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Throughout the evolution of human history, there has been a massive growth in the

population number, indicating a consistent increase of births around the globe. Moreover,
this points out an enlargement of the families, contributing to the need of building lots of
houses. Likewise, housing problems, especially in cities and towns which usually have more
inhabitants, have been thought to be one of the most important topics on which people
should reflect and try to come up with a solution as quickly as possible, considering that the
number of houses starts to be insufficient.

On the one hand, in order to minimize this effect, buildings could start to be created in a
vertical scheme, enabling more people to live in the same place. Thus, this technique of
territorial planning would create the places needed for people to live in, reducing
homelessness. Additionally, the construction of high-rise blocks wouldn’t occupy an
extensive area, unlike the construction of single houses. This would lead to a much better
environment due to the fact that the levels of deforestation would certainly drop, allowing
new trees to be planted instead of the building of new houses from scratch.

However, on the other hand, renovating empty properties would be the most accurate action
to take concerning the housing problems. Some houses, considering that they are
abandoned, could be reused as a new place for living, instead of having the need to build
another house, which would take the double of the ground area which could be needed for
other construction. Besides, instead of demolishing the whole old house, it could be
recovered, ensuring that the cultural heritage of that place is not completely destroyed, going
across generations.

All in all, housing problems may already be taken into consideration, due to the decrease of
areas for people to live in. Furthermore, renovating old properties should be the response
most people take, considering that this method would not only create the necessary houses,
but also allow not to deforest and occupy more territory to build new houses unessentially,
contributing to the preservation of the historical culture present in each place.
Exam stress is one of the most common feelings among young students. However, this
could at least be reduced with a little help from the tutors, as well as from the university itself
so that students feel more secure at the time of the exam, having a more relaxed mindset.

First of all, when educators are teaching their students, one of the points that they should
focus on most should be in the way students prepared for the exam, always trying to advise
them in the best possible way. Therefore, teachers could create fixed schedules in advance
to allow review classes, in which they would be able to clarify all their students' doubts so
that they could perform in a better way possible in the exam, always bearing in mind that
exams are no dilemma, that they do not summarize a person’s entire life.

Notwithstanding, the most important factor that can compromise the performance of a
student during a test, many times, is limited to the way of dealing with anxiety and
nervousness. Furthermore, something that schools and universities should be creating is
related to different clubs in which students could spend their free time, in order to break a
little of the daily stress routine with a little time and in order to establish also more ties with
each other.

Thus, I consider it extremely important that all educational establishments start to try to
implement these measures so that the young people of the present can have bright futures.
Languages in Portugal

The main aim of this report is to expose some of the foreign languages, which are learned in
Portugal, who and which are the languages people tend to invest their time in, as well as,
some advice on how to improve Portuguese learning, along with other languages.

Foreign languages
Normally, in Portugal, everyone has the possibility to learn new languages, just depending
on the will of the person. However, children and teenagers have included English, French,
Spanish in their compulsory school learning.

Moreover, people who need to improve their skills in any language, whether they need to be
able to apply into college or job offers, or even just if they want to feed their brain with more
knowledge, they always have the opportunity to join a specialized language schools to do

Thus, the most spoken languages in Portugal are usually Romance languages, which
include Portuguese, Spanish, French and Italian, but also Germanic languages, such as
English, German, and sometimes Dutch. Usually, these are the languages that people tend
to learn the most, since these are some of the most widely spoken languages around the
world, as well as being considered easier for Portuguese people.

Improving language recommendations

In Portugal, the most fun way to learn to speak Portuguese will definitely be to visit museums
around "The big cities", such as Porto and Lisbon, trying to get in touch with the people who
are there as much as possible, in order to interact with the language itself, progressively
developing it.

Furthermore, so as to gain knowledge about other languages the most effective way will be
to join a language school, with a tutor, who can teach you not only how to speak a language
but also how to apply it in everyday life. On the other hand, as most of the television series
and the songs on the radio are from foreign countries, I think that watching and listening to
them would be a great and different method of learning new languages.

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