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Grade 9-General Science/Answer Key WS-1/TERM-3/2022-2023

DNA carries the instructions in the nucleus. If there was no DNA in your cells, they would not
know what to function to carry out.
2. A fur colour, the pattern of teeth, the eye colour, the shape or their ears.
3. genes are small segments of DNA located on specific places on a chromosome.
4. Two of them wear glasses, their height is different, their fav colour, their style when pose.
When an antibiotic is used, bacteria with varieties of genes that make it resistant to the
antibiotic are more likely to survive and reproduce. Over many generations, this variety of the
gene becomes more common, resulting in whole populations of bacteria that are not killed by
the antibiotic
6. Possible answers include: sex, blood group, shape of ear lobe, eye colour.
7. copper carbonate + hydrochloric acid → copper chloride + water + carbon dioxide
6 cm3 of carbon dioxide is produced in this 20 second period, so the average rate of reaction
is 6 ÷ 20 = 0.3 cm3 /s. This rate is less than one-third of the rate between 10 and 30 seconds.
Because at the start of the reactions there are a lot of particles that have not reacted.
Collisions happen frequently. This means that a lot of carbon dioxide is produced in the first
9. 30-second period. As the particles react, the number of particles that have not reacted gets
lower and lower. This means that rate of reaction is slower. Eventually, all the particles have
reacted. There are no mor collisions and the reaction has finished.
It does not burn. Because only the magnesium atoms on the surface can make contact with
10. the oxygen and react with it. In the block of magnesium, most of the atoms are inside the
block, away from oxygen.
The nucleus of every cell contains several long threads, called chromosomes. In most cells,
there are two copies of each thread. Each thread contains many genes. The threads are
made of a chemical called DNA.

The DNA in a cell contains instructions for making a cell and a whole organism. If any of these
instructions are missing or damaged then the cell or the organism cannot be correctly formed.
2. So when a cell divides it is essential that each of the new cells gets a full set of all the DNA in
the parent cell


a. A substance that kills bacteria (but does not harm humans).

b. The percentage of cases of penicillinresistant pneumonia has increased.
c. Any two from: • This happened because penicillin was used to treat infections. • Any
4. bacteria that happened to be resistant to penicillin survived and reproduced. • Their offspring
inherited the genes that made them resistant. If penicillin continues to be used over time, the
proportion of bacteria that are resistant to penicillin increases
a. The ears of modern wheat are larger. They contain more seeds. The seeds (grain) are
b. People would take individual plants of wild wheat that had the largest number of the largest
seeds. They would sow the seeds from these plants, and let them grow. They would allow
5. them to reproduce with each other (and not with other plants). They would again select the
plants that
produced the largest number of the largest seeds. They would sow the seed, and keep
repeating this for several generations.

When the lizard sheds its tail the snake is more likely to be attracted to a blue tail than to a
6. brown tail. So the blue tails are more likely to distract the snake from eating the lizard itself.

a. Mg + 2HCl → MgCl2 + H
b. Suggestions could include: the difficulty of assembling the apparatus, adding the acid and
starting the stop clock all the same time; difficulty in reading the measuring cylinder accurately
as bubbles are being given off; difficulty of reading the volume quickly and accurately at 30
second intervals. Accept any sensible suggestions. Ideas for overcoming these could be: to
have one person in charge of the timing and one in charge of the assembling of the
apparatus; being very organised with everything ready and then assembling as quickly as
possible; one person watching the measuring cylinder and another calling out when a reading
is needed

When the temperature increases, some of the thermal energy is transferred to the particles.
The particles with more energy move more quickly. This means that there will be more
collisions in a period of time, so the rate of reaction will increase

a. C
b. The smaller the pieces of marble are, the larger their surface area. The powder has more
surface area exposed to the acid and so more collisions between the acid particles and
marble particles will happen more often. Thus, the reaction will happen more quickly.
c. calcium chloride

a. hydrogen
b. It is difficult to read the volume of gas on the measuring cylinder, especially if the changes
are very small. You have to read it carefully as the cylinder is upside down. Credit other
comments about the difficulty of getting the reactants mixed together and the apparatus
assembled all at the same time.

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