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University of Southeastern Philippines

Tagum-Mabini Campus
College of Agriculture and Related Sciences

Midterm Examination
ABE 315 – Computer Applications in AB Engineering


Instructions: Read carefully and answer correctly.

Test I. ESSAY (10 points each)

1. What is GIS? Discuss its importance to agriculture sector.

-Geographic Information System (GIS) is a system designed to analyze, create, manage, and map different type of data,
these data could be spatial or geographic. The use of GIS in agriculture aids precision farming, thus helping farmers
increase yield and decrease cost by allowing improved management of land resources. Through GIS there is precise and
easy analyzation and visualizing of data in a map, which makes decision making in the field more accurate and reliable.

2. What is the various GIS spatial interpolation techniques? Discuss its features, advantages, and disadvantages.
- Spatial interpolation techniques attempt to determine likely values, often raster data, in a given space. There are
many different interpolation methods, the most common of these methods are Ordinary Kriging (OK), Inverse
Distance Weighting (IDW), Local Polynomial interpolation (LPI) and Radial Basis Function (RBF).

Ordinary Kriging is a group of geostatic interpolation, it assumes the existence of spatial autocorrelation. The
advantage of Ordinary Kriging is it being flexible, standard prediction errors can be obtained and has many decision
parameters, its disadvantages is it does not pass through all the points and it causes interpolation of values higher or
lower. The use of Local Polynomial interpolation fits many polynomials each within specified overlapping
neighborhoods, its advantages includes being sensitive to neighborhood distance and the spatial condition number
surface shows variation in the numerical model stability. The disadvantages of LPI on the other hand is the existence
of Surface Holes. IDW assumes that each input point has a local influence that diminishes with distance, the use of
IDW has many advantages among which is the ability to estimate extreme changes in terrain, well interpolation of
dense evenly spaced points and it can increase or decrease quantity of sample points to effect cell values.
Nevertheless, the disadvantages of using IDW are being not very reliable on peaks or on mountainous areas and it
cannot estimate above maximum or below maximum values. RBF’s advanatages are being flexible and automatic
with some decisions parameters, useful for estimating the maximum above, and minimum below the points, produces
smooth surfaces while its disadvanatages includes, not being able to evaluate interpolation errors and does not work
well when points are close to each other.

3. Discuss the two primary data presentation in GIS. How does Scale (scaling) affect our view on each data models?
- Two primary data presentation in GIS are the Vector and Raster forms. Vectors are presented as either points, lines,
or polygons. By contrast, rasters are countinous data or those which does not have hard boundaries or locations.
Scaling changes the range of the data.

4. Explain why Map Projections may have interesting political implications.

Prepared by:

Sheila C. Cogay
1st Sem 2021-2022

Number of Copies: 50 (Via USeP MVLE platform)


Signature and Date

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