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Subject Mathematics 7 (Numbers and Number Sense)

Subject Matter Most Essential Learning Competencies:

 Describes the union and intersection of sets and the difference of two sets.
 Illustrates set operations using Venn diagram.
 Solves problems involving sets with the use of Venn diagram.

TOPIC: Operations on Sets

Objectives The students will learn to:

 Define and describe the union and intersection of sets and complement of a
 Use Venn diagrams to represent set operations.
 Solve problems involving sets using Venn diagram.

Materials Whiteboard

Modality Face to Face

Time Allotment 6 Hours

I. Preliminary Activities

 Opening Prayer
 Greetings
 Checking of Attendance

II. Explore

A. Motivation

“What’s your favorite fruits?”

1. Ask the students what their favorite fruits are.
2. Let them list 3 fruits.
3. Compare their preferences to one another.

III. Firm-up

A. Intersection and Union

1. Intersection

a. Definition
- The intersection of sets A and B, written A ∩ B , is the set containing the elements that are
common to both A and B.

b. Disjoint Sets
- When A and B have no common elements, then A ∩ B={}.


c. Example: Motivation Part – What fruit/s do you and your seatmate both have a favorite on?
d. Drills: Textbook, page 22 – Try this.

2. Union

a. Definition
- The union of sets A and B, written A ∪B , is the set of all elements that are in A, or in B, or in
both A and B.

b. Example: Motivation Part – What is the union of your favorite fruits with your seatmate?
c. Drills: Textbook, page 23 – Try this.

B. Difference of Two Sets

1. Definition
- If A and B are two sets, then their difference is given by A-B or B-A. A-B is the set of all elements of A
that are not in B. B-A is the set of all elements of B that are not in A.


2. Example: Motivation Part - What is the difference between your sets?

3. Drills: Textbook, page 24 – Try this.

C. Complement of a Set

1. Definition
- The complement of a set A, written A’, is the set of elements in the universal set that are not in A.

2. Example: Set of Seminarians
3. Drills: Textbook, page 25 – Try this
4. Compare and Contrast the Venn diagrams of the different operations on set.

D. Solving Problems using Venn Diagram

1. Venn Diagrams Stories

- Basing on the presented Venn diagrams, interpret it and make a short story out of it.

2. Describing Venn Diagrams using Set Notation

a. Examples and Drills: Textbook, page 27 – Example 8
b. Using Venn diagram to solve problems. Textbook, page 28 – Try this.

IV. Deepen

1. Activities

a. “Diagram Shading”
- Given the set notations, shade the region in the Venn diagram that is being described.

b. Problem Solving
Textbook, pages 29 – 30.

2. Valuing
Friendship. In your circle of friends, you all have a common intersection, that’s why you stayed together.
Maybe sometimes, you and your friend almost walk, talk and laugh the same way. Or sometimes, we you
have a misunderstanding and leads you to be disjoint. But in the end of the day, the bond and relation
between you and your friends, matters the most.

3. Generalization
Recitation: Can anyone sum up what we discussed today?

4. Self-evaluation
a. Are you able to define and describe the union and intersection of sets and complement of a set?
b. Are you able to use Venn diagrams to represent set operations?
c. Are you able to solve problems involving sets using Venn diagram?

5. Assessment:
Situation Analysis
Textbook, page 32 – numbers 17-19

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