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Water and electricity are one of the most important resources in our daily life, they

are the factors make all the things in this life running normally, so we have to use it
in an effective way. But there are sad reality that many people do not use these two
source economically, you can see many images of our small habits like forgetting
turn off the light, (forgetting turn off ) and electric stuffs when not in use, or using
too much water when not necessary,…. You will think it just a small bad habit, but
you will never know how much the consequences can be. These can lead to the
lack of water and electricity, because of using too much or wasting( water and
electricity) them irresponsibly make we to exploit more energies for human
demands, and these process can cause many problem to the environment, we
would have no more water, other resources and the polluted environment be worse
and worse, after all of that, there will no more place for human to live, cause
human diseases, even lead to the extinction of human. That is terrible, isn’t it? so I
hope that people must be aware of what they are doing, when it maybe cause
serious concequenceses that we never know before. In addition, I also have some
advices for you guys if you are one of these people I mention: please remember use
anything in a effective way, don’t waste them, and live more responsibly with your

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