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A person I admire

My mother is my first teacher, my guide, my best friend and a person I admire. She
is someone I can always talk to, she gives me advice and finds a solution to every
problem of mine. She´s the kindest person I know, I haven´t met anyone like her.
Her personality is so unique, she´s the kind of person that everyone would be
amazed by; I´m not saying that just because she´s my mother, but I just strongly
believe she´s liked by everyone that has met her.
She has done so much for me, has supported me through all my life and I truly
appreciate that so much and that´s why I admire her. She has always tried her best
to raise me and my siblings well, I think of her as such an incredible, strong,
independent woman. She has taught me so many things in life, her love towards
me really inspires me and makes me more confident in myself. She is a real
blessing of God, an excellent example of love, affection and sacrifice. I aspire to be
like her someday because, she truly is the person I admire the most.

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