., 2007. Cement and concrete
composites, 29(3), pp.218-223.
a. Fly ash (FA) acts as a partial replacement material for both Portland cement and
fine aggregate. The published information on FA as sand (fine aggregate)
replacement material (SRM) is limited and rational guidelines to estimate the
compressive strength of concrete are not available.
10) “Sustainable Green Concrete by using Biomass Aggregate.” Kwong, T.H., Daud, F.A.A.
and Jung, C.T., 2020. Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Sciences and
Engineering Technology, 18(1), pp.31-37.
a. The use of concrete for construction had become very common in developing
countries. But concrete is not friendly environment because of it consumes huge
quantities of natural materials and production of the cement, which is a major
contributor to greenhouse gas emissions and global warming. This paper
addresses such issues.
a. This paper discussed about the utilization of fly ash and its importance in
combustion science.
12) Wedding, P., Majko, R. and Pistilli, M., 1984. “Optimizing the Amount of Class C Fly
Ash in Concrete Mixtures. Cement, Concrete and Aggregates” 6(2), p.105.
a. This paper provided a detailed overview of the amounts of fly ash specifically C
class flash concrete mixes. It also provided important information about C class
fly ash optimization.
13) Khan, Usman, Rizwan and Hanif, 2019. “Self-Consolidating Lightweight Concrete
Incorporating Limestone Powder and Fly Ash as Supplementary Cementing
Material. Materials” 12(18), p.3050.
a. It provided info about the consolidation of lightweight materials incorporating in
the cement.
14) “High-Volume Fly Ash System: Concrete Solution for Sustainable Development.” ACI
Materials Journal, 2000 97(1).
a. This journal described the addition of high volume fly ash in the system its
benefits and losses to create a sustainable green concrete.
15) “Effect of Fly Ash on the Compressive Strength of Green Concrete” 2021
a. This paper provided detailed information about the addition of fly ash in cement
to make green concrete specially its effects on the compressive strength of the
green concrete.
16) “. High Volume Fly Ash Concrete. International Journal of Scientific Research” Dr. R.R
Singh, D. and Sidhu, E., 2012 3(6), pp.142-145.
a. The addition of high volume of fly ash has effects on the properties of concrete
which were defined in this paper.
17) “Effects of Fly Ash on Mechanical Properties of Concrete. Journal of Applied
Engineering Sciences” Zabihi-Samani, M., Mokhtari, S. and Raji, F., 2018 8(2), pp.35-
a. Addition of fly ash in concrete to make green concrete has chemical as well as
mechanical effects on the properties of concrete. These effects were given in this
paper for further research.
18) “. Development and analysis of high-performance green concrete in the urban
infrastructure.” International Journal of Sustainable Engineering, 3(3), pp.198-210.
Reiner, M., Durham, S. and Rens, K., 2010
a. This paper discusses about the importance of development and manufacture of
high performance green concrete to use in modern world infrastructures.
19) “A review on the effect of fly ash characteristics and their variations on the synthesis of
fly ash based geopolymer.” Wattimena, O., Antoni and Hardjito, D., 2017
a. Fly ash has different characteristics according to its form and in which thing it is
mixed. Its variations and properties are in co-relation on addition and formation of
different geopolymers. These types of properties were discussed in this paper.
20) “. Fly Ash as Sustainable Material for Green Concrete” Vairagade, V., 2021
a. This paper discussed about how fly ash is very sustainable for green concrete and
how it can change the world perspective of future constructions.
21) “Very high volume fly ash green concrete for applications in India” Yu, J., Mishra, D.,
Wu, C. and Leung, C., 2021
a. This paper provided information about the very high volume use of fly ash on
green concrete and where it should be used along with its different applications.
22) “Usage of Green Concrete Technology in Civil Engineering” Błaszczyński, T. and Król,
M., 2015 Procedia Engineering, 122, pp.296-301.
a. This paper gives information about the uses of green concrete in different fields
especially civil engineering as it is used in constructions works mostly.
23) “Is Coal Fly Ash the Next “Green” Building Material?” Gordon, K., 2021>\
a. This paper measure the importance of coal fly ash by stating that it is the next
revolutionary material which will shape our future in construction works.
24) “Durability of concrete using fly ash as a partial replacement of cement” Nath, P., 2021
a. This paper compares the durability of green concrete incorporating fly ash as
compared to conventional methods including simple ingredients along with
25) “Green concrete composite incorporating fly ash with high strength and fracture
toughness.” Golewski, G.L., 2018 Journal of cleaner production, 172, pp.218-226.
a. This paper discusses about the composites incorporating fly ash and its strength.

