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360-Degree Review Form

Person being reviewed: Sushil Kumar

Person Preparing Review: Narinder Singh

Date of Review: 27 February 04

Current Period of Review: 16th Feb to 27 Feb 04

Overview: It is your responsibility to ensure that every individual in the team is able to perform
his/her level best. Please provide specific feedback on performance and areas for improvement
for the person you are reviewing. If you decide to discuss specific events, clearly mention what
your desired response in that situation would have been.

Sales Team Review:

Ability to Close: Very Good

Presentation Skills: Excellent

Listening Skills:Excellent

Ability to prepare proposals: Very Good

Development Team Review:

Technical Skills: NA

Work Quality: Out of my capacity to explain.

Work Quantity: As required by a software company

On-time project completion: NA


Ability to coordinate and ensure delivery: Very Good

Communication: Very Good

Accountability: 100%

Reliability: Yes reliable

General Comments: Avery good team member, and bold in action, being a foundation
member, committed with selflessness , loyalty and integrity for the all round prosperity of the
Beganto India.


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