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Election of Student Council Chairman

Photo of the elected student council chairman and vice chairman of the student council for the period 2021-2022

A few days ago, SMA N 01 OKU was holding a vote for the new student council chairman
and vice chairman candidate, there were 2 pairs running for office, pair number 1 was a
representative from paskibraka and theater extracurricular activities, while for pair number 2
was a representative from extracurricular scouts and media arts, the election will be held on
22-23 September 2021, for children with the initial absent number, the election will be held on
the 22nd, while the final absent will hold the election on the 23rd, the vote count will be
carried out on Friday, 24 September 2021, counting This vote was attended by each class
president and student council official who is still in office, this voting resulted in 1,024 votes,
343 votes were given to pair number 1, 639 votes were given to pair number 2, and the rest
did not vote, totaling 42 votes. So in the election, pair number 2 on behalf of Afif and Rani,
has the right to be elected chairman of the student council and vice chairman of the student
council for the period 2021-2022.

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