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A Critique on the Article Entitled “PH sea level rise may be faster than global average: Climatologist”

authored by Dr. Lourdes Tibig

ABS-CBN News, Lourdes Tibig, PH sea level rise may be faster than global average: climatologis (2021)
The article is entitled as ‘PH Sea Level Rise May Be Faster Than Global Average: Climatologist’. This was
published online in 2021 at te ABS-CBN News website. The author is known to be Dr. Lourdes Tibig. She
is an advisor of the Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities-Climate. She is a retired
climatologist/meteorologist who has published several masterpieces on climate topics.


This article is about raise awareness on the implications of unstoppable rising of sea level in the
Philippines. The report cited that for a Pacific island that is prone to climate change, the effects we are
witnessing such as impacts of tropical cyclones to the country will only get worse. The projection is that
the variety of tropical cyclones might not increase, but its depth will virtually increase, because the
global average of rising is 3.7 millimeter per year. In Visayas were the study is held, the author and her
colleagues located out that the ocean degree upward thrust is occurring four times 3.7 millimeters in a
year. That’s a couple of centimeters each year for the Visayas. This only means that the locals on the
said area are experiencing a sea level rise faster than that of the global average. Also, IPCC has warned
that the average global temperature will likely surpass the 1.5-degree Celsius warming threshold within
the next 20 years, bringing more extreme weather events. In this case, human activities have already
heated the Earth by 1.1°C.

Given with the continued sea level rise driven by climate change, it will deeply affect coastal
communities in the country. Dr. Tibig noted that, some islands may be submerged underwater if the rise
in sea levels would not decelerate. It is good to be aware of our surroundings because don’t know what
will be the situation in the future. This article shows how dangerous the rising ocean level ascent
represents a serious danger to shore front life all over the planet. The rising results incorporate
expanded force of tempest floods, flooding, and harm to beach facade regions. As a rule, this is where
enormous populace communities are situated, notwithstanding delicate untamed life natural
surroundings. Simple thing ordinary people can do is plant more trees, use natural resources
sustainably–meaning there’s a limit to natural resources. We need to learn to use it sustainably. We
don’t use it as if there’s no tomorrow.


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