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Km 41, Corona Drive, Beside Corona School,

Abijo GRA Lekki Epe- Expressway, Lagos

9th December, 2022.

The President.

Vina Progressive Association ,

Lagos State Nigeria.

We the above named organization hereby wish to appreciate you for the privilege given to
us to table our need before your reputable organization, we are currently in need of the
following items;

1 Toiletries

- Soap, Toilet Roll, Towel, Tooth Pastes, Adult diapers, Dettol, Body cream, Air Freshener
and sanitizer

2 Food Items

3 - Beverages

4 - supplement.

Presently we have relocated to no 1, Clement Pele Street, Ogombo due to some

challenges we had at our formal facility. Most of our seniors had to be moved back to
there various houses, only four senior are currently in our new place because of the size.

We also want to use this medium to invite you to our medical and material
outreach coming up 18th of December 2022 at Ibeju-Lekki. We will appreciate
your kind support.

Thanks for your anticipated support.

Yours faithfully ,
Ayokunle Moses.

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