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Vako Khachidze



My dear reader, what is the thing called “Independence” and why is it so

necessary for us? Well, it is the fact or state of being independent. To be exact
independence means to be resourceful — to be able to adapt to any situation and
satisfy your needs with what you have. It is to take responsibility for your actions
and be aware of the consequences, be brave and take the risk of trusting only
yourself. As Obama once said, “Our responsibility as citizens is to address the
inequalities and injustices that linger, and we must secure our birthright freedoms for
all people”. So, as you probably already guessed, the most important part of
independence is that it promises freedom — the most essential for human lives, one
we crave and chase, beg and war for. This is because it is nothing but a chance to be
better. After all, if nothing else, having a freedom guarantees, that one can live life
way oneself wants, led by the free will, which was bestowed upon us by the God

Now, when I have already explained to you what “Independence” means, I

should state my opinion, which is, that independence is a necessity, we must thrive
for it and have thirst for the benefits it brings to the table. I hope, that you are an
open-minded fellow and get what I am saying. If so, you could stop reading this
essay and do whatever you wish. But, if you could not process what I have written
above, then you should hang in there for a little while, friend. This essay in addition
with few arguments from below will help you get the point.

First of all, being independent boosts your self-esteem and confidence. This
is Because independent person takes full control of life and that person is ready to
accept duties that come with it. Therefore, every time he falls down exhausted it will
be he’s fault and when he claims sweet victory it will count as his achievement. I
repeat, his and his only. There will not be a single soul to judge him. This way, there
will always be plenty of rooms for mistakes to explore, resolve and to progress by this
knowledge and experience. Or, as Kilroy Oldster would say : “Living is a process of
developing oneself. Without experiencing pain from disconcerting periods of our lives,
we would be different person, perhaps a lesser person”. The way you feel about
yourself and confidence are key parts about independence. There is no such thing as
a perfect human being, everyone is imperfect in some way — that is what makes us

Secondly, as I already said, independence is synonymous to freedom. In fact,

they quite literally can not exist without each other. As a result, if we want to achieve
freedom so desirable, we have to learn how to be independent. Then and only then,
we can live life freely from chains of society, but we must guard other’s
independence too, “ for to be free is not to merely cast off one’s chains, but to live in
a way, that respects and enhances the freedom of others” as stated by Nelson
Mandela. In addition to freedom, with independence you automatically gain the ability
to choose your own lifestyle. In other words, one can fully follow his own free will
and dedicate resources on self-improvement, with no fear of critics and regret.
Therefore, utilising maximum of one’s potential, “ for everything that is really great
and inspiring is created by the individual who can labour in freedom “ — words of a
genius Einstein.

Last but not least, I want to show you, dear reader, why it is so bad to be
dependant on someone or something. People who have excessive dependency needs
tend to have hard time making everyday decisions without a great deal of advice and
reassurance from others. They also avoid conflict, because they fear losing the support
and approval of important people in their lives. Consequently, this could cause serious
emotional and maybe even physical traumas, when there is no one around to assist
dependant one in solving the problem.

All things considered life without independence is like a body without a spirit.
It is one of the first priorities for human to live along with air, water and sun. With
this simple comparison I wanted to make you truly see and realise how much of a
major part it plays in the formation of healthy and mentally stable, conscious human
being, who has his values and morals set for right directions

To sum it all up, with the help of this essay, buddy, I hope that you got the
answer to the question stated in the very first sentence of this text. After taking
everything into account, author of this not so gibberish writing really thinks that he
forced your brain to exercise a little bit and made some changes in the way of your
thinking. Lastly, I am glad, if I assisted you in one way or another with the process
of your coming into educated, well-mannered and mainly free human being, who
knows what it means to have independence!

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