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They say feeling good is better than doing good but I believe, doing good is the one that

can make us feel better. I stand for the right side which is about the conservatism as a political
ideology which is about being committed to traditional values and traditions with opposition to
change or innovation. As per our generation, numerous social and economic problems transpire
due to criminality and unlawful acts. From where I stand, I view conservatism as having the key
to the improvement of our society and the world. Many people believe that change can be the
best answer and change is something that should happen gradually in order to change the society.
But as a conservative individual, I believe that not all change can result to progress. Also, it is
not the society that we should change, it is the behavior of every individual which make up the
society. I believe that character education is more important that changing the society as a whole
because how can we achieve peace and freedom if we, ourselves, doesn’t have the good
character which can contribute to the improvement of the society? Having the focus on character
education of every individual by changing their own self and personal actions than changing the
societal system as a whole is one of the great foundation of a conservative government. I think
it’s one of the most prominent movement of the society because a failure of one’s character is
not the fault of the societal conditions.

Personally speaking, I can say that the improvement of our society doesn’t always caused
by earning new knowledge, views or solutions. Conservatism doesn’t really reject new ideas but
it only give importance to traditions in order to keep peace and order in the society. For me,
conservatism is not about having no freedom, it’s just that our freedom should be controlled. Our
society isn’t perfect and people isn’t naturally good that’s why our society have rules and orders
to be followed. For me, doing what we want and doing what we like isn’t already a freedom.
Because one can only be free if he/she has the character of an individual that is part of a Utopian
society. We are not perfectly made in this world that’s why authority and order are implemented
which only means that we should be controlled by the government. Why don’t we view the word
“control” in a positive way? As a conservative individual, I do believe that being controlled
means being ordered and not being forced. In addition to that, having the hierarchy or leveling of
people doesn’t mean having inequality. For me, Authority plays a very important role to rule and
govern the society and it was always our choice if we want a good government or not. On the
first place, we are the one who chooses our leaders and our country is in our hands. Therefore,
society needs a strong sense of leadership in order to prevent human society from collapsing by
their own.

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