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Read Chapter 10, pages 138 - 148

Overview of Chapter 10
In Chapter 10 we find out that Dad is going to upset Momma’s notebook plans by driving
straight through to Alabama from Ohio. When they finally stop at a rest area in Tennessee
and see the Appalachian Mountains, the whole family gets affected by an eerie sort of feeling
that may be caused by the higher altitude or just may have something to do with thinking
about “crackers and rednecks...that ain’t never seen no Negroes before.”

Fears & Differences

Discuss the fears & differences that are shown in this chapter.
1. Red necks
2. The dark
3. Hilly Billies
4. Crackers
5. Mom’s anger- She swears- ‘Hell’

1. Cleanliness – Out houses
Fresh air
2. Mountains
3. Stars
4. Country music
5. Air/Breeze

Why are the Watson children frightened when the family stops in Tennessee?

The children are afraid because the are in the dark “everything disappeared into the darkest
Red necks and crackers who they were going to eat them according to Byron.
They were afraid of a pump because they thought it looked like a “a deformed, evil, one-
armed space robot.”
They were scared of the mountains because they looked like “giant shapes in the
darkness.” And felt intimidating.

Characters’ Perspectives
Why is Momma angry that Dad has not followed the driving schedule?
She is angry because he did not follow the guide she worked restlessly to make and instead
skipped a stop without giving her any information on what he planned to do.
“Instead of being in a motel you drove us straight to hell.”

Why do you think that Byron was so nervous about being near the Appalachian
Mountains, especially in the dark?
He was afraid of the crackers and rednecks that were found in the Appalachian area.
This was because these people had never seen black people before and would likely act
with hostility towards them. “If they caught your ass out here like this, they’d hang you
now, then eat you later”

Ask students the following question:
At this point in the story, with which character do you most closely identify?
Why? What makes you similar to that character?
-3-5 minutes to talk about these questions with their partner.
- Take turn listening, and then sharing out their ideas.
- Ask for a few volunteers to share their partner’s ideas.

The Watson family seemed to get some pretty weird feelings when they were near the
Appalachian Mountains. They couldn’t wait to get back on the car- briefly discuss the fears
of individual members
Kenny Momma’s anger
“Momma almost never cusses, this really scared me”

Joetta Dark
“Daddy look how scary it is”

Byron Red necks and Crackers

“It’s the people I’m worried about”

Wilona The dark

“you’ve driven us straight to hell”

Daniel Momma’s anger

“This got everyone’s attention”

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