5. Experimental Evaluation
Fly ash is a very fine powder which is a combustion side effect. Large volumes of this
waste are developed every year causing a serious environmental problem. To reduce the
waste to some extent, it may be used as a pozzolanic ingredient, changing cement in
concrete. With the addition of water, it proceeds with calcium hydroxide and assembles
cementitious compounds. We used Fly ash to produce concrete without expanding CO2
emissions. We also came up with stainless steel as reinforcement and a cladding system for
greater durability. From the test results, it is observed an improvement in strength and a
devaluation in sorptivity at 28-day curing. We used 20%, 40%, and 60% replacement of
cement by fly ash to produce M15, M20, and M25 concrete. After examining the basic and
strength properties of concrete, the accomplished curves can be applied to determine the
dosage of fly ash for a prescribed strength of the concrete. It is concluded that the use of fly
ash increases tensile strain capacity. However, the usage of fly ash depends on compressive
strength. To develop cement-free concrete we used fly ash with alkaline solutions to develop
mix design standards. We established specimens and studied the properties of concrete. The
correlation of the results with traditional concrete’s shows good correspondences between the
two sets. Based on laboratory examinations on the use of fly ash from 10% to 30% by
volume of cement, it is claimed that the use of fly ash has a negative impact on concrete’s
compressive strength. Moreover, the use of fly ash in a percentage up to 20% results in an
expansion in tensile strength and density. On the other hand, we developed M20 grade
concrete with 0%-20% fly ash with advancement of 5%. Test results of 7 and 28 day cured
samples showed enhancement in terms of strength and durability. We also studied the effect
of fly ash. We used a dose of fly ash from 0%-30% and quarry dust. From the achieved
conclusions, it is concluded that the combined use of quarry dust and fly ash showed an
increase in strength and also reducing the environmental impact.

6. Testing of Material
So the Ordinary Portland cement was used in the mixes. Fine aggregates were
attained from the local market. The sand was sieved to abolish chunks and larger particles
before used in the concrete mixes. A dismantled 2-story reinforced concrete building nearby
was the source of dismantling waste. The large blocks were battered to assemble coarse
aggregates of maximum size equal to 25 mm. After removing the undesirable material, the
aggregates were washed and dried. Traditional coarse aggregates of the same size, attained
from the local market, were also washed and dried. The fly ash used in the work was class C
fly ash obtained from the Drax Power Station. It was used in percentages of 0%, 2.5%, 5%,
7.5% and 10% by weight as substitution of cement. Sieve analysis of both of the aggregates,
traditional and reprocessed was done following the standard procedure to assure well-graded
aggregates in the concrete mix. Coarse aggregates from dismantling waste and traditional
coarse aggregates were used in a 50%-50% ratio. All the constituents were mixed in 1:2:4
portions with a 0.5 water-cement ratio. A total of six concrete mixes were assembled. In four
concrete mixes, fly ash and recycled aggregates from crushing waste were used. In one mix
only dismantling waste as coarse aggregates were used, and one concrete mix was prepared
with all typical ingredients. The collection of all the mixes was done by weight in a concrete
mixer. The water used was attained from the local water supply and had a pH value equal to
Fig: Concrete Ingredients
7. Workability of Concrete:
To check workability of concrete, slump cone test was also performed for all
concrete mixes and following data was obtained.
Table (Slump Cone Test Results)
Batch No Description Slump (mm)
1 Conventional concrete 23
2 0% FA & 50% RA 15
(Fly Ash & Reprocessed
3 2.5% FA & 50% RA 16.3

4 5% FA & 50% RA 16

5 7.5% FA & 50% RA 15.8

6 10% FA & 50% RA 14.9

8. Preparing of Sample:
From each of the concrete mixes, three cylinders of standard size 6"×12" were
arranged. Mold formation, pouring of concrete, and compaction were done in consensus
with ASTM 943–17.
After 24 hours, the specimens were taken out from the mound and left to air-dry.
All the specimens were cured by fully soaking in potable water for 28 days.
Fig: Concrete Cylinders (Sample)

