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 Every location where the human race has lived contained a

community of plans or other resources which are called ecosystems.

 Ecosystems are about what sustain both humans and animals and
provide them with oxygen, water, and so on.
Intro  This essay will describe more clearly about the average rainfall of
the tropics, deserts, rainforests, and savannas are organized.

Tropics: The tropics have seasonal rainfalls that are very large
 It is usually more than 200 cm (80 inches) annually. And the average
rainfall during 12 months is at least 60 mm (2.4 inches). ( Statistics )
 In general it is found that the heaviest rain occurs over the warmest
oceans. For instance, the Indian and West Pacific Oceans, and also
over land masses like equatorial Africa, south-east Asia, northern
South America, and the islands of Indonesia and Papua New Guinea.

Rain forests: Rainforests receive the most rain of all of the biomes in a year
 There are two types of rainforests, tropical and temperate. Tropical
rainforests are found closer to the equator where it is warm.
Body Temperate rainforests are found near the cooler coastal areas
further north or south of the equator. (Definitions)
 Tropical rainforests occur in regions of the tropics where
temperatures are always high and where rainfall exceeds about
1,800 to 2,500 mm annually and occurs fairly evenly throughout the
year (Statistics)
 Temperate rainforests are also wet, but not as rainy as tropical
rainforests. It rains about from 60 - 200 inches (150 - 500 cm) each
year (Statistics)
Savannas: Because of the long dry seasons, the average rainfall of savannas
is less than other biomes.
 A savanna or savannah is a mixed woodland-grasslands ecosystem
characterized by the trees being sufficiently widely spaced so that
the canopy does not close. (Definition)
 Total annual rainfall is typically 1000-1500 mm (40-60 inches).


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