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My mom and dad are both great parents, but I prefer my mom more than my dad.

My mom is easy going, very considerate, and is a very understanding person. My

dad is strict and very bad-tempered. My mom is very supportive in anything that I
choose to do within my life. She is always the person that I can rely on to help me
financially, emotionally, and mentally. I never have a problem with approaching
my mother about anything. When I decided to go away to college, my mom backed
me up 100% and even offered to accompany me on my visit to the school. On the
other hand my dad was against it. He felt as if I just wanted to get away from my
responsibilities at home and go away to party and get wild. Although my parents
have many differences between them they are still very similar in certain things
that they do. When it comes to finances both of my parents have the same mind
set. They both have the same goals in life and they both want the same future for
me. I can honestly say that they can both agree with my choice of studies in
college. In conclusion, both my mom and dad are good but each person has
different characteristics. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it just shows how
different people are. The way situations turn out between the two greatly depends
on how well each person decides to handle it.

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