9. Compressive Strength:
After the finalization of curing time, the samples were air-dried for 24 hours.
Then, the test for compressive strength was executed in a Universal Testing Machine.
The UTM was set in such a way that it applied the load at a rate of 0.5kN/sec. The load
was increased until failure. The compressive strength measured from the failure load and
correct dimensions of the samples was recorded and is listed in Table.
Batch No Description Load Compressive strength
kN N/mm2 Psi Kg/cm2
1 Conventional 439.2 27.06 3923.37 275.99
concrete 515.1 28.26 4097.58 288.24
510.7 28.02 4062.58 285.78
2 0% FA & 50% 456.9 25.07 3634.61 255.68
RA 366.7 20.12 2917.07 205.20
(Fly Ash &
Reprocessed 394.9 21.66 3141.40 220.98
3 2.5% FA & 391.6 21.48 3115.15 219.13
50% RA 395.6 21.70 3146.97 221.37
380.9 20.90 3030.03 213.15
4 5% FA & 50% 412.1 22.61 3278.22 230.61
RA 494.6 27.13 3934.51 276.77
448.9 24.62 3569.38 251.09
5 7.5% FA & 484.9 26.60 3857.34 271.34
50% RA 406.9 22.32 3236.86 227.70
360.6 19.78 2868.55 201.79
6 10% FA & 393.0 21.56 3126.29 219.92
50% RA 397.5 21.81 3162.08 222.44
305.2 16.74 2427.84 170.79

10. Results:
The sieve analysis results show that both aggregates certify the standard requirements
of well-graded aggregates. The slump test results of the FA and RA mixes were less than that
of the ordinary concrete. It can be detected that increasing the dosage of FA increased the
reduction in the slump value of the mix. A minimum decrease in a slump was observed for
2.5% and 5% replacement levels of cement with FA and was about 30%. This demonstrates
that the mix water requirements are more with FA. This should be acknowledged while
selecting the water/cement ratio for the mix else ways more mechanical effort or admixture
will be required to manage the required workability.

Reducti on in Slump
Slump %

40 The
strength of all
0 samples
0.5 2.5 5 7.5 10
Fly Ash % above is
averaged and
Control Mix Proposed Mix compared
with the
average compressive strength of the control mix. The percentile devaluation of average
compressive strength with respect to control mix and the mix cast with 50% reprocessed
aggregates is shown in Table. It may be observed that the addition of 5% FA along with 50% RA
gives maximal compressive strength among all proposed mixes. The devaluation in the average
strength in correlation to the control mix is equal to 10.77%. This devaluation is comparable
with the result presented. Therefore, 5% of the fly ash is the optimum dosage of this material,
and it can adequately be used in new concrete along with 50% reprocessed aggregates from
dismantling waste. However, the concrete may originally be used in low load areas as it has
about 11% less strength than traditional concrete.
Compressive Strength
(All Mixes)
compressive strength (mpa)



10 (Average
5 Compressive
0.5 2.5 5 7.5 10 Reduction)
Fly Ash % Batch No
Control Mix Proposed Mix

11. Conclusion:
The above article puts light on the several usages of fly ash and its equities over
the traditional concrete. The use of fly ash is one of the amplification from low-level
applications such as a landfill to high-strength concrete due to its engineering attributes.
The physical and chemical properties of fly ash improve most of the properties of
concrete as long-term availability. The successful function of this waste will have great
advantages and reduces the land being used for disposal of this waste.
Fly ash is one auspicious material that can be used as both augmenting
cementitious materials as well as to assemble lightweight aggregate. The use of
economical construction materials has expedited in recent times due to the expansion in
the demand for lightweight concrete for mass applications. This requires the complete
replacement or fractional replacement of concrete components to bring down the rising
construction costs.
Moreover From experiment it is concluded that fly ash and reprocessed
aggregates gained from dismantling waste were used in concrete mixes and their effect
on the compressive strength of concrete was studied. Workability and compressive
strength of the processed mixed were determined and compared with all-conventional
concrete’s. The conclusions show that slump value reduces by increasing fly ash dosage,
hence the concrete needs more mechanical effort in compaction or use of admixture to
manage its workability. Results obtained of compressive strength showed that a 5%
dosage of fly ash is optimum as it gives minimum reduction (about 11%) in compressive
strength among all studied mixes. This concrete can be used in new constructions, but it
is recommended to be initially utilized in low load areas.
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