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Electronics (Extended) 1 FPELC02 Test 1 – 2020-S1

N.Dip. Engineering: Computer Systems

Semester Test 1 Examiners

90 min Mr S.T Leholo
2020 – Sem 1 Moderator
7 pages Mr M.X.S.D Mankazana

______________________ Student number


Surname Initials %

Total Paper Total 60

Instructions to Candidates
1. All bags and books must be put away according to the invigilator’s instructions.
2. All cellular telephones must be switched off.
3. All answers must be given in Engineering format (ENG) with 3 decimal places.
4. Answers without units will not be marked.
5. All the answers must be done in pen. Work done in pencil will be considered to be
rough work and will not be marked. (Diagrams may be done in pencil.)
6. Show all your calculations and answers in the allocated areas.
7. Any blank pages may be used for rough work. It will not be marked.
8. Diagrams and schematics will be marked as follows: Marks will be allocated for
the correct components or blocks added to the diagram or schematic and marks
will be deducted for each wrong connection of these components or blocks on the
diagram or schematic or for any additional components or blocks unnecessarily
added to the diagram or schematic.
9. No replacement papers will be handed out. If you want to change an answer, draw
a neat line through the original answer and write the replacement answer
elsewhere on your paper. Clearly indicate which one must be marked.

Electronics (Extended) 1 FPELC02 Test 1 – 2020-S1

Question 1 18

1.1. With 24 V across a 1kΩ resistor, the current, I, equals? (3)

V 24
I= = =0.024 A=24 mA
R 1000

1.2. As the voltage across a resistor is increased, what happens to the resistance of
the resistor? (2)

The resistance of the resistor remains constant, since the resistor is not affected by
changes in current and voltage.

1.3. If the current in an electrical circuit is constant, what will happen to the voltage if
the resistance is increased? (2)
The voltage will increase.

1.4. Calculate the conductance, G, in siemens, for the following resistance values:
(a) R=250 Ω, (b) R=368 Ω, (c) R=185Ω. (6)

1 1
G= = =0.004 S=4 mS
R 250

1 1
G= = =0.003 S=3 mS
R 368

1 1
G= = =0.005 S=5 mS
R 185

Electronics (Extended) 1 FPELC02 Test 1 – 2020-S1

1.5. How much energy, in joules, is expended when 8C of charge is moved between
two points having a potential difference of 18 V? b) How much is the current, I, in
amperes if the charge moves past a given point every 1⁄15 second? (5)

W =18 X 8=144 J


Q 8
I= = =114.30 A
T 0.07

Question 2 28

2.1. Identify the color and tolerance of each band for the resistor values listed. (10)

Electronics (Extended) 1 FPELC02 Test 1 – 2020-S1

1)blue, grey, green, gold

2)red, violet, black, silver

3)brown, black, red, gold

4)brown, black, yellow, silver

5)green, blue, black, silver

2.2. For the figure below, find RT, IT, VR1, VR2, VR3, and the total power dissipation PT.

RT =R1 + R2 + R3=10+ 20+30=60 Ω


V 12
I T= = =200 mA
RT 60

V R 1=I R1=0.2∗10=2V
V R 2=I R2 =0.2∗20=4 V
V R 3=I R3 =0.2∗300=6 V

P=VI =12∗0.2=2.4 W

Electronics (Extended) 1 FPELC02 Test 1 – 2020-S1

2.3. For the figure below, find IR1, IR2, IT, RT, and the total power dissipation PT. (10)

V 50
I R 1= = =625 mA
R1 80

V 50
I R 2= = =500 mA
R2 100

I T =I R 1+ I R 2=1.125 A

V 50
RT = = =44.44 Ω
I T 1.125

P=VI =50 X 1.125=56.25W

Question 3 14

3.1. A motor drawing 15 A of current is connected to a 230-V line through leads that
have a resistance of 0.4Ω for each lead. What is the voltage available at the
motor? (4)
Voltage drop for each lead is
V =IR=15 X 0.4=6 V
Voltage at the motor is
V =V source −V drop=230−12=218 V

Electronics (Extended) 1 FPELC02 Test 1 – 2020-S1

3.2. A heater connected across the 120-V power line draws 5 A of current. Calculate
the amount of power being used. (2)

P=VI =120 X 5=600 W

3.3. A radio transmitter draws 2 A of current from the 120-V power line when
delivering 150 W of radio-frequency (RF) power to its antenna. Calculate the
efficiency of the transmitter? How much will it cost to run the transmitter for 10
hours? Assume that the cost of energy is 12 cents/kWh.
Power output = 150 W
P¿ =VI =120 X 2=240 W
Pout 150
µ= X 100= X 100=62.5 %
P¿ 240
kWh=P¿ Xhours=240 X 10=2.4 kWh
cost R 0.12
Cost =kWhX =2.4 kWhX =R 0.29
kWh kWh

Electronics (Extended) 1 FPELC02 Test 1 – 2020-S1


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